meeting appa

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Mark's P.O.V.

It's been two days since the day I brought him home and it's already weekend.
staying together with him is really awkward though, but it's not like I can tell him to go back after agreeing to help him.

Nothing really happen either these past few days. His dad didn't even try to contact him I guess. He doesn't even talk with me either except few words when he really need something. To be honest I'm a bit worried about him.

Today I don't have anything to do so, I'm just gonna stay at home all day. It's already 10:30 in the morning and I wonder if jinyoung has woke up yet.

Usually he is a morning person. I went down to make some coffee for myself, when I heard someone rushing towards living room. When I turn around to see who was it, I saw jinyoung standing there breathless.

"Hey what's wrong with you? Are you alright?" I asked.

"Nothing is alright. I'm not alright" he said frustratedly. I've never seen him like this.

"What's wrong?" I asked a bit concerned this time. "I just met one of my appa's bodyguard and he told me, appa wants to meet you, he called us for dinner tonight"he explained.

"what am i gonna do, what if he found out that I was lying to him? besides my relatives are also gonna be there, I don't wanna lie to them all, gosh...I'm in big trouble". He added in one breath.

"well...calm down first" I said to him.

"I knew this day would come but I'm scared" he said again.

"It's ok. I'll help you, don't worry" I said back.

"But.......I'm really sorry" he said with his head down and added "I'm really feeling guilty for dragging you in this situation"

"it's OK, stop apologizing now or I'll not help you" I said jokingly.

"But wait, I'm already going to meet my in-laws, but I bet you still don't even know your husband's name" I added with a smile.

And he laughed a bit. This is the first time I saw him laughing after we met.

So cute...

stop it mark.

"I think i know already. It's Mark Tuan right?" he said. "How did you know?" I ask with shocked face

"don't be shock i kinda saw it on your file's front page back then, when we're on your car" he said with a smile and walked towards the kitchen, probably to get some water.


Evening came, and we're ready to go.

and to be honest I'm a bit nervous and I know he is too.

When he came down I asked"you ready?"

He said "yes...I'm nervous though.. Thank you for helping even though we're practically strangers."

"Well, you can consider me as your friend now, but tonight just think me as your real husband, so that nothing will go wrong" I said with a smile.

He just nodded with a smile. Then we  moved towards the car.

We reached there 30 minutes before dinner.
I greeted everyone with a smile.
And his relatives also welcomed us with smile.

"Oh your too handsome. Really good match for our jinyoungie, I don't know why, brother don't wanna accept you" one of jinyoung's aunt said.

I just smile, and for a moment, I felt strange, I'm actually meeting someone else's family faking as a husband. And that someone is a guy and practically a complete stranger to me even though I consider him as a friend.

Aishh...why the hell am i doing this??

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