Chapter 28

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Hey Guys, so I decided to make a new story, just published the first chapter of that. It's a Destiel one, you can check that out if you want to. I'll still be updating this one so don't worry!

Brendon had no idea how much time had past. It turned out Ryan wasn't that awful though. He gave him food and water when he'd ask for it. At the moment they were watching tv together. "Ryan.." Brendon said hesitantly. Ryan turned to him and smiled softly. "You're not crazy, I know that. But do you understand why people think you are?" He asked carefully. Ryan nodded. "Of course I do, Brendon. I killed people. And that immediately makes me not good in the head. But what they don't know, is why I did it. Why I killed them." Brendon nodded. When Ryan talked, his voice was soft and sweet, like a sugarcane. But his words weren't sweet. He had killed people. Brendon nodded quietly. Ryan really didn't seem like a bad person. He had just done some stupid things. "Tell me, Ryan. Why did you do it?" He asked. He didn't ask because he was curious. He didn't ask because he wanted to judge Ryan. He asked because he wanted to know what made Ryan think it was okay to kill people. Ryan took the remote and turned the tv off. He looked at Brendon.  "Do you really want to know, or are you just stalling, trying to make me miss my plane?" Ryan asked him. Brendon looked at Ryan. "I really want to know." He told him truthfully. Ryan downed his glass of whatever he was drinking and put it away. "I haven't killed that many people, you know.." He started. "Just my parents and a couple of nurses." Brendon nodded softly. "My parents didn't love me, Brendon. If anything, they hated me. They always told me how much they did. They loved each other though. It was disgusting. And even though she claimed to love my dad, my mum cheated. She was the first one I killed. I was 8 at the time. It was justice. My dad didn't think so. He tried to kill me once he found out it was me who did it. It took him months to find out though. He obviously didn't win the fight." Ryan chuckled dryly. Brendon nodded softly. "And the nurses?" He asked. "First one, I like to call him Dr. Asshole... He was my personal doctor, psychologist kinda guy. He thought he could help me get better. He told me I wasn't a bad person. He told me what I'd done was the right thing. I trusted him. Big mistake." Ryan chuckled sadly. "He was just using me. One day, he asked me to come with him, to his house for a private session. I thought nothing of it. Seeing as I trusted him, I went with him without any questions." Brendon quietly listened to everything Ryan said. He could already guess what he was about to say next. "It was awful what happened next. I left the house hours later, in the back of a police car. His blood was still warm on my hands. Nobody listened to me. I told them what he'd done, multiple times. But seeing as I already killed people before, why would they believe me? I was a criminal." Ryan was sitting on the couch still, his hands now folded under his chin. "So I thought, If they treated me like a criminal, why not start acting like one?" The look on Ryan's face send shivers down Brendon's spine. "I killed 5 more people, Brendon. All of them were nurses." Brendon looked at Ryan. "Why didn't you tell the police or someone else about what happened?" He asked softly. Ryan got up and lowered himself so he was face to face with Brendon. "Like I told you, nobody would listen!" Brendon's eyes were wide with fear. "I think, somewhere along the way, I started enjoying it. I don't know when, who, it was. Could've been Mary, or maybe it was Patrick. But one day, I found myself laughing, instead of crying when I saw the blood hit the wall. I made a beautiful portrait that day, Brendon."He walked into the kitchen. Brendon could hear some drawers open and shut. He wanted to run away but he was still tied up and the door was still locked. Ryan came back into the room and showed Brendon a picture. It was a white wall. Or well, it used to be white. The wall was covered in blood splatters. Ryan grinner proudly. "My first piece of art." He told him. Brendon felt like throwing up. The blood covered almost all of the wall and seemed to be put there with percision. The victim's feet were in the shot. The toes were missing. "They were right, you are insane." Brendon said. Ryan shook his head and laughed loudly. "That's where you're wrong. I'm not insane. But I'm not normal either. Just because I'm not normal, doesn't mean I'm insane." Brendon couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You killed people, Ryan. You killed like 8 people. And sure, they might not all have been innocent, but they were still people. Most of them probably had a family, children even!" Ryan sighed and looked at his watch. "You don't know what It's like, Brendon." Brendon scoffed and glared at him. "Indeed. I don't know what It's like, because I've never fucking killed anyone!"Ryan turned around, his face just a few inches away from Brendon's. "Does the name Tyler Joseph ring a bell?"He asked softly. Brendon stared at him. "I did not kill Tyler." He stated. Ryan laughed again, Brendon felt his spit touch his face. He was disgusted. "Tyler Joseph tried to kill himself because of you, Brendon. You're just like me, a murderer! And I'm sorry you didn't succeed. Maybe If you try harder next time. Or maybe we could join forces." He laughed again. He did an awful lot of laughing and it made Brendon want to bash his skull in. Maybe Ryan was right. He almost killed Tyler. And he wanted to kill Ryan. Maybe he was a killer after all. "What are you going to do once you get off that plane and leave your past behind?" Brendon asked calmly. Ryan shrugged. "Might get a job and find a wife. Might kill some more people. Not sure yet." Brendon nodded and prayed to God that he would still be let into heaven after what he was about to say. "Can I come with you?" Ryan was quiet for quite some time. He looked at Brendon and tried to see if he was lying. He didn't seem to be. Or maybe he was just very good at it. Ryan couldn't tell. "Why would you want to come with me.. You just called me insane."He pointed out. Brendon nodded. "I know what I said, but I thought to myself, why not? I mean, life is full of assholes. Why not get rid of a few?" A big smiled formed onto Ryan's face. "Brendon Urie. Would you like to be my partner in crime?" He untied one of Brendon's arms and stuck out his hand so Brendon would be able to take it and acceot the offer. Brendon took a quiet breath and said another prayer. "Yes, Ryan Ross. I will be your partner in Crime."

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