Chapter 13

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"Happy birthday to you!" Robin blew out his candles, we ate cake, ice cream, and enjoyed each other's company.

"So the big two oh." Cyborg nudged Robin's shoulder.

"Yeah, I've uh, been meaning to talk to you guys about that." We all became quiet focusing our attention on him," I'm leaving the Teen Titans, and Star wants to come with me." He lowered his gaze not making eye contact.

"What, you're gonna leave just like that?" Cy protested.

"Look, I'm not a teen anymore, and Cyborg, I think you would be a great leader of the Titans." Robin smirked.

"What're we going to do without you, and Star?" Beast Boy spoke up.

"You guys can either carry on the Titans, or, I guess we go our separate ways." Robin spoke with pain in his voice.

"Robin, you started the Titans though." Cyborg argued.

"Then I guess we go our separate ways." Beast Boy's voice cracked. Everyone sat silently not looking at each other.

"I will miss all of you." Star fire spoke softly, all of us looking up at her, she gave each of us a hug.

"I'll miss you too." I said quietly as I hugged her tightly. We all hugged each other, Robin lingering as he hugged me last.

"Stay safe." He whispered.

"I will, be good to her." I whispered back. I never mentioned it, but Robin and I had a connection, or bond I guess, every since he helped save me from my father. We were close, I told him things, and he told me things, like brother and sister I guess.

"I definitely will, this isn't goodbye, it's just see ya later." He let me go, and left to go finish packing his things, Starfire also going to pack her stuff.

"So what're we going to do?" Beast Boy was sitting on my bed, picking at the hem of his pants.

"I guess we leave." I set my book back on the bookshelf.

"Leave, where?" He seemed panicked.

"I don't know?" I pushed my hands through my hair.

"Well, maybe, me and you could, you know, get our own place?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"A place?" I looked at him," just me and you?" He nodded, I went and sat next to him," yeah." I smiled.

"Yeah?" He smiled back," really? We're gonna do this?" He grabbed my hand." I'll go start a job as soon as possible, and start saving up for a place." He spoke excitedly.

"Me too, I'll keep an eye out for places." I smirked. The mood then became heavy again.

"What's going to happen to the tower if we leave?" Beast Boy looked at me solemn.

"I don't know?" I spoke softly.

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