Chapter 12

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"Gar, Garfield." I choked on my own blood as I started at him through a swollen bloody eye. His face was contorted into hatred as he hovered over me, breathing heavily." Gar." I gurgled, tears streaming from my eyes.

I bolted up in bed, sweat glistening on my skin as I panted in fear. I dropped my face into my hands trying to calm my breathing, I let out a shaky breath as I lifted my head, noticing I was in bed alone. Where did Beast Boy go? I slowly stepped out of bed skimming my dark room, no one was in here, I peered out of the door, looking down the dim lit hallway, nothing. My heart was racing as I continued to look down the hallway at Beast Boys door, deep claw marks were embedded into his door. My heart was pounding against my chest so hard I though it might bust my ribs, I closed my door and locked it, quickly climbing back into bed; curling up under my blankets, feeling slightly safer. I quietly whispered to myself, squeezing my eyes shut in fear, sweat trickling across my forehead, as I cried. I desperately tried to push the thoughts from my mind, as I shook in fear.

"It's okay, it's okay, it isn't coming back, it's gone, forever, stop thinking about it, shh, shh, shh, shhhhhhh, shhhhhhh, shhhhhhhh." I was lulling myself either into sleep or a trance, I wasn't sure, whatever calmed down. My breath started to come slowly, and deeper, my face relaxed the nervous twitches stopped, I was calm again.

"Breakfast!" Cyborg yelled down the hallway and my eyes snapped open, it was morning, close to noon actually; I had fallen asleep. Well that was nice.

I sat up in bed stretching my arms, my legs, popping my back, getting the ache out of my joints. I got up taking off my sleep shirt shirt, and slipped into galaxy patterned leggings, a black crop top, I pulled on my red gem, gold belt, my fingerless gloves, and lastly my purple cloak. Ah, comfy. I twisted a loose braid into my mid-back length hair, I still need to get this cut. I left my room and strolled down the hallway, I slowed as I passed Beast Boy's door, a poster hung on his door now, that was new. I peeked back one of the corner of the poster seeing the marks were still there, my breath staggered. As I quickly backed away from the door, practically sprinting out to the living room.

"Well good morning." Cyborg sang as he set out the plates, glasses, and silverware.

"Morning." I sighed and lightly smiled at him. I went over and pulled the juice from the fridge filling a glass for myself." Sleep good?" I asked casually.

"Very good, best sleep I've had in a while." He smiled." What about you?" My spine chilled.

"Uh, decent." Nice save.

"Good morning Cyborg, Raven." Robin came strolling out casually, wearing a red zip up hoodie, with a big black and yellow "R" on the front, jeans, and boots, his hair wasn't perfectly done like it usually was, and he wasn't wearing his mask. What the heck?

"Uh, good morning?" Cyborg winked. Robin seemed a little in lala land.

"Huh, oh yeah, just slept really god last night." He declined in his chair, sighed deeply.

"Morning of the good my friends." Star fire floated over to the table very relaxed as well. Her hair messily pulled back, her loose purple crop top hung off her shoulder, her sweats rolled down, revealing the elastic of her lace underwear.

"Good morning." I smiled a light blush on my cheeks, these two weren't fooling anyone.

"So what's for breakfast?" Robin sat up a little straighter.

"Pancakes baby!" Cyborg dropped the Mountain of pancakes on the table, the three of the immediately choking down. I grabbed two pancakes, and hash browns, noticing it was quieter than usual.

"Where's Beast Boy?" I looked at Cyborg.

"Uh," he cleared his throat," he's sleeping, he had a long night, wasn't feeling good." He was uneasy.

"How do you know?" I asked, he said he slept great last night.

"Oh I woke up at one point, I heard him up, so I checked on him, and helped him to bed, it was nothing." He shrugged.

"Was he sick?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, he had a fever, but nothing serious." Cyborg shrugged again trying to seem nonchalant." I'll go check on him later." He sipped his juice.

What I dreamt about last night, and what I saw last night, it wasn't an ordinary fever, Beast Boy was fighting the Were-Beast last night. What I didn't know, was what had caused it to show up again, was it the mention of it, what happened? I would check on him at a certain point today, maybe if I finished before Cyborg, otherwise I would have to wait a while before I checked on him. I slowly and thoroughly enjoyed my breakfast, as Cyborg started his second plate of food. As I finished I sipped down the rest of my juice, then put my dishes into the sink.

"Thank you." I nodded toward Cyborg, and floated past him down the hallway toward Beast Boy's room. The anxiety started to build in my chest as I approached his room. I raised my hand to knock, but my hand wouldn't budge, as I stood there breathing heavily. My hand shakily tapped his door.

"Who is it?" His voice had an edge.

"Raven." I said shakily, the door opened, and he quickly pulled me in, slamming the door behind us. He pushed me up against the door crashing his lips into mine, kissing every inch he could get his lips on.

He lifted me up, wrapping my legs around him, he continued kissing me furiously, sliding his tongue into my mouth. He pulled off my cloak, then my shirt, and he stared working on my leggings, that's when I noticed he was already naked, sweaty, and dirty, thirst in his eyes. He came back up to lips, holding my face between his hands kissing me wildly again. I felt his nails dig into the sides of my head, the hair on his body start to grow. I snapped my eyes open, and used my powers to shove him away, and get him away from me. I watched as he transformed into the Were-Beast. I pulled my cloak on wrapping it tightly around myself, and put a forcefield around myself.

"No, no, no." I whispered in fear as I rocked back and forth, tears streaming from my eyes. My sobs of terror became louder, as I pleaded with Beast Boy." Gar, don't this." I cried. I heard the low growl get closer to me, it was right in front of me. I opened my eyes, seeing it's dark eyes look at me, interest in its eyes, as he scanned over me," Gar?" I spoke softly. He snorted as he continued to stare at me. I lowered my shield, and stayed very still as he inched closer smelling me. My heart was pounding in my ears, as I felt his hot breaths puff against my skin. He pressed his nose into my hair, huffing his slow breaths into my hair.

"Raven?" His voice cracked, I turned seeing that he was himself again, he could clearly see the terror on my face," I'm so sorry." He cringed his face, wrapping his arms around me," I lost control, don't worry I'm back in control again." He hugged me tightly, placing his hand to the back of my head," I would never forgive myself if I hurt you Rave."

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