Getting called beautiful-twice

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"Shorty?" pizza boy quirked and eyebrow at me.

" Your names shorty?" asked scar with an amussed expression.

Well crap.

" It's my nickname he gave me. Since ya know... I'm uh short" I said awkwardly.

" Then what's your actual name?" he asked, emphasising the word 'actual'.

"Its..." come on Shylo! think of a famous perso-" Miley! yeah that's my name..." I said.

I looked up to pizza boy, he gave me a look saying ' what the hell are you doing here?' I just gave him a look back saying ' I'll explain soon'.

Clearing my throat, I said " so can I come in? he um just dropped me off..."

" Um, yeah. thanks for dropping uh, Miley off here," pizza boy rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ok, well see you around Miley," scar said. he took a step closer and put his mouth to my ear. " and I will make sure of it," he lent back and gave me a quick wink before walking off.

I let out a deep breath, something I didn't know I was holding, and looked up at pizza boy to see him looking at me with his arms folded over his chest.

" Care to explain Miley?" he raised and eyebrow, which I would like to point out was totally hot.

"Fine, let me in and I'll explain. Oh and it's Shylo not Miley," I said while pushing past him. Better than waiting for him to shut the door in my face.

Walking in, I turned a couple turns and ended up in the lounge.

There was two plain black couches with a small tv in the corner. Nothing much but it was nice.

Turning around, I came face to face with pizza boy.

Just a heads up, he smells really good...

He chuckled " thanks shorty, or should I say Shylo. you don't smell that bad yourself." he smirked at my confused expression.

Then it hit me. I said my thoughts out loud... again. It happens all the time. One of the many reasons why I don't have friends.

I sighed " sorry, I wasn't meant to have said that out load," I said sheepishly.

I turned around awkwardly and made my way over to the sofa. plonking down with a thud, I swung my feet up and onto the other end.

Pizza boy came and stood in front off me.

"So why are you here?"

" Ok, so I was going out for a walk and bumped into the guy. he started to creep me out so I made up and excuse that I was going to see my boyfriend. I told him that he lived here and he walked me here. To my luck, you lived here which I was glad for because it would be a bit awkward if I was 'dating' a old man with a walking stick. anyways, here I am." I smiled up at him.

" Wow what a night. It's not every day a beautiful girl comes up to my door standing next to a fucking freaky guy and claims that your her boyfriend".

His eyes widened when he realised what he had just said. My cheeks turned bright red at his comment. Even though I am a bit embarrassed, I decided to make fun out of the conversation.

"And it's not everyday I get called beautiful. Twice."

" Yeah well- wait, what? twice? did he call you beautiful?" He asked, a bit on edge.

I quirked an eyebrow at his behaver. What crawled up his ass and died?

"He called me a beauty. but you don't need to get you- uh what do you always say?" I placed a finger on my chin in mock think " oh yeah! 'panties in a twist',"I smirked.

He had a small smile on his face. shaking his head he sat down on the other sofa. looking at me he asked , "so..."

" I better get going... got to get dinner ready for me and my uh, family" I scratched the back of my neck and stood up. At the same time, pizza boy stood up aswel.

" Why are you standing?" I asked.

" I just thought I would take you back to your place since we don't want that creep coming up to you again," he shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't much of a big deal and walked out of the room.

Following close after him, we made it to the door. He opened the door for me. Mumbling a short 'thanks' I walked threw and stood waiting for him to lock up.

After locking up, we made our way down the path to my house.

We were both quiet, lost in our own thoughts. I don't know what he as thinking about but my thoughts were on him. like why hadn't I seem him before? Is he new around here? I mean its pretty small town and with me being a loner, I got to know the background of everyone here. don't ask me how I did that without getting to know them. I guess I'm just good at reading people. but not pizza boy, he's a hard cookie...

Finally, we ended up at the front of my house. Turning to pizza boy, I awkwardly looked down at my feet.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered all of my courage and looked up to him. first I was thinking ' why am I acting all weird and awkward?' then I looked into his eyes and understood why.

They were so beautiful.

Shit I hope I didn't say that out load...

" Um thanks for walking me."

"It's fine," he gave me a small smile that made my knees weaken.

"Ok we'll I'm going to go inside now... bye pizza boy,"I said and turned and opened the door. walking in, I was about to shut the door when he spoke.

"Shylo?" he asked.

" Yeah?"

"My name is Levi, not pizza boy" he chucked and walked off.

Shutting the door, I turned around and out my back to the door.

" God! why did I act like such a damn girl!"


Naawwwww romantic moments are just the best!!!!

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