Pizza Boy

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Most teenagers would be out partying,on dates or hanging with friends on a Friday night but not me.

No. I sit on my couch, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns; eating skittles, m&m's and popcorn mixed together in a bowl. I'm sitting comfortably on a couch with my favourite blanket instead on freezing my ass off in a skimpy dress at a party. 

Yeahp that's what I, Shylo Harris , am doing at this very moment.

Where are my parents may you ask? Well they are on their annual date night/weekend, and since I have no friends I spend my time alone. Well sometimes with my cat, Minnie, that is when she isn't sitting in hall licking herself...

It's two months into school so far and may I add, two months into my boring senior year where I have no friends because I'm a little 'weird'.

So here I am, like I said, doing the same old same old.

I was half way threw the second season when my stomach started to make a dying whale noise.

"Seems like my belly is hungry." I chuckled to myself. I paused my show and pulled off my blanket and placed it next to me. Standing up, I brushed off some of the little bits of popcorn and walked into the kitchen to get the phone.

Grabbing the shiny silver home phone off of its own little stand, I punch in the number I memorized before my own cell phone number, and held the phone to my ear. I started to tap my fingers on the kitchen counter top to the beat of the rings, waiting for someone to pick up.

Seven rings later someone finally picked up the phone.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, its a busy night tonight. Besides what's going on here, what is your order?" a manly voice said on the other end of the line.

I cleared my voice, "well thanks to whatever is happening there, my belly has become more desperate for some type of food. which also means I'm going to be getting a large pizza with pepperoni, ham, cheese and barbecue sauce instead of a medium" I said. This only made him chuckle.

"Is it all for you? because by your voice, you seem like a small girl", you could literally hear the smirk.

I rolled my eyes," yes it is all for me thanks! and how do I sound small?" I quirked and eyebrow even though he couldn't see me.

"You just do I guess... anyways back to my job, would you let to pick up or do you want the large pizza delivered", he said with the same tone.

I huffed in annoyance. I mean I have only talk to this guy for like five minutes and he is already annoying me with his cockiness. " delivered thanks." Asshat.

He chuckled again, "Great, well your order will be at your door step in fifteen minutes. have a good night, hope I talk to you again shorty."

"Hold the phone! we will never talk again and what is this shorty shi-"


He hung up.

"Well he's an ass isn't he," I said to my cat Minnie who came up to me and started to run her head against my leg. Sighing, I rubbed my face and looked at the wall clock.


I walked into the lounge and sat down onto the couch. sighing again I grabbed the remote and un-paused my show.


Thirteen minutes later the door bell rang.

" Finally," I said as I climbed off the couch from my lying down position and shuffled towards the door.

Yanking the door open, I stare at a very attractive face. my jaw dropped at the sight of him. he was hot! whit a capital H! With his dark brown hair, bright green eyes, defined jaw, kissable li- " you done checking me out shorty?" the god said with a smirk.

Now that I think about it, that voice is very formiliar... wait shorty?!?

Shutting my jaw fast, my eyes narrowed at him.

" You!" I pointed my finger at him.

"Yeahp me,"he said with the same smirk.

" What are you doing here?" I asked dumbly.

He stared at me with amusement.

"Stop staring at me! I know I just had a blonde moment but it doesn't mean you can stare at me like that," I half yelled at him with a scowl.

"Now give me my pizza, your pissing me off."

" Woah calm down shorty I'm just the pizza boy, "he said while holding up the arm that isn't holding my beloved pizza.

" Yeah yeah. Now if you don't mind I would like my pizza and don't worry I will get your money." I grabbed for the pizza from his hands and walked into the kitchen. Placing the pizza down on the counter, I grabbed the twenty dollars from the counter that my mum left me for dinner and turned around to walk towards the door but ended up bumping into a wall.

A very,



Looking up, my dull brown eyes met with a pair of emerald green ones. And last time I checked, walls did NOT have eyes.

"That will be nine dollars seventy-five," he said huskily.

Definitely not a wall.

" H-here" I stuttered. Smooth Shylo, smoooootttthhhh.

Snapping out of my daze, I took a step back. I shifted my gauze down to the ground and shoved the crumbled note towards him.

"Keep the change," I said in a hushed tone.

I felt him put a finger under my chin and pull my face up to meet his face. He was close again. But way to close. If I had the strength, I would push him away but he has made me go all jelly.

"See you around shorty. oh and enjoy your large pizza," he winked at me, took the twenty then turned around and walked away.

Snapping back to reality, I started walking after him. just before he left I shouted " let the door hit you on your ass on the way out!"

He chuckled but didn't reply. he shut the door and left.

I knew this guy for thirty minutes and he has already made me go from pissed to weak to pissed to now confused.

Wow that guy is sure a handful, and I don't even know his name!


Thank you for reading my first chapter!!!!

more to come just so y'all know!!!!

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