Skittlesshock and blushing

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"I'm home! And if anyone is here, reply!" I shouted. I waited for a bit for a reply but I was just greeted with silence.

I let out a huff and dropped my bag on the ground by the door. Walking into the kitchen, I saw another note on the counter with my parents credit card next to it.

I grabbed the note and read what my mother had said. Rolling my eyes, I took the card and shoved it into my pocket.

"Great. Another couple's cruise for the 'best couple'. And what makes it better, they are going to Fiji for fucking two weeks" I said to myself and threw my hands in exaggeration.

I know I should really get used to my parents not being around but sometimes I just need them to be there for me.

Most people would be sad to know your parents don't notice you or aren't around but me, well I'm just pissed. I'm their only daughter, only CHILD, and they are never around.

I turned around and stalked up to my room.

Chucking the door open, I stomped over to my dressing table. Mumbling curse words under my breath, I pulled the top left hand draw open and grabbed my big bag of stress candy, aka, skittles.

I sat on my bed and chucked a handful in my mouth.

It was a stupid idea.

You know when you eat something sour and you just have to shut your closed real hard and your jaw clenches as it stings along your jaw? Yeah well that's what I was experiencing at this very moment.

Rule one of eating skittles: never chuck a shit load of SOUR skittles in you mouth at once. you will immediately regret it.

Although they were sour, they did help with taking the stress away from my so called 'parents'.

Ten minutes later, I put my hand back into the bag to get more skittles to find it empty. This has just became a nightmare.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed. " well I guess it's time to put the money in use. Thanks mum and dad" I said sarcastically.

Walking over to my closest, I took out the closest jacket and slipped it on. turns out the jacket I took was my 'panic! in the disco' jacket.

"Well I'm lucky it wasn't my 'I love unicorns' jacket" I chuckled.

That jacket was the one my parents got me for my sixteenth birthday, they thought every sixteen year old would wont one after I got one. But they were wrong. Really wrong because it just gave them another reason for them to hate me.

After that, I grabbed my phone and and keys then walked out of the house after locking up.

Since I don't have a car, I was stuck with walking to the store. Turning left, I started my journey.

Hopefully, no unwonted guests *cough*scar*cough* will greet me a visit.


Open the door to ' Sean's shack', I was greeted with a wave of coldness.

Shacking it off, I walked down numerous isles until I came to my favourite on, the candy isle.

Grinning widely, I skipped over to the skittles. I took two bags of sour skittles, one bag of the fruit ones and I decided at the last minutes to get three bags of m&ms since the m&m's and skittles were three for four dollars.

Smiling down to the bags of deliciousness, I turned around and walked straight into a wall.

Groaning I grabbed my forehead, dropping the candy in process, and looked up to the wall.

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