Sleep over part 2

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I can NOT beleive that Levi, out of all people, was Nani's cousin!

He stared at me with wide eyes and jaw dropped, and I know for a fact that I am doing the exact expression.

"Well this is awkward isnt it,"Jerry mumbled.

"What is? and why are they looking at eachother like that?" Nani asked. She sounded extremely confussed for a few seconds efore she gasped, gaining all our attention. I looked at her to see her with her hand over her mouth and eyes widened. She started to point her finger from me to Levi, back to me and then to Levi.

"He," she pionted to Levi again "you," she pionted to me then gasped "oh my god! How could I miss this? I mean you have been talking about him for ages and even saying his name and I never even clicked and told you I was related to him! OMG I feel like a complete idiot! And the fact that I even called him three days ago to say hey and he wouldnt shut up about you and OH MY I'm such a blonde sometimes like when-"

'NANI!" me,Jerry and levi all shouted at her, cutting her off mid sentence. My cheeks were bright red with embarassment. I looked over to Levi to see his cheeks tinted with red aswel. I stared at him for a bit untill he looked up at me. Once both of us looked into eachothers eyes, we both looked away and to a sheepish looking Nani.

"hehe, sorry?" Nani said. I cleared my throat and rolled my eyes saying a short 'whatever'.

"well," Jerry said, catching our attention. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes swimming with amusement " that was very entertaining. Maybe even more than houswives and that is hard to beat," he said while glancing at me then Levi.

We both started looking around the room, avoiding eachothers gaze. Jerry chuckled before going into the kitchen.

Once he left, I looked up to the clock that was above the TV to see it was 11:34. Turning to Nani I asked " should we go to bed now?" she nodded before saying " yeahp, come on you two, lets go up to my room," then turned around and ran upstairs.

I stood there confussed. What did she mean you two? Did she mean that Levi was staying in her room aswel? I glared at the stairs. How could she do that? after confessing to him that I have talked about him then expects me to stay in the same room as him? Um hell to the NO.

Levi walked past me but stopped at the first step. He turned to me and smirked " coming shorty? or are you just going to stay there while thinking of me?"


Rolling my eyes, I scofed, " now why would I do that? I was actually thinking of this hunk that I saw when we were driving here. Dahm was he hot!" I said and looked of to the side, dreamly. To be truthfull, the only people were two littles girls and their mum walking along, eating ice cream.

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that," He rolled his eyes before dashing up the stairs.

"Great, just great," I mumbled before following suit.

Walking into the room, I saw Nani laying on her bed with a pillow for support and a magazine in her hand. Levi was sitting on her desk chair, spinning around. I scoffed at his childness before going over to my bag and taking my ipod and blue nail polish out. I plugged it into Nanis Ipod dock and turned on Miley Cyrus's new song 'someone else', ignoring the both of them.

I turned it up, sat down on the ground and started to sing the lyrics while painting my toe nails.

'If your looking for love,

Know that love dont live here anymore.

He left with my heart,

They both left through that door without me'

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