Chapter 23

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Since this story reminds a lot of people of the Teletubbies I made this 

Tyler woke up in a white room. He looked around. It wasn't the same room as before. If possible, it seemed even more white tho him. He sighed. He'd started to hate the colour white due to how much he was exposed to that colour. Tyler sat up and realized something. He wasn't dead. The operation hadn't been a failure. He smiled softly. He was afraid to look down, at his chest, which wouldn't have a screen on it anymore. He started to become nervous and almost panicked. Until he finally did look down. And what he saw made his eyes go wide in shock. It was a screen. With no cracks. None. And it was actually working.. There was a picture of an anxious looking person it. The expression on the person's face changed. Made room for a different expression. Surprise. Tyler got up and tried to find someone who could explain. Had they finally been able to fix his screen? Because the cracks and the eternal darkness had disappeared. Weren't present. "Doctor Way?" He called lout. "Jenna?" He was quiet for a bit. "Josh?" He quietly walked out of the room, into the waiting room. "Josh?" He asked again. But nobody was there. Tyler's heart sunk in his chest. He went back into his room. And it wasn't until then that he realized his bed wasn't the only one in the room. There was another one. Buit there was a closed curtain around it. Tyler had no idea who could be in the bed. He frowned, confused. "Hello?" He asked softly as he sat back down in his own bed. But nobody answered. Her decided to let it rest for a bit and took one of the books on his nightstand. There were a few, but this one caught his eye. It had a brownish cover with a black plane on it. "All my sons.." Tyler read out loud. It seemed like an interesting book. Tyler decided to read it whilst he waited for the person in the other bed to wake up.

Brendon woke up in a white room too. His head felt like it was going to burst. "Hello?" He called out. No answer. There was a sound though. It was a soft sound. Brendon recognized it as the sound of small sobs. He looked at the bed beside his and saw a boy from around his age sitting in it, sobbing softly. His knees were pulled up to his chest. There was no screen. Brendon frowned. He wondered what happened to the boy. Why didn't he have a screen? Why was he sad? He sat up carefully and also managed to get up without fainting. "Excuse me?" He asked softly as he walked over to the other bed, sitting down on the edge carefully. His screen showed sadness for the boy, but also just in general. The boy looked up when Brendon sat down. He didn't know what to do or say. Brendon couldn't read his expression. He looked at the boy and the bot looked back. He had brown hair that almost fell into his face. He had a bandage around his head. There were some scrapes on his cheek and one on the side of his nose. His face was friendly but very sad at the moment. "Are you okay?" Brendon asked, his voice soft and gentle. The boy shook his head. Brendon nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" The boy shrugged. "Sometimes it can help a lot, talking about it." The boy looked down and pulled his knees closer to his chest. "I lost my screen." He whispered. Brendon nodded. He'd noticed that. "What happened?" The boy let out a choked sob. "T-They hurt me. T-They broke my screen." He stuttered. His hands were shaking and his breathing was uneven. Brendon had the urge to hold him. But he didn't he didn't know him. Maybe it would only make everything worse. "What's your name?" He asked, changing the subject for him. "Ryan.." He whispered. Brendon nodded. "I'm Brendon." Ryan nodded and sniffled. "W-Why are you here, Brendon?" Brendon thought back to what he'd realized and how they'd took him away. "Because I'm an Asshole." He decided. "Where are we?" He asked Ryan. "The ICU." He whispered. Brendon frowned. Why he was there could be explained. But if Ryan was attacked.. Why was he there? "I know what you're thinking.." Ryan mumbled. "I'm not here because I was attacked. I'm here because I started it. I had a knife. I was going to kill them. And myself." Brendon looked at Ryan. He didn't look like a killer to him. "I forgot that three to one is pretty impossible." Ryan let out a small chuckle with no humor ion it whatsoever. Brendon sighed softly. "Did they bully you a lot?" He asled. Ryan chuckled again. "All day, every day. At school at least. But it's not like it was any better at home. Why did they have to stop me? I wish.. Even if none of them died.. Why couldn't I at least have?" Brendon took Ryan's hand and shook his head. "Don't say that, Ryan. there's something about you. something that makes me want to protect you. And that's exactly what I'm going to do." Ryan looked at Brendon with mixed expressions. He was surprised by his words. But also kinda scared. Because what if he failed? What if he only made things worse?

"Twenty one pilots.." Tyler whispered. "That's it, the perfect name for our band!" He exclaimed a bit too loud. He heard a groan come from behind the curtain. He put the book away and got up, walking to the curtains. "Hello?" He asked, unsure. "Are you awake?" There were a few sounds from the other side and then a whisper. "Tyler?" A voice asked. Tyler pulled the curtains away quick and harsh. "Josh!" He almost jumped into his arms. Almost. But something stopped him. "Josh... Where is your screen?" Josh smiled gently. "Right here." He put his finger on Tyler's screen. Tyler's eyes went wide. "J-Josh.. Did you..?" Josh nodded softly. "But why?" Josh took his hands. "Tyler.. You were so scared to lose your screen.. And to me, I mean of course it matters to me, but not as much as it matters to you. You were so scared when you heard you were losing your screen, I couldn't let you go through that." Tyler teared up and hugged Josh tightly. Josh closed his eyes. "T-Thank you so much, Josh.." He whispered. Josh nodded and kissed Tyler's head. "It's okay, Tyler... It's all going to be okay.."  Tyler nodded and smiled, a small, red heart on his screen, shining brightly. 

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