Chapter 7

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I cracked my dry eyes open. The sun was blinding, I raised my hands trying to shade my eyes. The sand was burning my bare skin. I got up and quickly splashed water onto my face, rubbing my dry eyes. What part of the island was I at? None of this looked familiar. Now that I was looking around nothing looked familiar. I was sitting by a lake, that had a sandy beach surrounding it. Trees only ten feet from the lake. What the heck happened last night? I stood up to look around and my head started throbbing like it was going to explode.

"B?" I looked around dizzy, trying to find Beast Boy. My eyes wouldn't focus, they were spinning around like crazy. I put my hands over my eyes," B?" I called again.

"Raven? Rave." Beast Boy was struggling to get up from the ground, to come and calm me.

"What's- where, did?" I was stuttering trying to get my mind into one piece

"Raven." Beast Boy was finally able to get up, and rushed to my side," you're okay, you're okay." He wrapped his arms around, I pressed my face into his shoulder, and he stroked my hair.

"What's going on?" I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Um, come sit down, I'll explain this to you," he led me over to a rock, and sat me down," the mushrooms, you ate yesterday, they made you hallucinate, and-"

"You drugged me?" I interrupted.

"I guess you could say-"

"You drugged me!" I shoved him away from me," I can't believe this, I can't, I can't believe this, why would you do that?"

"Raven-" I started laughing." Why are you laughing?" He looked at me confused, grabbing me.

"You drugged me." I laughed harder.

"I did, but I thought you knew." He was still confused.

"I've never done drugs in my life," I grabbed his face," but you know what, that is the most fun I've ever had, so you ever want to do something crazy again, let me know." I was laughing so hard, tears were streaming from my eyes.

"Okay." He started laughing along with me. He grabbed my face too, and pressed his forehead to mine, we were still laughing." Every time, every time." He chuckled.

"You better." I patted his face laughing still.

We cleaned up, and went looking for more food to add to our supply. Beast Boy kicking the ground every now and then, looking for vegetables.

"Oh, no way." Beast Boy picked up a rotten fruit," this is an apple, that's means there's gotta be an apple tree somewhere." He was smiling from ear to ear. He turned into a small bird and took off through the trees, I quickly followed after him. Soon after, believe it or not we found a freaking apple tree! We used my cloak to carry them back to our shelter, this was one of the best things to happen to us since being on this island. We immediately started munching on apples, enjoying the fresh juices, this was bliss.

"I wish we had something to put the juice into." I said sucking the juice out of my apple.

"Well for now, I think just leaving it in the Apple is the best." He chuckled.

"I feel like it's been a long time since I've had apple juice." I savored every chew and bite of my apple.

When we had our fill of apples, we were laying back in the warm sand looking out at the stars, that sparkling and glimmered.

"You don't see this back at home in Jump City." Beast Boy laid next to me with hands rested behind his head.

"It's Beautiful, this will be the one thing I miss." I smiled.

"What's the other thing?" Beast Boy asked curiously. I propped up onto my elbow and looked at him, stroking his scruffy chin.

"Being this close to you." I whispered into his ear, kissed his cheek, then glided my lips over to his, softly kissing him.

"Me too." He smirked, kissing me roughly, dragging his tongue across my lip.

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