Chapter 17

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Thank you for all your kind words and the reads, it really motivates me to write more.

Another week passed. Josh was losing hope. He'd told Tyler his feelings and Tyler hadn't responded. Josh had yelled at Doctor Way, called him a liar. He'd cried more and had thrown stuff across Tyler's room. He'd been dragged out of the room. He wasn't allowed to visit Tyler anymore. He'd get a call when Tyler was awake. He was told to get some sleep, eat something. He didn't want to. All he wanted was Tyler. His screen was black. Pitch black. It was exactly how he was feeling. Empty. 

He was standing in front of his house. He hadn't been home in a long while. His dad must be worried sick. Josh looked down. How could he have left his dad on his own like that? He was such an ass. He'd left right before his dad was going to read the letter. He had no idea what his dad would be like. Josh took a deep breath and took his house keys from his pocket. He was going to unlock the door but it was open already. Did his dad go out and forget to lock it? Josh frowned and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "I'm home.." He called out softly. There was no response. The lights in the living room were off. So were the lights upstairs. It was very dark because it was getting dark outside too. The light in the kitchen was on. Josh walked into the kitchen quietly. "Dad?" He whispered. He didn't get a proper response. Just some groans and the sound of glass. He walked around the kitchen table and saw his dad, sitting on the floor. He was surrounded by bottles. It looked like he hadn't shaved since the last time Josh saw him. "Dad.." Josh whispered. His dad was sipping from a bottle of whiskey. He put it down harshly, the glass almost broke. "Son." He said, looking at Josh. His screen was showing a broken heart. His knuckles had old wounds. He must've punched the wall or something. Josh looked around the kitchen. There were dishes piling up, most of the plates broken. "You have her eyes, you know that, right?" He told Josh as he got up shakily. Josh tried to help him stand up properly but his dad slapped his hand away. "I don't need your help." He huffed and looked over Josh. "You look like a wreck." Josh nodded softly. "So do you." His dad shrugged. "I have reason to. My wife left me." Josh looked down. "I have reason to too. My mom left. And my friend is in a coma." His dad chuckled. "Your friend, that Tyler guy?" Josh nodded softly. "What'd he do, try to kill himself?" Josh shook his head. "It's none of your business." His dad raised an eyebrow. "It's none of my business?" Josh nodded without looking at him. "Do you like Tyler, Josh?" His dad asked. He spat the word 'like' out like it was something disgusting. "Of course I like Tyler, he's my friend." He shook his head. "You know what I mean, idiot. Are you in love with Tyler?" Josh shook his head, but his screen was showing a little red heart a again. "I knew it." His dad simply stated, with a disgusted face. "You disgust me." He slapped Josh across his face harshly, his ring leaving a small cut on his cheek. Tears filled Josh's eyes. "I'm sorry, dad.." He whispered. His dad only laughed. "No you're not. Don't cry, you wimp!" He pushed Josh and he fell onto the floor into a puddle of alcohol. "I'm sorry.|" He said again as his dad walked towards him. "She left because of you!" His dad yelled, kicking him in the gut. Josh nodded. "She left because of me." His dad kicked him and kicked him and kicked him until he didn't feel like it anymore. "Get out of my house." Josh crawled to the door, his breathing heavy. He couldn't breath properly. "You're not my son anymore." His dad spat, glaring at him before he returned to the kitchen, leaving Josh to his fate.

Tyler was sitting on a small bed in his cell. He stared at the cell opposite of him. He was playing the drums like he always did, in each of these dreams. "Josh.." Tyler whispered. But of course, Josh didn't hear him. He never did. Tyler blinked and Josh was gone. He put his head on his hands and just sang quietly. People told him to shut up. But he couldn't. Music was the only thing that could pull him through this. He looked up at a sound and saw his cell door opening. He got up and saw Josh. He was moving with his drums. Tyler walked after him. He walked through multiple dark corridors, just following the sound of Josh's drumming. He kept singing his song until he turned a corner and saw Josh. He was drumming still, up on a small stage this time. Tyler walked up to him. "Hi Josh.." He whispered. The moment he stepped onto the stage, his clothes ripped off and revealed a yellow black outfit. Tyler grabbed the guitar. He never knew he could play the guitar. But that didn't matter. This all wasn't real anyway. He continued singing, into a microphone this time. He closed his eyes. It felt like he was a real artist. People gathered around them and Tyler swallowed his fear. He could do this. He sang, and they loved it.  It felt like he was on top of the world. But just like all the other dreams, this one came to an end too. He didn't want it too, but as soon as he sang the last note to the song, everything disappeared. All the people listening, the stage, Josh... Josh wasn't real. Armed men came in and pointed their guns at him. Tyler just stared at the ground, not saying anything. All he wanted was Josh. But Josh was gone. 

I decided to do that thingy I did in the last chapter again, liked it? ^_^ I'm gonna write on the next chapter so it might be uploaded in a few days or maybe even tomorrow!

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