Chapter 14

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"Morning Rae-Rae." Garf spoke tiredly, kissing my nose, causing me to stir.

"Off to work?" I rubbed my eyes with my blanket as I curled up tighter.

"Yes ma'am, you know the routine." He smiled slyly at me." What'd ya say to a quickie before work?" He sat down on the bed, rubbing his hand up my thigh.

"Sneak peek." I grumbled tiredly. He let out a disappointed groan, I grabbed him by his ears, and pulled him against my lips, kissing him long, hard, and passionately, gliding my tongue across his lip, then shoved him away.

"That's it?" He squeaked.

"Yup." I buried my head into the pillows and blankets.

"Fine, I love you babe, see ya tonight." I heard the door quietly latch, then the lock click.

I sighed heavily, rolling onto my back, looking around our flat, the kitchen and living room were near the front door, our bed at the far end, the enclosed bathroom next to our bed; it wasn't much, but with it just being the two of us, it was enough. I didn't have to work today, I worked at the library downtown, it was honestly the best job, I basically got to read all day, most days. I would head over around 1 o'clock and some nights I would have to stay late, putting books back in their places, depending on that days haul. So some times I wouldn't get home until midnight.

Since leaving the tower Beast Boy and I had to get jobs to pay for our home, food, vehicles and other things; we didn't mind it. I finally got up and showered, then dried off, dressed and ready for the day. I decided to take a walk around town, get some coffee, some food, maybe Star would want to come out. I texted her while I did my hair, I didn't get a text back until I was headed out the door. She wanted to meet at the popular coffee shop next to the mall.

When I arrived, she greeted me with a hug, we got our coffee's and sat and chatted.

"How have things been friend Raven?" Star said in her soft sweet voice.

"Good, B and I both have jobs, I work at the library, B delivers pizzas." I smirked halfheartedly.

"But how have you been doing?" She asked.

"Kinda bored ya know; not having crimes to fight. Have you seen cyborg since.." I trailed off as Star shook her head slowly.

"I'm afraid not, Robin has tried contacting him, but nothing." She said down hearted.

"Do we know if he's at the tower?" I asked, Star slowly nodded.

"He won't let anyone in, we are afraid for him friend Raven. Perhaps he would let Beast Boy in?" She smirked hopeful.

"I'll see what I can do, for now, why don't we go get some lunch." I smiled lightly. Star and I carried on with light chatter, lunch, and shopping, until we said our good byes and went home.

Once I was home, I pulled a box out from under my bed, that had my old cloak, leotard, belt and shoes in it; but what I was looking for was my communicator. I finally found it tucked away under it all, I wiped a layer of dust and lint from the screen of the round communicator. I turned it on, and pressed on Cyborg's picture, listening to it ring for several minutes, until finally I hung it up, pressing the location icon; seeing that Cyborg was in fact at the tower.

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