New girl: new bestfriend

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After the fifteen minute walk to Amy's school, I dropped her off, said my good byes and turned around to walk to my school; Greymound High School. I know, it's a horrible name for a school but that's also the name of the small town I live in so obviously the school has to be named after it. it can't be called mermaid-topia high school now can it?

I grabbed my headphones out of my bag, plugged it into my phone and put the buds into my ears.

'Call me when your sober' by everseance blasted threw my ears. I visibly calmed. Music always helped with taking away the stresses of life and just cleared my mind completely.

'Don't cry to me,

If you love me,

You won't be here,with, me.

You won't me,

Come find me,

Make up your mind.'

The lyrics fell out of my lips as I started to sing along. I don't wont to brag but I think I'm pretty good at singing. I can make my voice sound like a lot of artists, but I don't bother to flaunting my voice to others. In fact, besides me, only Amy knows I can sing and that's only because she threatened me.

Ten minutes, three streets, two songs and one chocolate bar later, I arrived at the hell hole called school.

I took out me headphones and walked in threw the front doors and made me way towards me locker.

Looked straight ahead, I ignored all the stares, whispering and name calling towards me. picking up me speed, I manoeuvred my way around the people and stopped at my locker.

Rolling my eyes, I ripped of the sheet of paper that said 'freak' and opened my locker.

Grabbing my books that I need for the day, I placed them into me bag and shut my locker just in time for an egg to come hurtling down the hall and towards my face.

In a matter of seconds, the hall filled with laughter and people pointing fingers at me while egg yoke slid down my face and onto the ground bellow.

Huffing, I opened up my locker again and took out a napkin that I keep in there and whipped my face.

Shutting my locker again, I turned around and walked over to a rubbish bin to chuck away the napkin.

Once I got there, I placed the dirty napkin into the bin, only to be shoved by a boney shoulder that made me go flying into the rubbish bin.

Landing on the ground with a heap of rubbish next to me except for a few things here and there and the rubbish bin lying down next to me, the hall filled up with more laughter that by now people's eyes were leaking with tears from laughing so hard.

Rolling my eyes, I started to take the banana peal off of my head when a hand came down in front of me.

Blinking, I looked up to see a girl I haven't seen before so I'm guessing she was new.

He had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and was-by the looks of it- my height. She wore a white tank top with black ripped jeans and brown combat boots.

" Your supposed to grab my hand so I can help you up," she said with a chuckle.

Cracking a small smile, I grabbed her hand. she pulled me up with ease.

Letting go of her hand, all the rubbish fell off of me. I gave her a great-full smile.

"Thanks, no one ever helps me so I'm guessing your new?"

She laughed " yeah I am. I'm Nani (pronounced nah-knee) and yes before you ask, my name is the same as the older sister from lilo and stitch".

I chuckled " I'm Shylo, and yes, my name is weird," we both laughed at that.

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