Chapter 10

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I pulled his face away from mine.

"I- I need to have all of you, I want to have you whenever I want." I panted.

"I have to have you." Beast Boy breathed against my neck, kissing every inch of it. We were hiding at the end of the hallway, where all our rooms were, everyone was watching a movie downstairs. The Crime alert sounded.

"Guys, emergency, let's go!" Robin called through the speakers.

"No." We groaned letting each other go.

"Come on." I smiled, grabbing his hand and heading down stairs quickly.

"What is it?" Beast Boy quickly became business.

"The Hive, they're terrorizing the streets again." Robin answered back.

"Okay let's go." Cyborg clapped his hands together.

We headed for the garage, where Robin hopped on his motorcycle, Cyborg jumped into his car, Beast Boy tagged along. StarFire and I flew off toward town. We could see smoke rising above the buildings, hear people screaming, and explosions. Man do these guys have nothing better to do? Star Fire and I landed in the street a few blocks from our enemies.

"Look who finally showed up." Gizmo's annoying voice, grinded on my nerves.

"About time, I've needed a challenge." Jinx sneered and shot as many hexes as possible as fast as she could at us.

StarFire dove behind debris, I made a dome appear around me, protecting me from the enemy fire. Robin drove up, skidding to a halt, jumping off the bike, spinning his staff around and swinging at Gizmo's mechanical spider legs. Beast Boy slungshot himself out of Cyborg's car turning into a gorilla and pouncing on Mammoth. I teleported behind Jinx, and instantly swung at her, punching her in the shoulder then in the face. She fell back into the hard asphalt, on the second bounce she shot another hex at me. I was too slow to respond and it hit me, sending me flying into a nearby building.

"Raven!" Beast Boy morphed into a human from a bird flying over to me quickly, and landed next to me turning back to human," are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I struggled to my feet, dusting myself off," my outfit ripped."

"Are you sure?" He hovered his hands over me looking for a way to assist me.

"She ripped my outfit!" My eyes glowed black and I took off toward Jinx at full speed, she shot a hex at me, and I knocked it out of the way. I plowed her into the ground, punching her over and over again.

"Raven, Raven!" StarFire grabbed me, trying to pull me off of Jinx.

"I give up!" She yelled at me through her swollen face," just turn me in okay?" Tears rolled down her face. I stared at her, panting angrily.

When Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth were finally behind bars, I was headed home, and I was definitely over thinking. What the heck was that all about, I have never cared about a torn outfit, I've never even beat the heck out of someone for causing it. I even ignored Beast Boy, talked to him rudely. I must be flustered, I need some serious skin to skin contact with Beast Boy. I landed on the roof, and just sat down letting out a big sigh. The moon was full and huge, the stars sparkling above, a cold breeze touched my skin.

"Raven," his voice cracked," are you alright?" He came out of the stair well and over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I smiled and laid back.

"Alright." He sat down next to me," I brought a few things with me." He pulled out a big basket and set it next to us. He opened it up and pulled out a soft fluffy blanket, that he laid out, and I rolled over on to it.

"Wow this is soft." I rubbed my hands over it, and rolled on to my face, pressing my face into the fluff. Beast Boy came and laid down next to me, combing his fingers through my hair.

"I've missed you." He whispered to me kissing my cheek. He lightly scanned over my arms and legs, looking at my scraped skin.

"I missed you too." I rolled over and kissed his chin.

"I have something else too." He pulled out a first aid kit," let's get you cleaned up." He smiled.

He pulled out antiseptic wipes and started wiping my scrapes clean, pulling out gauze, and bandaids, covering my bleeding wounds. After he was finished he started to kiss every bandage on my arms and legs, even my chin. He started kissing my lips with his soft lips, placing his hand on my leg, and gliding it up my thigh. He tucked his hand between my legs, right between my thighs. I placed my hand gently to his cheek, kissing him gently, until impatient crept into my body. I wanted him here and now. I aggressively pulled him on top of me, and started pulling at his clothes. He assisted in pulling his clothes off, then started pulling off my clothes. Exposing my shoulders first, pulling off my tattered clothing.

We now laid on our soft blanket... Naked. Luckily BB thought this through and brought another blanket to cover us in." Hey BB you up here?" Cyborg yelled.

"Crap!" I pulled the blanket up over my head, and BB laid next to me on his side, blocking the fact that I was there.

"Hey what're you doing up here?" He started toward us.

"Uh, nothing, just enjoying the night." He nervously laughed.

"Oh, well I was gonna make some dinner, just wanted to know if you wanted anything." He stood a little awkwardly.

"Uh, no, I already ate." He squirmed.

"Um okay?" He was about to leave, then he came closer to BB, and whispered," hey are you up here with someone?" He winked.

"Uh, uh." BB was stuttering. Cyborg patted him on the shoulder laughing, and he left.

"Oh my god." We both let out a huge sigh of relief, I pulled the blanket off my face, panting.

"That was close." I wiped sweat from my forehead.

"Yeah it was. Oh well." He rolled on top of me, kissing me and grabbing me, climbing between my legs. Deep moans came from his chest, and high moans escaped my lips.

When it was finally over, I teleported to my room, and just sat there on the floor, with my knees curled up into my chest. That was amazing, I mean we've made love many times, but that was different, and amazing! I really didn't know how to describe it. I finally got up, I pulled my cloak on, and went to shower. Just as I was going in, so was BB." Hey mama." He winked at me.

"Shh, come on." I pulled him into the bathroom with me and we took a very enjoyable shower together.

After our shower was over, I went and changed into my pj's, an oversized grey shirt. I was about to get into bed when I saw my necklace on the nightstand. It was the penny BB had given me, I had kept it, and attached it to a chain, so I could wear it, and keep it with me. I would take it off at night, before bed, that's why I didn't have it with me on the island. I grabbed it, and put it around my neck.

There was a knock on my door, I went over an opened it.

"Ready for bed?" BB smiled at me.

"Yeah, hurry in." I quickly shut the door behind us.

"Oh hey, you still have the penny I gave you." He played with it between his fingers.

"Yeah I do." I blushed, and tucked it under my shirt.

We climbed into bed, curling up under the blankets." Goodnight mama, I love you."

"Goodnight, I love you too."

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