Chapter 24

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Hey guys, did you know that I'm an idiot? I forgot that I'd mentioned Ryan in this story before. In chapter 5. So I changed his name to Spencer's. Problem solved..

"Well, if you don't need intensive care, and I don't need intensive care, what are we still doing here on the ICU?" Ryan shrugged. "It's not like we can just leave... The door's locked..." Brendon started walking around the room, pacing, thinking. "Well than.." He says after a while. "If there's a lock.. There has to be a key." Ryan chuckled slightly. "No shit, Sherlock. But It's locked from the outside and we don't have a key. And I don't think there's a key just laying around here.." Brendon nodded. "You're right. That information I just gave was useless.." Ryan shook his head. "It's fine. Maybe I didn't know lock's had keys." Brendon smiled slightly. "Thanks." He mumbled. Ryan got up and looked at the door. "We're not going to get out of here by breaking the door. So.. Let's have someone get us out of here." Brendon raised an eyebrow but Ryan didn't explain any further. He just started screaming loudly. Brendon put his hands on his ears. "Ryan what are you-" He started. He stopped when he heard a few clicks and saw the door open. "What the hell is going on in here?" The guard asked with an angry expression. Ryan had stopped screaming. He grinned at the guard. "Nothing.. Nothing at all.." He said before punching the guard in his face. Brendon's eyes widened. Ryan smiled and kneed the guy in the balls. When he doubled over, Ryan kicked against his head until he stopped moving. He smiled at Brendon. "Let's go." he simply said. He took the guard's keys and a shocked Brendon's hand and walked out of the door. They walked through halls in silence. Ryan seemed to know the way. When they walked past a wall full of pictures, Brendon stopped walking. "Brendon hurry up before they find out we're missing." Brendon looked at Ryan. "Ryan, what is this?" He motioned to the wall with pictures. "Just some pictures on a wall, now come." Brendon shook his head. "Ryan.. Why are you on there?" Ryan looked at the wall and the pictures on it. He sighed softly. "I thought they removed your screen because of those people in your class.." Brendon said, confused. Ryan nodded softly. "I lied to you." Brendon dropped his hand. "Tell me the truth. Everything. Right now. Or I'm going to call for the guards." Ryan sighed and motioned to the wall. "This is the ICU's hall of fame." He told Brendon. "I'm on there because I've been here since I was little. I've caused the most commotion of all of the people on this wall. That's why I'm on top." Brendon looked at Ryan. "Why are you here, have you been here for so long?" Ryan chuckled softly. "Who knows? According to the doctors and nurses I'm crazy. According to the priest I'm the Anti-Christ. Believe whoever you want." Brendon took Ryan's hands and looked into his eyes. "And according to you?" He asked softly. He saw tears Ryan was desperately trying to hide. "I've just had a bad childhood. I guess that's what's caused all of this.. Shit. The pictures on my screen, the thoughts. The bad bad thoughts.." Brendon pulled him into a hug. "I killed them, you know.. I set the house on fire." Brendon rubbed his back as he knew the tears had started falling. "It's okay, Ryan." He whispered as he just held him and let him be emotional. He must've been holding in his tears for years. "Like I said, I'm going to protect you."

"Where's your dad, Tyler?" Josh asked carefully. "Does he know you're awake yet?" They were laying in Josh's bed, Tyler's head on Josh's chest. Tyler sighed softly. "I don't want to talk about that traitor." Josh frowned and took Tyler's hand. "What do you mean, Ty?" Tyler closed his eyes and told Josh about his encounter with his dad. Josh just listened quietly. When he was done talking, Josh kissed his head. "I understand why you feel that way. But you have to understand that he loves you. And that there hasn't been a day where he didn't go to the hospital to visit you. And Mrs. Urie.. Her daughter's in the hospital.. She needed your father to be there for her." Tyler realized what he'd done. He'd shut out the man who only ever tried to help him. He had to make it right somehow. He just didn't know what to do. What to say. What if his dad didn't accept his apologies? "Tyler... You're all your dad has left. He loves you. I know he will forgive you. All you have to do.. Is apologize." Tyler nodded. "All I have to do is apologize." Josh nodded and wrapped his arms around Tyler. "Everything's going to be okay." 

"Ryan Ross. Making a commotion again? Come with me." Ryan shook his head and hid behind Brendon. "Don't let them take me away.. Don't let them give me those damn pills again!" He was shaking badly. Brendon looked at the nurse. Ryan seemed genuinely scared. "And you, Mr. Urie, you only got here yesterday. I did most certainly not expect this from you." Brendon nodded softly. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. But if I may ask, why is it that you claim Ryan to be crazy?" The nurse raised an eyebrow but sighed when she realized what was playing. "Brendon. You fell for his trap, didn't you?" Brendon looked at her as Ryan gripped the back of Brendon's shirt. "Don't listen to her, Brendon!" He cried out. Brendon didn't know who to believe. "Tell me, ma'am. Why. do. you. think. he. is. crazy?" He asked sternly. The nurse sighed and handed Brendon a few papers. He looked over it and shook his head. "I don't believe Ryan would ever be able to do stuff like this. Have you looked at him? He's nice and innocent." There was a small chuckle and a flash of silver. The nurse gasped. "I'm sorry, Brendon." Ryan whispered. "One step closer and he dies." Ryan said, holding a sharp piece of glass against Brendon's throat. The nurse was doing a quiet prayer. She looked at them and remained still. Ryan started to slowly walk backwards. "Ryan..Why?" Brendon whispered. "I'm finally escaping, Brendon.." Ryan whispered as he walked further. "There are lots of locks.. And you're my key."

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