I am NOT jealous

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I couldn't take it anymore.

All period Levi was flirting with the girls right behind me while we were watching the movie ' step up 2'. I wanted to pay attention but when all I could hear was giggles and whispers. I gripped my pencil tightly as I imagined stabbing it into sound ones eye.

Like Levi's for instance.

I packed up five minutes early, making sure to keep an eye out for the teacher. Even though he was watching the movie on his computer- wait, it better be the movie.... Ew too far Shylo waaaayyyy to far.

Anyways... As I was saying, even thought he was watching the 'movie' on his computer, he still looks up every few minutes to see if anyone was talking or packing up.

And I was doing one of those.

I stared at the the clock, watching the time tick by, hoping this hell would stop.

I counted down the seconds.












I jumped out of my seat before Mr Looker could even turn the lights on. I raced past the desks and out the door.

I kept running till I was around the corner. I stopped and lent against the wall, breathing heavily.

Dang I hate running.

I closed my eyes and tried to get some oxygen into my lungs.

Suddenly I wasn't the only one breathing in my personal bubble. The person was breathing heavily just like I was moments ago. I chuckled, someone isn't fit...

"For your information, I'm pretty buff thanks" the voice chuckled. A manly one in fact.

I opened my eyes to see a pair of familiar emerald green eyes.

"I spoke my mind again didn't I?" I asked awkwardly.

Levi laughed slightly before answering, "yeah but when do you not?"


"Um not to be rude but why are you here?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest leaning against the wall again.

"Well one night my mum and dad decided that they would have -" I waved my hand I front of his face, successfully cutting him off and faked gagging.

"I didn't mean it like that and honestly, I really don't want to know. I meant, why are you standing in front of me? And very closely might I add."

"Are you saying you don't know about, ya know... 'it'?" he asked using air quotes for 'it'.

I frowned. does he think I'm an idiot? Even my six year old cousin knows!

"Course I know! but you didn't even answer my question."

"Ok ok don't get your panties in a twist," god he sure needs a new phrase " I actually came to find you."

"Why? you seemed fine with those girls. what? didn't they reach your standard?" I raised an eyebrow.

" Jealous that I have found interest in other girls that aren't just you?" he asked with a smirk.

I felt my cheeks heating up. Curse his smirk and charm for making me blush! I scowled as his smirk grew more due to my reaction. "no I am NOT jealous. why would I be? your just, "I gestured to his body which I tried not to look at... "you."

"Ain't there nothing wrong with that shorty" he said cockily before turning around and walking off.

He has a damn good point there and you can't Deny it.

I hit my head, hopping to get some sense into my brain but I just ended up hurting myself.

I cringed and rubbed my head. I'm an idiot sometimes...

I looked around to see people give me either a confused look or they were trying to keep in there laughs. Some didn't really succeed at that though.

I blushed deeply before turning and making my way towards the door.


Another Shyvi moment!!

See what I did there? ;)

Another chapter!!

It was kinda like another part to the last chapter but I couldn't think up this right at that moment so I did it in another chapter aka this chapter haha

I know I said I would make the next chapter longer but Ohwel!

I hope it was ok :)

Y'all know what to dooooooo


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