Chapter 21

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I'm sorry for the remotely long wait >.< I write this in school and we had a one week break. But I'm back and will try to update this as much as possible. This week and further on.

"It's a miracle, really. I don't mean to hurt anyone by saying this, but my hope was far gone. We only kept him alive because we were paid to do so." The nurse, Jenna, told them. Josh looked down. A miracle. Who'd caused this miracle? Had Josh? Tyler smiled softly, as if he could read Josh's thoughts. "It was all thanks to Josh, honestly." He told Jenna. She gave him a gentle smile and picked up some papers. "Your surgery's scheduled for later today. We had to wait for you to wake up for it to take place." Tyler frowned and tightened his grip on Josh's hand. "S-Surgery?" He stuttered. Jenna nodded. "We're going to have to remove your screen. It doesn't work and with this much damage it could be a danger to not only you but to others too." Tyler nodded quietly. He hated surgery. What if someone messed up? Josh looked at Tyler. He seemed nervous, scared. Josh couldn't be sure though, as Tyler's screen didn't work. He tried to changed the subject. "Your hair has grown a lot since we shaved it. Do you want to keep it long or should I help you shave it again?" He asked gently. Tyler shrugged. He didn't really know. "I'll leave you two alone for now. Make sure to contact Tyler's dad about the situation. I'll come to get him when it's time for his surgery." They nodded and Jenna left the room. Josh looked at Tyler. He looked so small, confused and lost. He closed his eyes. "Tyler..." Tyler sighed softly. "Things will only get worse you know.. If I get my screen removed." Josh nodded softly. "I'll protect you, Ty." Tyler smiled weakly and Josh got up. "I'll get you some water. Your lips are chapped and faded." Tyler nodded and Josh left the room. 

He turned a few corners and headed for the cafetaria when he bumped into someone. "Brendon." Brendon looked up at Josh and chuckled. "What are you here for, did Tyler finally try to kill himself?" Josh glared at him. "Shut up about Tyler or I swear I will end you." Brendon laughed but Josh could see his pain. His eyes were red and puffy. "Why are you here, Brendon?" Brendon abruptly stopped laughing. "W-Why would I tell you?" Josh sighed. "Brendon, I know you don't like me. And I don't like you. But those feelings aside, are you okay?" Brendon looked at Josh and almost immediately broke down. His shoulders were shaking and he was a mess. Josh hesitantly pulled Brendon into a hug and tried to comfort him. He let Brendon cry as much as he needed before pulling away and looking at him. "Tell me.. What's wrong?" Brendon looked down and wiped his tears away. "My sister.. They don't know if she'll make it.. S-She tried to remove her screen.." Brendon explained. He looked so vulnerable and broken. "I-I'm sorry. Josh. What I did to Tyler.. It's people like me who caused this for my sister.. T-They laughed at her and bullied her for one picture on her screen. One moment in her life.. Nobody should go through that.." Josh nodded, understanding what Brendon had realized. "It's not too late yet. You can change, Brendon. Tyler's here.. You can go see him if you want to.." He told him with a gentle smile. Brendon nodded and sniffled. "That'd be nice, I want to apologize."

Tyler waited for Josh. He waited in silence, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't believe how much time had past. To him it felt like an eternity. He'd been stuck in a loop where him and Josh played music. And in which Josh had ignored his presence. The door opened and Tyler's dad hesitantly stepped inside. They looked at each other quietly. "Dad.." Tyler whispered after a long painful silence. "Tyler.. Y-You're awake.." His dad whispered. "They're going to remove my screen.." Tyler told his dad with tears in his eyes. His dad nodded. "That's probably the safest solution... Are you alright?" Tyler shook his head. His dad nodded. "That's okay. Are you scared for the surgery?" Tyler nodded. "If they remove my screen.. I'll be the only one without a screen.. I'll stand out, dad.. And not in a good way." His dad sat down on the edge of his dad and carefully pulled him into a hug. "It'll be okay.." He told his son. Tyler shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. "It won't, dad. I-I know it won't. They already hate me. Know I'm different. And Brendon.. He's just going to do worse.." Mr. Joseph frowned as he held Tyler, rubbing his back. "Urie?" He asked softly. Tyler nodded slightly. "I know it must be hard, but you have to try to talk to him. Things at home aren't going great.. He's going through some rough things. His mother called me yesterday." Tyler pulled away from the hug carefully. "Why are you here, dad?" His dad frowned and looked at him. "What do you mean? I'm here to see you, my son." Tyler shook his head. "I don't think you are..." His dad sighed and looked down. "I was here to visit Brendon's sister. But also to visit you. But she.. She couldn't do it on her own, I joined her in visiting her daughter." Tyler put his head in his hands. "You were here with Brendon's mom to visit his sister. Not me. I wasn't your first priority." Tears made their way down his dad's cheeks. "Tyler, no. That's not the reason. I was here for her. But also for you. I've visited you every day for the past few weeks." Tyler nodded. "But you weren't here when it mattered. When I woke up. At least Josh was." Tyler's dad frowned. "Josh?" Tyler nodded. "But he wasn't allowed to be here anymore." Tyler chuckled. "Well, that just shows how much he cares about me. Now I want you to leave." His dad looked up and wiped away his tears. "Tyler Please..." Tyler shook his head. "Go away, Go to your new family!" His dad's heart sunk in his chest. He got up and turned around. "If that's what you want, Tyler..." He left and Tyler was alone again. Tyler wanted to scream. Tell him to come back. But his lips didn't let him. He was torn. Half of him wanted his dad to come back to hold him. Half of him wanted to never see him again. And just to top it off, the door opened again. And Brendon Fucking urge walked in. Tyler shook his head and just grabbed the first object he saw, which happened to be a potted plant, and threw it at him with all he had.

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