Music Class

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The door opened oh so slowly causing all of us to get Inpatient. You could literally see all the girls in our class leaning closer towards the door to see who the mystery guy was.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I let out a little yelp when someone from in the class yelled. who the hell yells in the middle of the class? like for real, that is just uncalled for.

Everyone's eyes moved towards the screamer. it was Joe the Gameboy freak. Yes I know he is still left in the 90's and still plays on a Gameboy. Joe had his headphones in his ears as he frowned at the screen. Suddenly he looked up, as if he could feel our eyes on him, and looked around with a confused look, "what?" he asked as he took out his headphones from his ears.

"Well except for the fact you screamed in class for no reason and ruined the guests dramatic entrance then nothing I guess. Go back to your Gameboy Joe" Mr Looker said in a bored yet sarcastic voice that I couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

Joe shrugged before putting his headphones on again and started playing again.

Mr Looker shook his head, "anyways... as I was saying-" he was cut off but a new but oddly familiar voices; "can I come in now?! this is really stupid, how I have to do a dramatic entrance!"

Where do I know that voices from?




It was Johnny Deep!

Haha nah just kidding!

But seriously! imagine Johnny walking into my music class dressed like captain Jack Sparrow! that would be hilarious!

I let out a little giggle as I imagined him walking in like a total girl.

"-and I hope you all will make Levi welcome" Mr Looker said.

"Huh what?" I asked confused. I should really pay attention.

" Miss Harris please pay attention next time ok."

Took the words right out of my mouth old man.

"Now since you were not listening because you were in Shylo land, I will tell you again. This is Levi and he will be helping out for the next month. please say hi like a good little girl"

"Um hi?" I looked from Mr Looker ( haha funny) and nearly smacked my self over my stupidity.

How could I not pick up on his name?

Of course the familiar voice belonged to the brown headed, green eyes god Levi.

Our eyes connected. I saw a smirk stretch out on his kissable lips as my mouth turned upside down.

The last time I saw him, he told a hot guy that I was his girlfriend.

Hm now that I think about it, he did a bad job at making Alec stay away from me since ya know, I have a date with him on Friday.

Levi winked at me before turning back to the teacher.

Some girls in front of me giggled and blushed, most probably thinking the wink was towards them. I rolled my eyes, why would he wink at them? it was clearly towards me.

was it? it better have been because if it wasn't then there will be hell- wait what am I thinking? I sound like a jealous girlfriend- aw hell naw! I am not jealous! not today or ever!

Remember when I said I had a bit of a crush on Levi? yeah well that thought has gone down the toilet. He is just a jerk. A big idiotic jerk. A big idiotic, cute, funny, handsome, nice- NO SHYLO! HE IS A JERK!

I shook my head and thought of Alec.

Yes Alec. the guy I was going on a date with on Friday.

I smiled before tuning back into what Mr Looker was going on and on about.

But my eyes deceived me. I looked over to Levi and saw he was staring at me with confusion. He raised an eye at me, secretly asking why I was smiling.

I glared at him.

I don't need Levi. Alec is better.

Alec is better. I thought. But for some reason it was more of a demand. like I was making my brain and my heart believe that Alec was better than Levi but they were telling me that Levi was the good one while Alec was all too bad.

Stupid brain and heart going against me. they always do.


You all probably hate me right now but...


Check out the story 'full of surprises' by catrealovesfunart  because she is a new author and I'm feeling nice enough to give her a shout out :) although she did ask to be mentioned on my other story but I decided to do it on here because I don't have a new chapter on there to mention her on haha


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