Chapter 22

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"I'm sure he doesn't mean it like that. He's just rebellious because he's a teen. And without a mother... I'm sure things must've been rough for him." Mrs. Urie rubbed Mr. Joseph's back. "I'm sure it'll all be okay very soon." But she didn't know what had happened. She didn't know about Blurry. She wiped away Mr. Joseph's tears and just held him for a while. She knew he needed someone. And without his wife or his son, he was all on his own. So she did what a good friend would do, comfort him. For as long as he needed.

"How dare you show your face here?!" Brendon's eyes were wide. He looked at the wall which now had mud and ripped flowers stuck to it. "Tyler...Jesus.." Tyler shook his head. "Unbelievable." Brendon took a deep breath. "I came here to apologize." Tyler laughed. "You, Brendon Urie, the one person on this earth who possibly hates me more than anyone else.?" Brendon nodded and looked down. "Yes, me. I truly am sorry, Tyler.." Tyler shook his head. "Fuck you, Brendon. And fuck your whole damn family. When I first heard about you and how you'd lost your father, I thought we could become friends. Or at least acquaintances. But no. Instead of seeking help whilst you were grieving, you took it all out on me." Brendon visibly teared up. Tyler got out of the bed. He ripped all of the tubes out of his arms. "Do not cry. You don't deserve to cry. Are you a wuss?!" He stepped towards him, anger in his eyes. "Tyler, can't we talk about this? You're right about all of it. I know that. And I want to change. I really do. I can be your friend!" Tyler laughed and pushed Brendon harshly. "No. We can not be friends. I don't want you as my friend. I don't need you as my friend either. I used to. I just wanted, just needed, a friend. But no. You didn't want to be my friend. and now it's too late. He gripped Brendon's hair and slammed his head against a wall. "You don't deserve my friendship!" Brendon was sobbing. Blood and tears were rolling down his cheeks. "T-Tyler.. Please.." Tyler shook his head. He pulled Brendon's head up and looked into his eyes. "No. I don't want your apologies. I want you to leave and to never see you again." His voice was low and stern. Brendon nodded and Tyler raised his fist to punch him once again. 

That's when Josh showed up. He barged in at the commotion and pulled Tyler away from Brendon. He held him tightly and rubbed his back as he started to cry. Brendon wiped his blood away with his sleeve and left, still in tears. "Josh.." Tyler whispered, a tight grip on his shirt. "Ssh.. It's alright." Josh whispered, kissing Tyler's head. "He's still there, isn't he?" Tyler nodded. "I-I didn't want to hurt him. I wanted him to explain. But I also wanted him to go away. I-I don't know anymore. M-My head.. E-Everything's all fuzzy and I-I don't know what to do..." Josh nodded and picked him up. He put him back into bed and gave him the cup of water he got. "Here, drink up." He whispered. Tyler brought the cup to his lips and quietly sipped the water. He felt awful. And his fear of the upcoming surgery wasn't helping either. He was shaking. shaking badly. He dropped the cup. Water spilled onto the floor. "I-I'm sorry.." Tyler whispered. Josh put the cup away and took Tyler's hands. "It's okay..." He whispered. "I-It's only going to get worse, Josh. It's not going to be okay." Josh sighed softly and squeezed his hands. "What are you so afraid of?" Josh asked him softly. "W-When my screen's gone.. Everything will be pover.." Tyler whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. Josh looked at Tyler. He was a crying mess. He made a decision. He changed his plans. He was not going to leave Tyler. Tyler was going to be okay.

"It's time." Jenna announced as she walked in. Tyler nodded. He was ready for it. He was scared. Scared to death. But Josh kissed him goodbye. Reassured him everything would be okay. And promised Tyler he'd be waiting for him when he came back from the surgery room. And that gave Tyler just the slightest of hope that everything would be alright. But not all of the fear and doubt had left.

"Excuse me, sir! Doctor Way?" The doctor turned around and raised an eyebrow at Josh. "I'm about to do an important surgery, I don't have time to talk. And I believe you're not allowed to be here." Josh nodded but blocked the way. "I know that, sir. But This is important. It's about Tyler..." Doctor Way looked at Josh. He could see how serious he was. And how important it must be. "You have 5 minutes and this better be important." 

Brendon walked through the halls of the hospital, past all those closed doors. How many of those people were like his sister? How many of those people had been driven to do this? To cause themselves to be in the hospital by their own hand? How many people were there.. like him? How many Brendons were there? People who'd bullied innocent people, taunted them. Driven them insane. Until death. Or until they'd gone insane. Like his sister. Who'd rather live without a screen than be confronted with it for a day longer. Brendon sank to his knees, in the middle of hall. He felt dizzy. Weak. His head hurt like hell. How much more people would have to suffer because of people like him? How much more? Brendon's cries calmed down, changed into sobs. What had he done? "What have I done?" He whispered. "What have I done?!" He yelled. He pulled at his hair. "She doesn't deserve this! He doesn't deserve this! None of them deserve this!" He'd lost it. He'd realized what he'd done. And that he had to pay for that. He banged his head against the wall. Once. Twice. He had no idea how many times he banged his head against the wall until he was pulled away. He screamed and kicked and eventually... he just gave up. 

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