Chapter 8

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According to the marks on the tree in our shelter it had been a little over a month. We had both lost a significant amount of weight. I had recently gotten hurt on the hunt for food. I fell, again, this time from a very steep rocky, incline. I broke my arm, luckily only in one spot, and dislocated my knee, and banged up my hip pretty bad. Beast Boy carried me home, made my arm a splint, wrapped up my leg tightly, and just tried to make me as comfortable as possible. At this point I was having a hard time holding on to hope. Beast Boy tried desperately to keep my spirits up, but even he couldn't hold on anymore. We were both laying in our little home, I was flat on my back, resting my head on my leaf pillow, Beast Boy was snuggled up to me, with his skinny arms wrapped around me. We had no more hope to cling to. I know it sounds pathetic it had only been a month, but when you are starving to death it's hard to stay positive.

"Raven, I love you." Beast Boy whispered to me.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"It's cold." He shook. I snuggled him closer to me under our "blanket".

"Just hold on." I rubbed his arms, trying to keep him warm." Hold on.." My head spun, and I started blacking out.

"Raven, Raven, no please, stay with me." Tears streamed down his dirty cheeks, as he held my face between his hands, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs." Raven... Raven?" There was a strange roar growing louder in the sky.

More rain? Or was it finally someone that could save us."Raven do you hear that?" He continued to shake me. He got up out of the shelter and ran out into the open." Help! Help! Hey over here!" He hollered weakly flailing his arms around," over here."

"Beast Boy!" A familiar voice yelled back.

"Cy-Cyborg?" Beast Boy fell to his knees, no longer able to stand.

"It is him, it's Beast Boy!" Cyborg yelled. He jumped out of the helicopter just as it was about to land. He scooped up Beast Boy and got him buckled into the helicopter.

"Raven." Beast Boy said quietly.

"Where is she?" Cyborg asked. Beast Boy pointed shakily toward our small home. Cyborg walked over and looked inside at my pale face. He pulled me out and carried me to the helicopter, keeping me wrapped up in my cloak.

"You got her?" Robin asked as Cyborg buckled me in.

"Got her." He gave a thumbs up.

"Alright let's go." Robin raised the helicopter into the air and flew back home as quickly as possible.

Fighting the Inner Demons (Beast Boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now