Chapter 4

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Third chapter I'm writing in two days wow.

When Tyler had managed to calm down and when he didn't have any tears left, he pulled his sleeves down and walked back home in silence. It was around dinner time by now and Tyler was greeted with the smell of spaghetti. He figured Josh had gone home already but he froze when he walked into the kitchen. Josh wasn't gone, he was eating dinner with Tyler's dad. "What the Hell do you think you're doing?" Tyler asked calmly. Josh turned around and smiled. "I told you to go away, so why the Hell are you still here?" Tyler asked, a bit less calm. "I made a bit too much food so Josh could easily join us." Tyler rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I don't care about the food. I want him gone. Now!" Josh looked down. Tyler's father stood up. "Tyler.. Please calm down. Josh is going to finish his food and you are going to join us." Tyler took a plate and it took everything in him not to throw it at Josh. He put it on the table, his hands shaking. He had to calm down. He was his own person, not Blurry. Blurry wasn't him. He put some of the spaghetti on the plate and took some deep breaths. Blurry was quiet. "H-How was your day, dad?" He willed himself to ask. Tyler's dad smiled and Josh tried to hide his frown. He then tried to hide his screen, as there were two pictures on it, both of Tyler, but on one of them he was yelling and on one of them he was smiling. It was pretty obvious what Josh was thinking about, Tyler's sudden mood change. Tyler didn't say anything about it and neither did his dad. "I didn't do much today, just tried to write and failed, again." Tyler's dad answered Tyler's question. Tyler put a hand on His dad's shoulder. "It's okay, Dad. You'll find inspiration,  it's not like you have writer's block, you probably just hate the fact that you have a time bound schedule." Josh dropped his fork and two pair of eyes turned to him. "I um.. T-That would be perfect for our song.." Josh stuttered. Tyler got up and got the Notebook from upstairs. "Let it be said what the headache represents, it's me de-" Tyler read, that was where he'd stopped writing. "You should probably finish that sentence first." Tyler nodded. "Defending in suspense, it's me suspended in a defenseless test, being tested by a ruthless examinor, that's represented best by my depressing thoughts.." Tyler wrote and read up to Josh and his dad. Josh smiled and took the pen. "I do not have writer's block, my writer just hates the clock." He added Tyler smiled. "That was pretty good." He complimented. Josh blushed and smiled shyly. He liked this part of Tyler. They all finished eating before Tyler and Josh walked back upstairs.

"It will not let me sleep, I'll get some sleep when I'm dead and sometimes Death seems better than the migraine in my head."  Tyler wrote down, finishing the first verse. Josh read everything they had and looked at Tyler. "I'm sorry." He softly, looking at Tyler. Tyler frowned. "What are you sorry for?" Josh shrugged. "Your life is just so hard and I have this perfect family and perfect grades and I just have it all figured out whilst you have this life where you have to fight constantly and I just want you to have an easy life." Tyler looked at Josh. "Who says my life is hard?" Josh looked down. "Your dad." Tyler clenched his fists. "Of course he did, that asshole." Josh sighed softly. "It wasn't his fault.. I really wanted to know." Tyler looked around for something to throw, he knew he shouldn't but he couldn't calm down. "Well it wasn't up to him to tell you about my fucking life. I've only known you for one day!" He found a porcelain cup and threw it against the wall. "I-i'm sorry.. But I'm here for you, you're not on your own, Tyler.." Tyler turned around and pushed Josh harshly, causing him to fall onto his back. "Don't you fucking say that, I don't need you, I'm fine on my own!" Josh winced and his eyes were wide. "Good job, Tyler!"  Blurry laughed. "Get out of my head! I'm sorry Josh.." Tyler stuck his hand out to help Josh up but when he got Josh to his feet, he threw him against a wall, punching him in his stomach. It wasn't him tough, the Red word on his arm was burning as he hurt Josh. This wasn't Tyler, it was Blurry.

Tyler's dad was doing the dishes when he heard the commotion upstairs. He washed his hands but started running upstairs when he heard a loud crash. He barged into Tyler's room. "Are you guys- Tyler!" He ran to his son and pulled him off of Josh. He held Tyler who tried to get to Josh. "I think it's better If you stay away from Tyler for a bit." He told him. Josh got up, he was shaking. He left the house as quick as he could and took the bus home.

Josh wiped the blood from his face before walking inside. His mum asked about his day and he lied smoothly, keeping close to the truth. He told about the song he was writing with Tyler and that Tyler was really nice. He didn't mention anything about Blurry or the bad stuff that had happened. He'd use his mum's foundation to cover the bruises that he'd no doubt get tomorrow and she'd never find out. Josh went to bed early, his first day of school didn't go as he imagined it would've, not at all. Tears found their way down his cheeks and he pulled the covers up to his chin, he only then realised he was shaking. He was genuinely scared of what was going to happen next. He just wanted to be friends with Tyler, but Blurry didn't want that to happen. Josh wasn't going to give up, despite Tyler's words and his dad's. He agreed it would be best to leave Tyler alone a bit, but not for too long. He wanted, no he had to, help Tyler. Tyler didn't have anyone, except maybe his dad, who was just as scared as Josh. Tyler claimed he didn't need help, but Josh knew he did in fact need help. That was probably easier said than Done though.

Whilst Josh cried himself to sleep, Tyler couldn't sleep at all. He lay in bed, thoughts running through his head, none of them were nice. Sometimes Blurry would join them, taunting Tyler. 'Josh is just trying to help you and you beat him up.'  Tyler shook his head. He was tired but he couldn't sleep. "You beat him up, that wasn't me." Blurry didn't see the difference though. 'I am you, you are me, we are one, Tyler.'  Tyler continued to shake his head. "N-No.. Everything was fine until you showed up." Blurry laughed softly. 'When I first showed up, you didn't think of me like the bad guy at all.. We were friends,  Tyler!"  Tyler closed his eyes. "Okay, I'll admit, you helped me at first but now you're only making me do bad stuff." Tyler took his non-effective  Migraine pills and put his head in his pillow. "I really hate you, Blurry." A dark feeling build up in Tyler's stomach, a feeling of Pain. "You don't hate me, Tyler. You hate Josh. Josh is trying to help you but you don't need any help.." Tyler nodded softly. "I Hate Josh. I don't need his help." Blurry laughed in the distance. Dark thoughts went through Tyler's mind, it took him hours to fall asleep. But when he did, two things were sure. He hated Josh. And Blurry was his friend.

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