Chapter 19-Niagara Falls

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H a r r y

I nodded looking down at the ground. It was bad and it shouldn't of happened. This is what happens when I get really drunk and out of control. It takes over me and I do shit that I will regret. Maybe I don't regret this? Maybe I meant for this to happen. 

C h l o e

"Oh god" I whispered to myself repeatedly as I walked up and down the kitchen, with my hands in my head. Mainly because I still have a massive hangover, but also because of what happened last night. I should have never drank in the first place because shit like this happens. It's like Gemma's birthday all over again. I get too drunk and end up sleeping with someone in the bathroom. Not my finest moment.

"" Harry croaked. "Just..Just tell me what happened?" I stopped pacing and looked directly at Harry. It took him a few minutes to gather himself together but it all finally came out. "For the record I was really, super drunk. Anyway" He lent across the counter to prepare himself. "It was really, really late and we both had shit loads to drink. By the end of the night we were mixing drinks and just getting super pissed. So erm. After all that drinking, we got really like touchy towards each other" I took a deep breath in, knowing what was about to hit me. "So one thing lead to another, we wen't to your room, and we" He took a breath. "Wehadsex" he said too quickly for me to here.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you" I reply sarcastically, even though I heard every single word. "We had sex Chloe" My heart dropped. " and I...I..WHAT!" I yelled. I started to walk up and down the kitchen again running this over and over in my head. How could I let something like this happen. It my mind I thought it was one of the best ideas I ever thought, but now. Now this is reality, I have no idea what to do.

Finally stopping, I drop to the floor in panic. Curling my legs to my chest I panic. How are we going to get past something like this. How am I going to carry on being normal when every time I look at him Im just remained of what happened that night. I began to burst into tears. They ran down my face like Niagara Falls was flowing from my eyes. I broke down. "Hey. Hey its okay" Harry rushed over, sat on the floor next to my fragile body and cradled me. He whispered 'shh' in my ear and tried to calm me down, but even his soothing voice couldn't keep me from crying. 

"What a-are we gonna d-do" I stutter. I look up from my hands and see a worried expression on Harry's face. "Honestly Clo, I have no idea" He chuckled to himself. The hot tears running down my face he wiped them away with his thumb. Looking into his eyes stops me from crying for a moment. His deep pools of emerald stop me from panicking. They're so beautiful I never realized until now. Somehow I just wish that I can remember last night, but I also wish it never happened.

How wrecked is Ellie going to be when she finds out that I've slept with her boyfriend. She's going to be in the same position she was when Harry broke up with her, only this time. I wont be anywhere near her. When mom and dad find out, they're probably (most defiantly) going to ship me off to some boarding school in England where they sent Ellie for a year to 'straighten her out'.

"Me neither...How on earth am I going to tell my sister I slept with her boyfriend" I laugh. Instead of a cute little laugh to myself, I burst out into laughter. Laughing is the only way I can get out of an awkward and difficult situation. The way Harry looked at me, he thinks Im a freak. I wish that last night didn't happen. I wish that Harry wasn't dating Ellie. I wish that I never fell in love with this boy.

H a r r y

She looks so scared and worried. When she dropped to the floor, my heart was in my mouth. I thought she passed out and I was shit scared. I hate it when she cried. It made me feel like shit. I wanted to cry with her. I hated the fact that this was all my fault. If I hadn't upset Ellie, then none of this would have happened. She would have been here to look after Clo and make sure she didn't drink too much. I shouldn't have drank to much either. 

I can't control myself when I drink. I make some dick moves. But this one, even though Chloe probably wished it never happened, Im glad it did. I don;t want to hurt my girlfriend, but I just have these feelings towards Chloe that took over me last night. I couldn't help the fact that she was drunk. I took advantage of her. I have to admit, I wasn't that drunk and I kinda knew what I was doing. I just took advantage of her...

C h l o e

"Look, don't worry about it right now, let's just focus on getting this house cleaned and all the strangers out" He said standing up, holding his large hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up from the floor. "I'm just gonna change out of this and then I'll come back down okay?" I said wiping my makeup from under my eyes. Not that it would make any difference, I had really bad panda eyes anyway. "Okay" He replied quietly as I left the kitchen and went up the stairs. Stepping over all of the body's lay on the landing, I entered my bomb sight of a room. I took a deep breath in and out. I sat down on the edge of my bed and I thought all of the tears had gone, I was wrong. Rushing down my face, I made my make-up much worse. How was I going to explain this to everyone. Mom, dad, Gemma and most importantly. 




keep voting and commenting. 

It took a long time for me to write this chapter so I appricate all of the comments and votes. I love you.


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