living with him2

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Mark's P.O.V.

When we reach home I lead him towards the living room. We just sat there for a while.

"Do you want something to drink??" I asked suddenly standing up from the couch.
He seems lost for a moment, when he realize that I was looking at him he asked
" huh? I'm sorry. You said something?"

"Do you want something to drink?" I repeated.

"Oh...a glass of water will do" he said. And then I walked towards the kitchen to get it.

I handed him a glass of water and sat back on the couch. He gulped some water from the glass. And when he's done....

"explain" I said to him.

He sighed and started
"well....I'm really sorry for dragging you into my problems. If you don't know my dad is the president of OZ entertainment....and...." As soon as he told me that I cut him off..


With my eyes wide open. I'm also going to work in OZ entertainment. I have never seen the president before that's why I didn't know his dad was the president since I only came in seoul from L.A last week and today was my first meeting.

Aishh...what I've done to myself.

"Yeah, why are you looking like you've just seen a ghost" he asked.

"I'm in big trouble now, if your dad really is the president. Cause I'm going to be working in that entertainment" I said frustratedly.

"Really? But don't worry about it. He won't do anything with you and your job. Cause he knows right now I'm living with you, since he does not want me to suffer he won't do anything with you" he said and I looked at him a bit confused.

And he started to explain the rest of his story

" dad want me to marry off to one of his friend's son. But I didn't wanted to marry someone I don't love besides I already have someone I love. So, one day I told to my dad about him. But he told me to break it off with him. Every day he started to nag me so, I told him we already got married. He was so angry but he wanted to meet him and started to ask me to bring him home. But how could I he's not even in Korea he's in Japan for a really important project. so i started to made excuses and finally he get enough of it and said if he's not gonna come today he'll not wait anymore, he'll arrange the engagement ceremony immediately.
And I beged him to come today and he finally agreed. We waited for him long enough but he didn't came....."

And then he started to sob.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked concernly. He just nodded and started again.
"and that's when I ran out of there, losing all hopes but when I saw you I just tried getting your help without thinking. Actually I wasn't even hoping you would help me. Thank you so much for that" he said and smile a little and added "but since appa is so angry I can't go home. Besides he'll be thinking that I'll be living with my husband."

"It's ok. So, I guess I don't have any other option but to help you a bit farther." I said to him offering a smile back.

"You don't have to if you can't I'll understand, I'm not gonna force you anymore" he said sadly looking down on the ground.

" it's ok I said I'll help you. You need to take some rest now" I said back to him. I don't know why but I wanna help him.

"Thank you so much" he said back with a smile now. After that I lead him to the guest room .

Today was so unexpected.

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