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Hey everyone reading this... It took me a long time to start on this but now I've decided to just get this over with. I hope you enjoy the last chapter of Screen. Look forwards to hopefully more stories in the near future.

Two boys without a screen walked down a crowded street. They were holding hands, a ring on on their ring fingers, a smile on their face. People were staring, not because of the fact that they didn't have a screen, a lot of people had their screen removed after some doctors told the news that it was better for their health. Also not because they were holding hands, homosexuality had become a lot more acceptable. They were staring because of the big smiles on their faces. And maybe also because they'd had some small gigs and were starting to get more famous. Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun of Twenty One Pilots. Josh kissed his fiancé's head. He was proud of how far he'd come. Tyler had been clean for 2 years now and he hadn't been to the forest just as long. Josh had moved in with him and his dad. They shared Tyler's room and whenever bad memories came up, Tyler would call for josh. And Josh would come. And Josh would hold Tyler. And tell him how strong he was. And how much he loved him. Josh wasn't the only one who'd moved in with Tyler and his dad. Brendon and his sister had moved in together with his mother who now was happily engaged with Tyler's dad. Tyler and Brendon had made up and were good friends now. Same with Josh.

On Tyler's 20th birthday, Josh took him to the forest. Tyler was very nervous and didn't look forward to going back to the place he loathed so much at all. But Josh reassured him that everything was going to be okay and that there was no need to worry, even when he couldn't see anything anymore due to Josh's hands in front of his eyes. Tyler's breath wasn't even but he trusted Josh. and tried to remain calm. "Tyler.. On the night i asked you to marry me... We went up onto the roof and looked at the stars together. I remember how we were holding hands and how happy you were. I remember how we talked about dreams and wishes of yours. We've already accomplished one of them, we started a band. And now here we are. Whilst you were working as a barista, I've been busy here. I've had some help from Brendon and your dad, but it was mostly me. I love you, Tyler. And now I can finally have you all to myself." Tyler smiled. Josh was so sweet to him. and he loved him so much. "I love you too, now let me see!" Tyler laughed softly and Josh finally removed his hands from over his eyes. "Surprise.." He whispered as Tyler's eyes went wide. Josh had built a treehouse for them. It was a fairly big wooden cabin up in the trees. Fairy lights hung all around it from the branches. On the floor against the tree was a small basket Tyler easily would be able to dunk a basketball in. Josh pulled on a cord and a small rope ladder fell down. "After you, princess." He chuckled, which earned him a punch in the gut. Tyler climbed up though, excitement in his eyes. He looked around and made a very unmanly sound. There was a wooden twin sized bed, a small stove, bean bags and even a tv with a playstation, his playstation. There was a window with cute small curtains. Tyler looked out of it and saw Josh's drums and his microphone and a wooden piano a bit in the distance on a wooden porch. He didn't know what to say. Josh had done all of this in just a few weeks time, not even being able to work on it every day. Tyler just hugged him and didn't let go. He whispered a thank you when he finally could and Josh smiled. "You're welcome..." He whispered. "Anything for my beautiful fiancé." Tyler blushed and kissed Josh softly. "I love you." He told him. Josh smiled and hugged him close to his chest. "I love you too, Ty. A lot."

Brendon  dropped a rose onto the casket and looked away. He didn't know what to say so he just joined Dallon who was silently grieving. "I told him to be careful.." Dallon said quietly as soon as he noticed Brendon. He nodded softly. "You know Spencer, he's never careful on his motor cycle. I'm just glad you're still alive." Dallon smiled weakly. His arm was in a cast and there were mutiple bandaids in use on his face, but at least he was still alive. Brendon pulled him into a gentle hug and sighed softly. "That idiot will be missed." He whispered, causing Dallon to chuckle weakly. "Please don't leave me too.." Dallon whispered. Brendon shook his head and just held him in silence.

When the funeral was over, Brendon took the crying Dallon home. He'd been staying with Spencer and didn't have a home now that his friend was gone. Brendon's mother and Tyler's father had a quick converstaion with Brendon and decided to let Dallon stay for as long as he needed. Josh and Tyler would most likely be staying in their new 'home'so there was plenty of space. Brendon and Dallon had been talking a lot since the accident and it had made them become much closer. Brendon had told him about Tyler and Josh and what had happened in the hospital. That was the seconbd time Brendon had ever seen Dallon cry. The first time being just a few days before that, when he was calling for an ambulance right after he and Spencer had crashed. Dallon promised his friend, who was bleeding out that he'd needed him and that hew couldn't die on him. But he had. He'd died a bit later, in Dallon's arms, right before the ambulance arrived. Brendon had rushed over to the hospital right when he'd received a call from Dallon. He hadn't left his side since then. 

Some time later... Like Idk weeks, months?

Lots of people had tears in their eyes, Tyler himself was sobbing loudy whilst his dad had a bright smile on his face. Tyler's stepmom was helping Tyler with his tie seeing as he himself and his father did not know how to do so properly. On the other side of the room, behind a curtain, was Josh. Brendon rolled his eyes and fixed Josh's hair for the 50th time. The gel was bothering him, since it didn't even help one bit. His hair just went everywhere. "Calm down, babe. It's his hair, if it's not perfect, it's not that much of a problem." Dallon reassured him. Brendon sighed but nodded, leaving Josh's hair alone. Brendon and Dallon looked over Josh and nodded proudly. "Perfect." They walked to the other side of the curtain and approached Tyler. "You're a mess, man." Brendon noted. Tyler quickly wiped away his tears. "You can't blame him, sweetie." Brendon's mum pointed out. Brendon rolled his eyes. "I was just pointing it out." Brendon's mum kissed her stepson's cheek and took her son out of the room. "Shall we?" Tyler's dad asked. Tyler sniffled and took his father's arm. They walked down the isle and hugged briefly. "Good luck." Tyler's dad told his son, who thanked him quietly. Josh took Tyler's hand and smiled. "You look stunning." he told him. A blush spread across Tyler's face. More tears fell. "This is the best day of my life." He whispered. Josh chuckled. "I agree with you on that." The priest cleared his throat. "We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Tyler Robert Joseph and Joshua William Dun..."

The End 

Screen (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now