Finding little girl and big boy

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Shlyo's POV:

Waking up this morning was a struggle.

I mean, who can get up so easily on a Monday morning? Sure as hell not me.

To me, Mondays shouldn't be a school day. They should be a recovery day for the teens from partying, sleepovers and all that crap. But for me, it's recovering from a late night watching movies, well it used to since last night it was a stay up late thinking about pizza bo- I mean, Levi.

And this morning, he was on my mind aswel, but I had to get him out of my head. like right now before I go flipping crazy.

Shaking my head, I trudged across the carpet to the bathroom, stripping down and getting into the shower.

Most people like hot shows in the morning but not me. Cold showers wake me up since the heat would just make me sleepy and ill end up drowning myself.

Ten minutes later I was out of the shower. Rapping a fluffy blue towel around my body and my hair, I made my way into my room and towards my closet.

Today I chose a simple outfit of dark blue jeans, white tank top and my white toms.

I don't bother dressing up due to not having friends and everyone not liking me.

I went back into the bathroom and blow dryer my hair a bit and added one layer of mascara and a thin line of eyeliner just to make my brown eyes pop just that more. Thanks to my clear, tan skin, I don't need any fountain.

Grabbing my messenger bag, phone and wallet, I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Going to the fridge I saw a note saying ;

'Got in late, me and your father are asleep.
Have a good day at school.
Love you lots

Mom & dad x'

I rolled my eyes. They do this every Monday. I don't understand why they don't just keep the note up instead of writing a new one each time.

Opening the fridge door, I grabbed the milk, undid the cap and put my lips to it. I took four large sips before putting the cap back on and putting the milk back into the fridge.

Closing the fridge, I went over to the pantry and took out a bar and put it into my bag to eat at homeroom.

After that, I said bye to Minnie and gave her a quick kiss on the head before leaving the house to meet up with the cute little girl, Amy.

Shutting the door, I started walking across the front lawn. I looked up (since I was looking down) to find Amy standing with none other than Levi.

And did he look fine!

Snapping out of my gaze, I slowly made my way up to them.

Stopping in front of them I gave a slight wave and a small wave. For some reason, Levi was in some of trance and my small gesture knocked him out of it.

Clearing his voice he said " um, hey. I was um, I was just dropping off um..." he looked down to Amy -who I forgot was even here- and gave her a look as of asking ' help me out here',

Shaking her head with a slight giggle, she looked up to me and said with her cute little voice " he just came to drop me off".

Bringing my eyebrows together in confusion I asked " how do you even know each other ? Amy you live like, two streets away and pizz-levi, you live just down the road"

" I was actually walking to your house and I found him coming this way, thinking," Amy said while nudging Levi " aye Levi. Hey why don't you tell her what was on your mind hmm?" Amy had a cheeky grin on her face.

Levi looked down to her and glared at her.

Hmm, wonder what he was thinking about.

Looking back up to me he said in a monotone, " you don't need to know".

I'm pretty sure shock was written all over my face. I mean you would too if some one you know of being all bubbly, just turning all cold.

His eyes softened a bit once seeing my expression and said, "I was actually walking to the park that's down the road when I bumped into her ," he pointed down to Amy, obviously he still can't remember her name so I cut in and said, " Amy. her name is A-M-Y, Amy."

"What? oh right Amy. yeah I bumped not her and she asked my to drop her off here, so here , I am. I think I should carry on with my walk. nice seeing you lady's, good day,"he did one of those imaginary hat tilts and walked off.

Looking down to Amy I saw her with a huge grin on his face.

" He is a great guy... Hey since we are talking about him, Can I be the godmother of one of your kids?" she asked.

I gave her the look that said ' what are you on about'.

"OHwel, come on! Billy said he was going to give me his cookie this morning and it is chocolate chip so lets hurry!" she said while pulling my arm.

"Ok ok let's go then." I chuckled and let her drag me down the pathway towards her school.


Sorry the chapter was really short... But I'll make it up to y'all on the next chapter :)

Anyways, isn't Amy just the cutest????

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