Getting to know my best friend

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The week went on differently to the previous ones. I think it might be due to the fact I actually have a bestfriend now and she also happened to get the school title 'bad ass' so now no one bothers me. Well that is when Nani isn't around me but then again all I get is the name 'freak' and a shoulder push.

Me and Nani are really close now and have a lot in common like how both our favourite colours are blue and green, we both love glee and before you say anything, I know it's glee but its a great program and also Sam and Puck are just WOW. Anyways, we also both love to sing and she plays the drums and I play the piano.

We were both sitting on the school front steps since we both had free period talking about nonsense, whilst she occasionally text someone and I would go up a level in my game from time to time. It was just a causal time sitting, not even awkward as if we had known each other for years.

Since Nani had gain the title 'the schools bad ass', everyone steered clear of her just in case they get a bad ass. (haha that was funny. do you get it? like they are gonna get a ass whooping. I know it's sad that I'm describing the joke but you might not have known what I was going on about but Ohwel!) and it doesn't help that she dresses like a bad ass. Today she was wearing a white tank top, a black leather jacket, dark blue ripped jeans and black combat boot. But to be honest, her personality does not suit her look at all. Sure her blonde locks suit it but its the outfit that isn't right. it may look good on her, but not the real her. In reality Nani is a massive good, to prove it, she thought it was a good idea to slide down the rail on the side of the steps.

"Your pants might rip." I told her but she just ignored me and swung her leg over it. Slowly she lowered her body down so she was lying before she shuffled her body so she would slide down. "Be careful, it could be slip-"

Nani let out a surprised squeal as she suddenly started to glide down the pole fast and ended up in a pile on the ground. We were silent so a little, just looking at each other before we both burst out with laughter. "Oh my gosh you should have seen your face!" I laughed.

After a while, we sobered up and Nani came and sat next to me again. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and text someone. The curiosity got the best of me and I asked who it was.

She looked up from her phone, " oh sorry, it's just my cousin, well second dad and his mum are cousins and are super close. He moved here around the time me and my dad moved here and we hadn't had the chance to hang out. He said he will come over for a bit this weekend."

"Oh cool! You must be excited!"

She nodded enthusiastically " I haven't seen him in ages, we were pretty close even though he is nineteen and I'm seventeen. Actually I was going to ask if you were busy this weekend since I have nothing to do besides my cousin coming over, it would be cool for you to meet him. Oh my gosh! we should so have a sleepover aswel! well that is if you want to... I haven't had one since I was eleven and that was a terrible time since the girls actually didn't like me and had put six toads in my sleeping bag, god knows where they got them but lucky for me, I actually like toads and I named them too. There was Fred, Louis, carter.. um and I can't remember the others since that was like six years ago..." she rambled.

I stared at her with disbelief. Who would have thought that she could talk that much, and with only one breath!.

"...But now that I think about it I think one of their names was frogsickle since he was so col-" I cut her off before she could carry on "stop! please! holy shit woman! how can you talk so much and with only one breath?" I asked.

She smiled shyly at me and replied " sorry, I tend to talk a lot and about complete shit when I'm excited. I guess I'm just not used to having a best friend...".

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