Chapter 16

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After what felt like days, which I think was actually years, I was finally at my front door. I tiredly unlocked the door, and opened it, stumbling my way inside, seeing Gar waiting for me on the couch.

"Where've you been?" He stood to his feet, irritation between his brows, I sighed shutting the door behind me, kicking off my shoes, and dropping my jacket and bag on the floor." You couldn't call me, or even a text?"

"I'm really tired can we talk about it tomorrow?" I whined.

"No, you already had me up all night worrying, so you can tell me now." He crossed his arms eyeing me harshly.

"I was helping Cyborg." I sat down on the couch sighing heavily.

"What?" He looked at me confused, softening a bit.

"He was working himself to death trying to build a time machine, so he could save Jinx." I explained, Gar now sitting on the couch next to me." So I used a spell to take us back, and.." I felt tears well up in my eyes thinking about it." And uh, we did it, he has her back." Tears poured out of my eyes, and Gar quickly pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, for helping him." Gar whispered in my ear." I never could."

"What'd you mean?" I pulled away wiping my tears.

"I would go see him after work, or on break I'd bring him lunch, he would shut down the traps for me, but he wouldn't talk." Gar explained, rubbing his hands together nervously.

"How long have you been doing that?" I asked.

"Since we all moved out of the tower." He confessed." Hungry?" He jumped up going toward the kitchen.

"Yeah, feels like I haven't eaten in years." I joked. Gar brought me a large bowl filled with lettuce and spinach, covered with various vegetables, and of course ranch my favorite dressing." Thank you."

"So, uh, I need to tell you something." He nervously rubbed his hands together again.

"Are you pregnant?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"What, no, why, no, I'm not." He laughed nervously.

"Are we breaking up?" I blurted.

"No, no, not in a million years! Just let me say it, so I was on my way back from my last delivery, and sorta found something." He got to his feet, and opened the bathroom door, a Labrador puppy came bolting out straight toward me. I quickly used my powers to put a shield up in front of me, the puppy smashing into it.

"What is that?" I said irritated.

"A puppy, he was lost, cold, and hungry, I had to bring him home." Gar gave me puppy dog eyes as he hugged the pup tight.

"No, we agreed we wouldn't house animals, because I know you, and then it'll be another animal, then another, pretty soon we'll become a shelter." I crossed my arms and raised a brow at him." No, he leaves tomorrow morning." I trudged off to the bathroom to enjoy my salad without being stared at.

"It'll just be him so promise!" Gar yelled through the door.

"He'll be miserable here, we work everyday." I stated.

"But you don't go to work until later in the afternoon." He whined.

"I'm not taking care of something I don't want." I sighed placing my salad on the counter.

"But he's so cute!" I flung the door open shooting daggers at him.

"Where's he sleeping?" I growled, a huge smile spreading across Gar and the puppy's face.

"Thank you so much babe!" He picked me up into a tight hug spinning me around, the puppy jumping around excitedly too.

"He stays off the bed." I demanded.

" I know I know no problem." He still dances around with the puppy.


I woke up to a cold wet nose poking me in the face, I opened my eyes slowly, jumping back when I saw big brown eyes right in front of me. It was the puppy he was in my bed, I pushed him off the bed, and rolled up tightly in my covers. Then I heard him whining directly behind me, I kicked Gar, and he mumbled awake.

"What is it?" He grumbled, his eyes not even opened.

"Your dog needs to go outside." I growled. Gar started snoring again, gosh dang it I knew this would happen. I angrily flung my blankets off, and picked up the puppy taking him out to the yard, dropping him into the grass." Now go, do your business." I crossed my arms watching the dog, as he just stared at my with big eyes, happily wagging his tail. Damn it this dog was cute, why did Gar have to bring him home?" Okay, if you're going to stay here, you're gonna need a name." I sighed, kneeling down next to the pup.

He happily hopped onto my lap, giving me a small lick on the arm, then curled up, nuzzling against me." But we can talk about it tomorrow, let's go back inside, and get back in bed."

We went back in the house, quietly crawling back into bed, allowing the puppy to curl up between Gar and I.

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