Chapter 6

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Ha Ha Ha I updated this after months of not using wattpad..

Feel free to comment if something doesn't add up in the story. Also, Other wattpad people are like omg Ily all so much but nobody's even reading this, so there's nobody to love..

(When it says Blurry, it's Tyler but Blurry has taken over)

Josh had to help Brendon, even though he deserved to be hurt. If Josh didn't do anything, Blurry would definitely Kill Brendon. Josh couldn't let that happen and that was not because he cared about Brendon, not at all. But he cared about Tyler and Tyler would go to prison if Blurry killed Brendon, if that made any sense. So when Blurry was kicking,  punching and hurting Brendon, Josh took the fire extinguisher from the wall. "I'm sorry, Tyler." Josh whispered before hitting him on the back of his head with the fire extinguisher. Josh saw his eyes turn normal again. Brendon backed away as soon as Tyler went numb and thanked Josh. "Just fuck off and tell the others not to tell anyone what happened here." Brendon quickly limped out of the changing rooms and Josh looked at Tyler. "I'm sorry." He waited for Tyler to wake up, nervously. What if Blurry wasn't gone? Josh put the fire extinguisher back in it's place and sat on the floor in silence. When coach Dean asked what was wrong he said Tyler had fainted and the rest of the class thought they had a free period for some reason. Coach Dean didn't even look at Tyler. He just nodded and walked out of the changing rooms, not caring that everyone was gone.

"Tyler.. it's been an hour, please wake up.." Josh had carried Tyler outside and he was laying under a tree, still unconscious. "Tyler.." He whispered and took his hand, squeezing it. Tyler decided to wake up then. He looked up at Josh. "J-josh?" Josh sighed in relief and smiled at Tyler. "I thought you were gone.." Tyler looked around, confused. "W-what happened?" Josh helped Tyler up. "Well Brendon.. He forced your shirt off.. and Then Your Eyes Turned Red and you started beating him up.. I-I think Blurry did it.." Tyler cursed softly. "I don't remember anything.. just.. my head hurts like hell.. and it's not a migraine.." Josh bit his lip, feeling guilty. "I'll get you some painkillers but.. I'm worried.." Tyler looked at Josh. "There's nothing to be worried about, my head doesn't hurt /that/ much." Josh shook his head. "That's not what I'm worried about." Josh looked down. Tyler put a hand in Josh's shoulder. "What are you worried about than?" Josh looked up and sighed softly. "Brendon managed to take off your shirt. E-everyone, including me, saw your arms." All color drained from Tyler's face and he teared up. "Fuck." He whispered. Josh looked down. "Why would you do that to yourself?" He asked softly. Tyler closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks slowly. "I-it helps me release pressure a-and to be in control.. w-well until last time, when this happened." He rolled the sleeve of his left arm up and showed Josh. Josh looked at the arm that said BlurryFace. "What happened?" He whispered. Tyler shrugged. "I-I was trying to show him that I was in control, not him.. B-But he took over.." Josh pulled Tyler's sleeve down and wrapped an arm around him. "It's okay.. I can help you.. I-If you let me." Tyler nodded. "I will try. But I don't know when Blurry shows up again and makes me hate you." Josh nodded too and helped Tyler to his feet. Tyler looked at Josh's screen, there was a small gif of the two of them eating Ice cream. "I'll take it you want to skip school and go for ice cream?" Josh smiled shyly and nodded. "Let's do that than." Josh grinned. "I like this Tyler way better."

(Side note: When Tyler was mean to Josh in the beginning, he was trying to shut him out but Blurry influenced that behaviour, causing him to act mean)

Tyler and Josh sat on a bench in front of the ice cream shop, eating in silence. And for once, the silence was comfortable. Tyler managed to smile a little and Josh quickly took a picture of his happy face. Tyler let some giggles slip. "Why'd you take a picture of me?" Josh blushed slightly. "You smiled.. For the first time.. And I wanted to capture that moment." Tyler sighed softly, his smile disappearing. "I'm sorry I don't smile much.. I'm just so sad all the time.." Josh, who had finished his ice cream, put a hand on Tyler's shoulder. "Tyler.. I want to talk to you.. Is um.. Blurry um.. Can you feel he's here?" Tyler shook his head and finished his ice cream. Josh nodded. "Tyler.. I know about your depression. And I said earlier that I'd try to help you. And I will. And I am going to have to take your sharp objects away. But for now.. I think you really need a hug." Tyler stood up and so did Josh. "I-i could really use one.." Tyler admitted, his voice shaky. Josh nodded and pulled Tyler Into a soft hug. Tyler buried his head in Josh's chest. He felt like Josh cared about him, now that Blurry was gone. Tyler knew Blurry would come back he just hoped he wouldn't come back anytime soon.

"I will call you tomorrow so you won't sleep in!" Josh promised, laughing. Tyler smiled and waved Josh goodbye. He walked into his house and looked for his dad. He couldn't find him but he was probably just working in his office. They turned the spare bedroom into an office for his dad's work and that's where he was most of the time. Tyler walked upstairs and into his room. He was feeling better than most days. And his Migraine was less bad than usual. Tyler sighed softly and lay down on his bed. This feeling.. Not sad but not really happy either.. It inspired him to write. He hadn't written anything in a while.. Tyler sat down at his desk and took his song book. He opened it on a new page and thought for a bit. 'I do not know why I would go In front of you and hide my soul 'Cause you're the only one who knows it, Yeah,  you're the only one who knows it' Tyler wrote. He didn't want to admit it, but it seemed to be about Josh. 'and I will hide behind my pride Don't know why I think I could lie 'Cause there's a screen on my chest Yeah, there's a screen on my che-' Tyler stopped writing in the middle of his sentence, when  he heard his dad call him downstairs. Tyler sighed and closed his notebook, walking downstairs. His dad was sitting in a chair at the dinner table, a pile of papers in front of him. Tyler smiled and sat down opposite of him. "I finished it." Tyler's dad said. Tyler frowned. "Finished what?" His dad grinned. "The book I've been working on." Tyler looked at the papers and smiled. "Can I read it?" Tyler took the papers and started reading. Soon enough, he realised what the book was about and he slammed the papers down on the table.  His head hurt and he knew blurry was back. "What the fuck Is this." He asked calmly. His father gulped.  "I-It's a story.. It's about my life with you here without your mum and brother now.." He explained. "I'm not an idiot, I can see that. But why the hell did you think it was a good idea to write this?!" He snapped, ripping the papers in half. "You think you've got a bad life, don't you? Well boohoo.. Don't you think this is your own damn fault? You're the one who should've been watching out that day. Who even lets their children play outside alone when they're that young? And mum.. You should've been looking out for her, you were her husband! Y-You.. I-It was your f-fault.." Tears started rolling down his cheeks and he was back to himself again. "m-mum.."He whispered. Tyler stared at the papers in his hands and then at his dad. "M-My life is not book material.." He whispered. "I'm sorry but-" Tyler shook his head. "Save your excuses for someone who cares." He got up and threw the papers in the trash before walking upstairs into his room. He sat down on his bed and started singing softly. "I'm a goner.. somebody catch my breath..." His screen flickered. It showed static for a few seconds, before an image appeared. A sillhoute of a person, hung from the ceiling.

 (See picture attached to this chapter)

Should I update this story more?

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