Chapter 8

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Aka. The chapter where Tyler is episode 10 Allison
Josh carried Tyler inside and put him on the couch. He was sleeping and Josh hoped he'd stay asleep for a bit longer. Tyler had bags under his eyes, he looked like he had't slept properly in a long time. Josh put a blanket over Tyler and walked into the kitchen. He called in sick for both of them. He didn't want Tyler to go to school and be bothered by anyone. It could take just one insult for Blurry to come back again. Josh wasn't going to risk that. He was going to keep his promise. He was going to make Tyler happy and smile. Tyler deserved to be happy and to smile at all times. Not many people would do what Josh did. Tyler would be considered a killer. But Josh knew it wasn't his fault. Tyler couldn't help that his screen was broken. And Blurry wasn't his fault either. And all his life, Tyler only got more insults thrown his way and people who hurt him. But what he deserved was love, friendship, kindness. And Josh was going to give him just that.

Tyler rubbed his eyes and looked around. Where was he? What happened..? He tried to sit up but his head hurt and he saw spots before his eyes. "J-Josh?" He called out softly. For some reason he knew Josh was with him. He had to be. He remembered Josh's voice telling him it would be okay. Tyler managed to sit up. He held his head in his hands. He had a terrible migraine, lucky for him it was raining outside so there wasn't any sunlight. That would've made it worse. He took a few deep breathes and seemed to have some trouble breathing. He touched his throat and winced in pain. His throat hurt when he touched it.. Did he have bruises? He got up and managed to walk to the kitchen as that was where he heard sound coming from. "Josh?" He whispered, as he saw the boy standing by the counter. Josh looked up and rushed over to Tyler. "No no no, Tyler, go lay back down." Tyler frowned. "What happened?" He asked softly. His memory had always been fuzzy after being taken over by Blurry. Most of it would come back after a while though. Josh made Tyler a glass of water and gave him some aspirin. Tyler gladly took it. His migraine didn't go down, but after a while his throat didn't hurt as much anymore. "Sit down and I'll tell you what happened." 

Tyler stared at the floor. He felt awful. Had he really ripped up his father's book? Had he really blamed him for his mother's death? He pulled his legs up to his chest and hugged them close. He felt awful. A small voice inside his head told him that he should've died. That Josh shouldn't have saved him. Tyler teared up and put his hands over his eyes. No. No! He deserved to live! But the voice was telling him otherwise. This wasn't the same voice as Blurry. It was different, weaker, smaller. And he didn't black out from it. He just felt useless and alone.. "Tyler.. Tyler? Hey Tyler, what's wrong?" Josh asked softly, kneeling down to his level. "W-Why did you save me, Josh?" Tyler whispered, looking up at him. Josh took both of Tyler's hands and sighed softly. "Tyler.. We've been over this.. You deserve a second chance at life.. to become happy." Tyler was quiet. Did he? Did he really deserve a second chance? After all that he's done? "Josh.. Why don't you hate me? Why aren't you scared of me?" Josh stroked Tyler's cheek. "Tyler Joseph.. You are a sweet, nice boy. Blurry.. He's mean and evil.. He's not you.. You are not Blurry and Blurry's not you." Josh stated strictly. Tyler looked into his eyes and bit his lip. Was Josh right? Because Tyler didn't know anymore.
Josh took

He felt weak and just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. He shook his head. He wasn't able to answer even though Josh hadn't asked him a question. "It's okay.. It's okay.. Let's do something fun instead..Alright?" Tyler nodded softly. He didn't know what Josh considered fun but he'd find out.
Josh took Tyler's arm, the one that didn't have a name on it. He took his favourite marker and wrote on his skin. 'T Y L E R' He gave him a soft smile. "That's you. That one. Look at that arm when you're in doubt."

"I think It's stuck..Give me a hand, Tyler.. Help me pull it out.." Josh panted, he'd been pulling and pulling but he couldn't get it out. "Harder Josh.. It won't come out..Try twisting it?" Tyler offered. But however hard they pulled, they couldn't get the spoon out of the cookie dough. "It's no use.. You didn't add enough water.." Josh huffed and sighed. He threw the bowl of cookie dough in the trash bin with the spoon still stuck in it. "Well I guess we're not having cookies for dinner than." Josh huffed again. "Who even eats cookies for dinner?" Tyler pointed out. Josh stuck out his tongue and Tyler chuckled. "You're such a child sometimes..." Josh gasped, faking shock. "Me? A child? I don't even own any plushies.. So why would I be childish?" Tyler smirked and before Josh could stop him he'd ran upstairs into Josh's room. Josh ran after him and could die from embarrassment. Tyler was standing next to Josh's bed with a giant teddy bear in his hands. "What do you mean not a child?" He sniggered. "What's this little guy's name? Is it something lame like... Mr. Snuggles?" Josh turned bright red and pulled the teddy bear from Tyler's hands. "It's okay Mr. Snuggles.. He didn't mean it.." Tyler hissed in pain as his throat started hurting again from how hard he was laughing. He lay down on Josh's bed and sighed deeply, calming himself. It had been so long since he'd laughed that hard..  "Are you okay?" Josh asked Tyler worriedly. Tyler shrugged and closed his eyes. "I'm fine.. I just need to stop laughing and stuff.." Josh lay down next to Tyler and got his phone. "Well, I'm giving up on cookies so.. Pizza?" Tyler grinned softly. "Hell yes.." He said softly. If he talked quietly, his throat hurt less. He was a bit scared the food wouldn't do him any good, but he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday around lunchtime and he needed some food to gain energy and strength. Not that pizza would really do that..  

"I'm going to beat your ass, watch me!" Josh exclaimed as he punched the buttons on his controller repeatedly. Tyler smiled, amused. "I'm way better at this than you are, Josh. Just give up already." He said as he knocked Josh out a third time. Josh huffed and crossed his arms childishly. "It's not fair, you're a natural at this..  You need to have a worse character than me or-" The doorbell interrupted his sentence. "Pizza!" Josh yelled. He got up and ran downstairs. Tyler chuckled. That boy was so energetic.. He got up and wanted to walk downstairs too, as he could smell the amazing smell of pizza all the way upstairs, but something distracted him. He walked past a mirror and he could've sworn his reflections' eyes were red. He took a few steps back take a better look at himself. "Tyler, are you coming, the pizza's here!" Tyler shook his head and smiled. "Coming!" He walked downstairs. It was probably nothing...

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