Chapter 3

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Days had passed and we were now sleeping in our shore side shelter. Beast Boy had his arms wrapped around me, with his nose pressed into my mud caked hair. It had been a rough few days, it started raining after our first day on the island, for three days, making mud slides. Yeah I fell down into a mud slide, all the way down.
The mud had dried and was stiffening in my hair, creating huge knots. Same for Beast Boy's hair, matted with mud, knots galore, hair sticking out in weird ways. We hadn't slept properly in all that time, so we were finally sleeping soundly. We were too tired to wash the mud off, we would do it when we woke up.

It was a nice warm day, with a slight cool breeze that wafted into our shelter once in a while. We had gotten more comfortable with each other by this point, knowing that we would be spending a lot of time together helped us get past our differences, and just get along. We had been eating nothing but berries, and leaves, Beast Boy wouldn't let me kill any of the animals, not even a bug. So let's just say I was starving.

"Good morning." Beast Boy stretched out his limps, and fell limp again with a sigh.

"Good morning." I smiled stretching my legs out." I'm gonna go clean up." I yawned.

I scooted out of the small shelter, and stepped into the warm sand sighing. I got into the water with all my clothes on cleaning them off as well. I pulled off my cloak and started scrubbing the chunks of mud out of it. I rung out the water and draped my cloak over a nearby rock. I went deeper into the water and started stripping off my clothes, scrubbing the mud off. I stepped out of the water covering myself with my rung out clothes I quickly draped them over another rock and dove back into the water. I was now scrubbing the mud out of my hair. I was working hard on getting the mud out of my hair, when another pair of hands started to assist me, scaring the heck out of me. I turned around to see Beast Boy smugly smiling at me.

"What're you doing?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I saw you struggling and thought I would come help." He shrugged, and I noticed he wasn't wearing any clothing. I admit I blushed." Turn around, let me help you." I smiled and turned around letting him help me scrub the mud out of my hair.

When my hair was finally mud free I started working on his hair, getting the hunks of mud out of it. Finally his dark green hair was clean. I stepped out of the water and went and sat in our shelter, covering myself with my now dry cloak, that we used as our blanket. Beast Boy came and sat next to me wrapping his arm around me. I was wringing out my hair, that I had let grow out over the years, and putting it into a tangled braid, tying a piece of hair around the end to secure it.

"You're beautiful." Beast Boy said very close to my ear, moving down to my neck and kissed it. I turned my head and pressed my forehead to his.

"What're you doing?" I breathed.

"You're so beautiful, I can't help it." He gently placed his hand on my cheek, and I gingerly touched his bottom lip with my thumb.

I bit my lip, trying to calm my breathing. Beast Boy pulled my hand away from his lip, intertwined his fingers with mine, and pressed his lips to mine. A long passionate kiss, that made my chest feel like it was on fire. Beast Boy dropped his hand to the base of my neck, I brought my hand behind his head and tangled my fingers into his wet hair. He lightly pushed me, laying back.

"I love you Rave." He said getting on top of me, kissing my neck, and chest, making moans escape my throat.

I still had my cloak over me, covering my naked body. He had his legs on either side of me, grabbing on to my shoulders. I had my hands placed on his face, keeping him glued to my lips. He soon made his way under the blanket, and between my legs. We were now dancing to our own rhythm, our soft moans were like music. Everything was perfect.

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