Sleep over

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Driving to Nani's house actually was a lot of fun.Her dad, Jerry, was really funny. He told heaps of jokes and told embarrassing stories about Nani when she was younger. Although he got a hit around the head.... it was pretty funny.

Jerry had blonde hair that had a few greys, faded blue eyes and from what I could see, he was pretty tall and kinda buff for his age. I guess that's where Nani got her looks from.

Right now, me and Nani were in her room, in our pyjamas, sitting on her floor,eating skittles and talking abiut if we had a band, what it would be called.

"How about the fluffy flamingos?" Nani suggested while lying down on her tummy with her left hand under her chin.

"Are you serious right now? the fluffy flamingos? you do know they aren't fluffy right?" I questions as I plopped a red and green skittle in my mouth. mmmmm.

"Well it rhymes ok."

I chuckled at her sillyness which cased me getting hit in the face with a pillow.

I gasped and looked down to my lap at the pink and blue stipped pillow. I looked back up at Nani with and glared. "oh it's on you whore!" I said lowly. I jumped to my feet, grabbed the pillow and stood in a battle position.

Nani's eyes widened in horror for a moment before turning into a glare with a smirk. She jumped to her feet also with a pillow - which was smaller- and stood in the same position as me " bring it on slut".

We both yelled out warrior yells and ran towards each other. we both swung at each other, causing the pillows to whack one another. I jumped back when she swung again. I glared at her and held my pillow to the side. she smirked and went to hit me but I was faster. I hit her right in the face making her fall straight onto her bed.

I started to laugh really hard because trust me, if you were here, you would have been I the floor and crying with laughter but I managed to stay standing by my laughter still stayed the same.

After a while, I looked over to the bed to see, well, just the bed. With all the blankets and pillows but no sign of Nani...

"Nani?" I questions.

I turned around to see Nani standing there. but that wasn't what I was looking at.

it was the pillow in her hands.

"Paybacks a bitch. just like you" she smirked.

I didn't get long to process what was happening because before I knew it, I was lying on the bed in complete shock.

Why, you ask? because that fucker just hit me straight across the face, just like what I did to her.

After Nani stopped laughing evilly, she came over to the side of the bed and looked at me with concern mixed with confusion.

"Hey are you alright?" she asked.

With that, I burst out with laughter. I don't know why but I just thought the situation was funny.

Nani joined me quickly, laughing just as hard.


Both me and Nani stopped laughing suddenly and looked at the door. We glanced at each other in questioning before Nani went over to the door and opened it, revealing jerry, Nanis dad.

"I enjoy you too laughing but your ruining my favourite episode of housewives since ya know, I have now became one.." he said trailing off.

I looked at Nani , as she did me, and we both started giggling uncontrolingly.

Nani shook her head and looked back to her dad " sorry we will keep it down but just two question" she placed both of her hands on her hips and puffed her chest out, acting all tough " is there anything else? because if not then ima have to kick you out and secondly" she paused " can we have ice cream?" she asked sweetly.

I chuckled at her weirdness. god it's great to have a friend like her.

Jerry shook his head and chuckled "yes you can have ice cream" we both fist pumped and shouted 'yes!'

"and I was just asking... when am I seeing my nephew?" he asked.

"Nephew?" I asked.

"Yeahp. Remember Shy? My second cousin? My dad calls him his nephew because he doesn't have any siblings and his cousin is practically his sister."

My cheeks tinted a light shade of red with embarrassment "oh... right" I laughed nervously.

"Ok girls, ill bring your ice cream up when he gets here" he winked at us and shut the door quickly before me and Nani could object.

I Laid back down on the bed and let out a sigh.


Really? now brain? you think of him now?

"Thinking bout Levi again?" Nani said as she laid down next to me. I looked at her in disbelief.

How does she know that? maybe it's just a bestfriend think?

I decided not to make up and excuse since she already knows...

"Yeah..." I looked back to the ceiling, trying to hide my already red cheeks.

Nani chuckled from beside me "how long have you known him for?"

" I think about one week?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Wow, that long huh?"she asked.

"Yeah haha" I turned to look at her after the heat in my cheeks went down. Ifound her lying on her side, with her right hand supporting her head up, staring at me intently.

"How did you meet him anyways?"

"It's a funny story actually," I laughed nervously. she motioned me to go one so I rolled my eyes and said "he delivered my pizza last Friday night."

She started to giggle "really? Did he look good in his uniform?"

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but blush " yes very but the pizza looked better," I joked.

Nani opened her mouth to reply but got stopped by a load voice.

"Girls! he's here!" shouted I think, Jerry, from I'm guessing, at the bottom of the stairs.

Yeah I know, two storied house for two people...

Nani excitedly jumped up and gave me a hand up too.

"Ready to meet my cousin?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Sure," I said with a shrug.

She squealed, took my wrist and dragged me our of the room.

She ran down the stairs and into the lounge where the voices were coming from.

Nani dropped my wrist and stood next to me "Shy this is my cousin."

I looked over the couch and saw him.

Jerry's nephew.

Nani's cousin.

Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!




Wow! who was expecting that?? I bet none of you were!!

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