Chapter 2

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After spending about 2 hours building a raised shelter, I was now sitting comfortably in it, trying to collect my thoughts. Our shelter was almost like a giant hammock with a dome built over the top. It was tons of tightly weaved branches and twigs, covered in leaves. It was a very comfortable and warm shelter. We had a small fire blazing a few feet away, making everything warmer. Beast Boy was standing outside still trying to find a signal to make contact with anyone. I would every once in a while check my communicator, but I wasn't going to dwell on it.

"Beast Boy, why don't we fly around and see if there is anything nearby." I said stepping out of our shelter.

"Yeah that sounds good." He lightly smiled. I just wanted to do something to get my mind off of my communicator.

Our little shelter was just 12 feet from a 60 foot incline, I was able to just jump into the air and take off, but Beast Boy needed a little take off space. So far, all powers were fine, except that I couldn't teleport, and sometimes Beast Boy turned into the wrong animal. After a few hours of flying, we noticed we were just going around in circles. I don't know what it was about this island, it was like there was no way off it. Finally we landed back at our shelter as the sun was setting.

"I don't think there is any way off this island Rave." He said down hearted.

"Don't think like that Beast Boy, maybe we can't find a way off, but some one is bound to find us eventually." I tried to smile." Tomorrow we will go to the shore and make a new shelter, now that we know where it is." I said with hope.

"Okay." He didn't look at me.

He crawled into the shelter and laid down. I sat next to the fire on a stump and looked at him. His usual black and purple suit was ripped and tattered, covered in dirt, he had scrapes on his elbows, knees, chin, and cheeks. He was pretty roughed up, that's how we both woke up. I'm sure I looked just as bad, my outfit was pretty torn up, along with my cloak, and shoes that were barely shoes anymore. My tights barely existed anymore, and the left side of my face hurt, like it was scraped. My legs and arms took a pretty good beating too, from whatever had abducted and abandoned us.

I quietly slipped into the shelter next to Beast Boy, careful not to disturb him. I laid about a foot from him, giving him his personal space. It was now dark and I closed up the door to our small shelter keeping everything out, whatever was here anyway. As I was about to doze off I heard Beast Boy quietly snoring. It was kinda cute. He lazily slung his arm over me, startling me awake. I calmed myself and easily went back to sleep, the warmth of his arm was very comforting. I slowly reached my hand up and placed it on to his forearm. Warm, happy, content, Beast Boy laying next to me was nice. I never realized how warm he was. I never wanted morning to come. I could lay here forever.

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