Chapter 6-He's coming over?!

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"Bye girls, text you later" Ellie shouted to her snobby friends.

"Can we go now", I demanded. Since i didn't have my drivers licence i had to get Ellie, mom or dad to drive you.

"Whats got you in a mood?"

"Nothing just drive", i replied to Ellie as we got in the car. I don't know what happened. One minute I was so happy that Harry finally talked to me and now. I just feel like shit. I don't really want to tell Ellie that Harry needs to speak to her but Ill feel really bad if i don't.

"I've gotta tell you something" I broke the silence in the car between us both.


"Your ex boyfriend talked me today". In the corner of my eye i could see Ellie wasnt so relaxed anymore. Her shoulders tensed and she stoped slouching.


"He wanted me to tell you that he needs to speak to you. And its an emergency". Her face is confused and worried.

She hasn't spoken to Harry since the break up. She was a absolute mess after he broke her heart. She didn't speak to anyone for days. She wasn't eating which caused her to lose a lot of weight and she just was never the same. But its been almost 5 months i think so shes back to the old, annoying Ellie. Just the way i like her.

"Oh. okay" the silence was continued. I knew right then that something shook her. Something had clicked in her mind that she could get back with him. I could just see it in her body language.

We pulled up in the driveway and she ran inside. It was like a tiger pouncing on a deer. Is she that eager to speak to him again. God knows what shes going to be like after hes spoken to her. Mom and dad aren't home when we finish school so we have the house to ourselves. Waling in after her I throw my bag in the hallway and kick of my shoes. I can hear really loud footsteps coming from upstairs. Then yelling.


"ITS DOWN HERE" i shout and she runs down the stairs. She skids across the wooden floor and nearly falls but balances before she does so.

"What are you doing" I ask regretting it straight after.

"I'm calling Harry and asking him to come over. He said we needed to talk"

"i think he meant on the phone" I say trying to convince her to change her mind about inviting him over. It was awkward enough seeing him in school  but being at my house. This is gonna be eventful.

"Oh well hes coming over anyways. You cant tell mom and dad though. they'll freak" She says pointing  her finger at me as her phones against her ear. 

"Harry, you told my sister to tell me we needed to talk?....I think you should come over so we can talk properly....Yeah......She wont be here.....Ten minutes...Great" She hangs up the phone and her face lights up.

"Hes coming overrrrrrrrr" She begins to jump up and down in excitement. I don't see what the big deal is. He seemed pretty serious when he said they needed to 'talk'. 

"Wait, I'm not going to be here?" I question.

"You can just wait upstairs, but DON'T listen in OK. This is serious business now scoot". Whenever someone tells me to not do something. Most likely, I'm gonna do it. As if i wouldn't listen in to this conversation. 

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