Chapter 11

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"So who were you with last night?" Cyborg nudged Beastie while they were playing video games.

"Uh, I was with you." He played dumb.

"No I mean who was up on the roof with you?" He smiled.

"Just a girl." He said blankly.

"Oo, a fan girl?" He played.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, she was nice, but uh not my type." He concentrated on the screen.

"Okay." Cyborg shrugged. They continued playing video games.

Later Beast Boy and I were sitting up on the roof laughing with one another.

"You know, I think we know each other well enough that you don't need to call me Beast Boy anymore. You can call me Garfield if you want." He shrugged his shoulders shyly.

"Garfield," the name felt foreign in my mouth."Nah, I think I like Beastie better." I smirked leaning on to his shoulder.

"How much longer are we going to keep this a secret?" Beast Boy laced his fingers with mine holding them up, studying them.

"I don't know?" I shrugged.

"So why is it still a secret then?" He had an edge in his voice.

"I'm just not comfortable with them knowing, at least not yet." I sat up looking down at my free hand.

"Yeah, I guess Cyborg would probably give us a hard time, and I know Robin wouldn't like it." Beast Boy shrugged again.

"What, but him and Starfire have a thing." I furrowed my brows at him.

"What, no." He protested, we both stared at each other then busted up laughing." I know, I know." He laughed. The wind blew my hair into my face, and pushed it back irritated.

"I need this cut." I pulled my hood back on.

"No, I like it long, you should leave it." He pulled my hood off and ran his fingers through my hair.

"What about you," I pushed my fingers through his shaggy, forest green hair," you going to be cutting your hair anytime soon?" I smiled.

"Nah, mama, I'm going for that natural look, I'm gonna let it go wild." He gave me that crooked smile, and a wink. He brought his hand to my face, and gently pressed his lips to mine.

"Hey Beastie!" Cyborg threw the roof door open, I quickly lowered my head into Beast Boy's chest.

"What do you want Cyborg?" Beast Boy said in a hysterical voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to interrupt ya, just wanted you to know I got that new game!" He cheered.

"Oh, sweet bro, I'll be down soon." He waved to Cyborg.

"Man, how ya always have a girl up here?" He whimpered.

"I'm just that good man." He laughed a little.

"Playa." He sang as he shut the door and left.

"Next time I'm jumping off the roof." I looked at him seriously.

"I might join you." He joked.

"Go ahead, go play your game with Cyborg, I'll just be up here meditating." I playfully shoved him.

"Alright, good night mama." He kissed my forehead and left.

I got into my meditation position, looking out onto the ocean, taking deep breaths, breathing in the misty air. I was in my calm space when dreams, or more like visions started flashing through my mind. When Beast Boy had turned into the Were-beast, images of the terrifying Were-beast went through my mind, it's black eyes, it's snarling, viscous teeth. It towered over me, bloodlust in its dark eyes, then it overcame me, and I fell back out of my meditation on to the ground, breathing heavily. I tried to push the images from my mind, it was something I had erased from my mind completely and now it was coming back to haunt me.

I took the long way back to my room, stopping in the kitchen first for some tea, that I quickly warmed and brewed. I poured it into one of my favorite coffee cups, then turned to go back to my room, being startled by Beastie. I dropped my cup shattering it on the hard tile floor.

"Rave, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." We both bent down trying to collect the broken pieces.

"It's fine, you just, scared me." I suddenly felt fear build in my chest as I was knelt down by Beastie. My hands started to shake, and gripped the shards in my hands, I felt myself getting upset.

"Are you okay?" Beastie looked at me, tears brimmed my eyes.

"I'm fine, I just really liked this mug." I blinked back the tears and sniffed as I set the broken pieces on the counter.

"Well let me-" he stood very close now.

"No," panic erupted in my chest," just." I quickly took off to my room in a huff, the thought of the Were-beast terrified me, the fact that that beast was somewhere inside of Beastie scared me, the fact that it could come out at any moment petrified me.

I quickly shut the door behind me, and fell against it panting heavily. I curled my knees into my chest and dropped my face into my hands, trying to push this fear away, trying to get the images out of my head. When my emotions were under control, I decided to change for the night, I took of my cloak, and suit, then caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Seeing scattered scars across my body, a thick one on my arm, then a cluster of ugly  scars, going from the front of my shoulder, down my back; from the Were-beast. The memories flooding back, I whimpered for a moment, then looked in the mirror again at the necklace around my neck. It was what Beast Boy gave to me, when I was going through my dark times, he was there for me, and I guess in a way, I was there for him.

I quickly covered the scars, pulling on my shirt, and went and sat on my bed, reading a comic book I got from Beastie. I didn't really like comic books, too many pictures not enough words, but I gave him one of my books to read, and in return I would read a comic book. The comic book helped soothe me, I laid back in bed getting more comfortable, about to doze off, then there was a knock at my door. I snapped my eyes open.

"C-come in." I stuttered fearfully. The door slid open and there stood Beastie.

"I tried to fix your mug." He shyly entered my room, revealing the misshapen mug to me," I used super glue, I don't know how well it will stay together though." He handed it to me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"So are you okay, you seemed upset." He sat on my bed.

"It just wasn't a good meditation is all." I shrugged my shoulders putting my hands between my legs.

"Oh, well did you want to meditate some more I could leave you alone." He stood up.

"No, stay please." I grabbed his arm, and pulled him onto my bed," I need to ask you something, don't get upset okay?" I couldn't look at him.

"Okay, shoot mama." He smirked as he relaxed back into my bed.

"Is there a chance of the Were-beast coming back?" I felt him stiffen at the sound of that name.

"I've got it under control, so I don't think so." He sat up," it's been a while since that happened anyway Rae, what brought that up?" He gently touched my arm and I flinched under his touch.

"It's just, I had a vision, about the Were-beast coming back." He kept his face cool and collected even though on the inside I'm sure he was panicking.

"Raven, look at me, that thing isn't coming back, I promise." He kissed my cheek, and wrapped his arms around me," love you, mama." I nuzzled my cheek into his chest.

"I love you too."


Hey guys,

So I know it's only been forever since I updated this, but here you go. I know Raven never got scars from the were beast but I just wanted to add that. Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you are still reading! Updates for this story might be a little slow, but just bare with me!

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