Strange feelings and Jealousy

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Mark's P.O.V.

I don't know what I'm feeling for jinyoung anymore. But, indeed I'm feeling something for him lately.

Something really strange.

All I know is sometimes I feel like my body temperature is getting higher whenever I'm with him, sometimes I feel like butterflies are going crazy in my stomach when he smiles at me, sometimes I found myself smiling whenever I think about his cute pouty face, and sometimes I feel like my heart is burning inside.
All these strange feelings started from the day we went to hang out at Jackson's apartment.

I've never been in love. But I'm scared where these feelings will lead me.


"I'm really happy that you guys came here to hang out with us" Jackson said, sitting dangerously close to jinyoung. I don't know why but I'm really bothered.

" I'm glad too, you guys are amazing" jinyoung said back happily, smiling at Jackson lovingly.

I want to ignore it but I can't. I just focused on TV, while talking with bambam and youngjae to ignore what I'm feeling. But it's not really helping.

After a moment I heard them laughing so hard at something they're talking about.
Jackson was touching at jinyoung's tigh while laughing.
I'm more than bothered now, feeling like dragging jinyoung with me out of this house right now. I can feel my heart burning inside.

" I think we should leave now" I said suddenly getting up from the couch.

They all looked at me surprised.

"Why so soon, you guys were here only for one hour" Jackson said "and I was about to ask you guys to stay for lunch. Why don't you guys just stay" he added.

"Nope, we are leaving" I said again.

"But why" Jackson asked whining

"It's nothing, I just remember something" I said back a bit rudely.

When we're about to leave "mark can I have a word with you" Jackson said.
And drag me with him to a corner.

"Man, I didn't know you're jealous type" Jackson said laughing a bit

"what do mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean you really were jealous when I was talking and laughing with him right." He said back smirking.

"No, I'm not" I said back sternly.

"Deny as you want, but I'm saying the truth" Jackson said again.

"I actually wanted to see if you feel anything for him that's why I was being so close with him, but trust me I wouldn't hit on someone, who caught your interest mark, cause we're best friends." Jackson added and hugged me tightly.

I was speechless.


Whole ride I was thinking that, it was a bad idea to go hangout with Jackson today.



Right now we are at a party at jinyoung's appa's place. It's just a simple party for a huge success of the company, nothing much special.
But he invited us as he said he wanted to keep eyes on us.

"I'm really nervous" jinyoung whispered in my ear. Which sends shivers down my spine.

"And I'm really sorry that, now everyone's gonna know you as my husband" he added with guilty face.

"It's OK. Just make sure he doesn't doubt us for now." I whispered back.

"Alright" he said and grabs my arm tightly while smiling to everyone passing by.

It's been more than one hours since we came here. Jinyoung is talking to that tall guy for like 30 minutes now. He's not even paying attention to me. And here I'm sitting alone, looking at them, while drinking. Feeling like my heart is burning again. It's not like I'm jealous or something. I'm not jealous at all.

yeah! not JEALOUS.

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