13. Trust

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Chapter (13) - Trust 

I didn't know what Hanya went through. It was almost the first time that we tackled a sensitive topic. I was glad though. It's true that when I tried to go further, she said it was nothing, but I knew it wasn't. Her eyes held so many emotions that I wished I could understand, but I couldn't. So, I had no other choice but asking her.

“Maybe I met different people than those you met,” she replied.

“I met terrible people, but I didn't lose hope. You shouldn't,” I answered from experience.

I didn't meet angels in my life, but I never lost hope. I was judged, especially after being famous, but I never gave up on people because I know that not all people are the same and that the majority are bad. That's how you see the good. And, now out of a terrible experience, I can say that some people can be incredibly bad.

“I didn't.”

“Fine, Niall. I am just weaker than you are.”

“What happened?” I asked, eager to know, taking her other hand too; I wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible.

“Do you really have to know?” she asked, a bit impatient or bored.

“Yes,” I blurted.

“I will tell you later, Niall. I'm sure I will tell you one day. Just not today,” she smiled, squeezing both my hands to give me such a great sensation. “I trust you, somehow.”

And, that was when my heart sank into a bowl of very warm, comforting water. I loved her words so much. They were so few but damn intense. I subconsciously took her in a very tight hug, not caring about how movie-like was this. I admired her on a level that I never thought I could reach, but I loved it that way and never tried to change it.

“Whenever you can. I'm always here,” I told her, my words full of emotion.

“Thank you,” she whispered back in my ear, and I didn't know how she reached it, considering how petite she is.

“C'mon let's go, they must be waiting,” I told her with an encouraging smile after pulling back, but I was actually thinking about something else.

I was dying to know what kind of people she met. I wanted to know what happened to her that made her build such beliefs. What was that past I knew nothing about?

“Fine then,” she replied with a big smile on her face though it didn't really reach her eyes; she was thinking about something else too. “Get those pretzels, too.”

“What the fuck took you so long?” Lily asked once we were there.

“I was looking for the pretzels 'cos I know you like them,” Hanya made up, not mentioning the real reason we were late.

I felt damn happy. She didn't mention the real reason even to her best friend, and I was the only who knew it. Maybe she was going to tell Lily later when they were alone, but she didn't say, “Will tell you later,” or something like that. She just made up an excuse. I don't know what made me happy about her lying to her best friend, but I knew that I was happy we had something that we shared alone. Just for us.

“Oooh, HeHe. You sweet, literally tiny creature,” Lily cooed, making us all laugh.

Harry was actually holding his tummy. It wasn't that funny anyways.

“Now thank you very much, where are they?” she used a totally different tone, like the first one was just to gain trust, and then she showed the real side of her. The hungry side.

“Here,” I handed them to Lily who snatched them and crushed herself on the couch beside Zayn again.

If I didn't know how much Zayn loved Perrie, I would've totally said that those two were going to end up together.

“Guys, which of you is a gamer?” Hanya asked, making me chuckle a bit at how she asked.

Obviously, we were very fond of video games since we were boys, but Hanya asked as if she was expecting one or two to answer her.

“All,” Liam and Louis chuckled in unison.

“I want someone to play with me,” she confessed shamelessly yet cutely, like a little child saying she's hungry.

“Niall,” Harry blurted.

I knew what he meant. It's not like he didn't want to play. He just knew that I really wanted to spend time with Hanya. Harry may look like the girliest out of all of us, and you hear people talking about him being a womanizer. But, here is something you don't know: Harry is a real man when you need him. He's so gentle, never letting you down. I didn't really need Hanya to spend time with me, but he knew I really liked her. And, being my best friend, that is what he did.

“Yay then!!” Hanya cheered, leaving the food like she wasn't just hungry.

We went to play, leaving the boys to talk to Lily and each other. Again, I was surprised by how great Hanya was at this. The boys were surprised too, seeing her beating me like she was playing against an ant.

“She's damn good at that,” Louis commented in disbelief, watching me being humiliated by the terrible loss.

“Thank youuu,” Hanya exclaimed after a while since she was very focused on the game.

“I'm never getting that thing,” I heard Lily mumble behind us.

Of course, I lost against the world champion. Then, the worst part came: they had to leave. I didn't want that. I loved having Hanya near and spending time with her, and the boys got along with her and Lily. But, I couldn't convince them to stay longer. Let me just tell you something, I couldn't sleep that night. I kept fangirling in my head about the kiss she left on my cheek and the sweet smile I still can't get out of my head till now.


Short chapter - sorry for that! I would love it if you tell me what you think of it. I love you x

Roaa. xo

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