11. Unwanted Visitors

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--read A/N at the end--

Chapter (11) - Unwanted Visitors

“Hanya was on some addiction.”

That statement kept echoing in my head the whole night. I couldn't get a short minute of sleep. If by addiction Lily didn't mean drugs, then what the fuck did she mean? What was Hanya addicted to? Food? I know that she's addicted to food, but that's nothing that she hid. She was so clear in this aspect since the day we met. But, Lily was talking about something I didn't know. Wasn't she? Lily is not silly enough to make me worry about something I shouldn't. She knows how nervous I am already. She said 'before she knew you.' That means she's over it, right? Plus, I know Hanya well enough to know that if it's important, then she would've told me about it. We couldn't start a relationship without being honest. I know I wasn't completely honest with her, but that was after we were together already. We started the relationship honestly. Fuck, why am I over thinking this much? Why can't Hanya wake up and tell me what the addiction is that Lily was talking about?

Damn you, Lily. You gave me a goddamn headache.

I'm about to leave the bed to Hanya's room when the door cracks open. Who would it be? Mom, maybe? I try to lie to myself. This is not true. The faces I have just seen aren't the ones I think they are. No, they aren't. They can't be! I'm just seeing weird things because I haven't slept last night. Or, maybe I really need an asylum like I said yesterday. That would be great, Hanya in a hospital and me in an asylum. Just great. I'm ready to realize that I'm actually ill but never believe what I'm seeing right now. If this is true, I would be so screwed. So damn screwed.

“No, this is not happening,” I mumble to myself and continue getting out of the bed.

“It is, Horan.”

I am screwed.

I freeze in my place, staring at the two bodies that just entered my room. Haven't they gotten enough already? My girlfriend is unconscious, my work has stopped, and my band mates aren't working much because of me. What else do they want? What can they even do to make my life more terrible?

“What do you want?”

My voice is fighting so hard to come out. Just seeing their ugly faces made it dry, cold, and hoarse. I feel my lips trembling from fear while speaking. What the fuck are they going to do now? Kill me? I wish; it would be easier than this living hell.

“Aw, Niall! Do we have to want something? Can't we just come to see how you're doing?”

His tone is as terrible as always, emotionless and with evilness shouting its name out loud in every word he says.

“And your beautiful.. girlfriend?”

My heart is planning to jump, and it actually tries when he says “girlfriend.” That day.. it happens again before my eyes, and I feel the same sorrow and fear.

“Shu-shut the fuck up.”

My tears are about to fall, so I shut my eyes tightly to prevent them. The same guy approaches me. I look at the other guy to see all my sorrow in his transformed into malice.

“Oh baby, you can't even say it,” he tries to put his hand on my shoulder, but I shove it off furiously, like he was shooting a gun at me.

He starts to shake his head like he's really sorry. The arsehole. Seriously, how can he be this calm while making my nerves a wreck? I can break down in any second.

“Niall, Niall,” the other guy calls my name approaching too. “My dear friend, calm down.”

I'm boiling, yet fear is taking over me. What kind of fucking dumb creature am I?

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