Fam Bam Day 2: part 1

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For once in like forever, I was actually up before my parents. It was like one of those times when you having a good dream and then all of a sudden you wake up and can't get back to sleep.

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes in frustration. Tilting my head towards my alarm clock, I couldn't believe the time.

"Are you serious! Five flipping thirty-eight in the flipping morning!" I groaned again.

Gradually, I slid out of my comfortable bed and shuffled towards the closet to get my running clothes out.

Slipping on my mid thigh black biking shorts, black sports bra and red running shoes before leaving the house. Most kids would leave a note and quietly exit the house but not me. I stomped down the starts as a sign that I was leaving for a run.

The sun was just coming up but the morning breeze was even colder at this time.

I shivered but didn't bother to go back in a get a jacket so I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail before I took off down the path in a steady jog.

My blood was pumping around my body making me become warmer than before. My heart started to beat a bit faster as I picked up my pace. I know I say I'm lazy and can't be stuffed to do anything but how else am I supposed to burn off all the skittles and m&m's?

I started to get thirsty so I took a detour towards Starbucks.

I walked in causing the bell on the door make a ding sound. I was forcefully hit with a warm coffee smell which caught me off guard a bit so you could tell that I haven't been in here much.

I walked up to the counter and waited for someone to come and serve me. I looked up at the menu and I all I could see was a shit load of words with the word 'chinno' at the end.

"Hey cutie, how may I help you?" I jumped a it at the voice.

Standing In front of me was a pretty good looking guy in the Starbucks uniform. He had curly blonde hair, greeny-bluey eyes, charming smile, strong jaw and a five o'clock shadow. Overall, very good looking.

Not as good looking as Levi though

Shut it brain.

"Hey um, what would you think would be the best out of all those drinks?" I asked as I pointed to the menu.

I looked back at him to see he was staring at my chest. Well isn't that a turn off, he is a perv.

I coughed awkwardly causing him to look up to me and grin. blushing, I asked the same question to which he finally looked at the menu.

"Hmm... well the mochochinno is always a good seller"

"I guess I will give that a try" I said with a smile.

"Cool, I will get that for you right now" he gave me a wink before going off somewhere.

I walked over to a booth and sat down. looking around, there wasn't much people here. Well, who would at like six thirty in the morning? except for me of course.

I looked down at my nails and saw that my blue nail polishes was chipping. I guess when I get home I'll just have to do them again. thinking about home makes me wonder what my parents would be doing... maybe the are asleep? or awake having pancakes without me? oh they better not be doing that!

"What are you thinking about so hard?" I looked up from my nails to see a guy that has been on my mind a lot lately...

Orlando Bloom!

Ha! I wish...

Nah it's Levi um, something.

Shylo Something...

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