Chapter 24-Physics

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I didn't want to go to school today. 

Why? Three reasons.

One. Having to deal with my annoying History teacher.

Two. Having to deal with Harry.

Three. Having to deal with Ellie and Harry.

It's wasn't going to be easy for sure. They'd be at each others necks arguing about how Harry should have been more careful around me. And how Ellie shouldn't have stormed out for whatever reason she did. And I'd be in the middle of it. Exactly where I don't want to be.

Ellie and I have sorted things out which made me really happy. Were not as close as we used to be but were getting there. 

"Did you hear about Kelly?" Ellie said breaking the awkward car silence to school.

"No, what about her?" I reply.

Kelly's mine and Ellie's friend. We do have the same friends which I find weird. 

"She slept with Marcus" she said with a shocked face. 

This made me feel a lot of guilt. It was like she wanted me to feel uncomfortable.

"Gees" Is the only thing that I could say.

"Look Ellie...If you wanna talk about it then ju-" 

"No I don't want to be reminded about my little sister and my ex having sex thanks" She held her hand up for me to stop, with one hand on the wheel. 

"Alrightie then" I reply twiddling with my thumbs.


Pulling up in the school car park, I search around for Gemma. Ellie turns the ignition off I take off my seat belt and jump out of the car.

"Gemma!" I shout running up to her. 

She takes me by surprise and her eyes open wide.

"Hey! What's the matter?" She questioned confused.

" to tell you something about the party the other night"

"Sure" She nods, knowing that it's serious. 

"Come on, you can tell me after Physics" Wrapping her arm around my shoulder we walk into the school. Looks are exchanged from my other classmates as we walk down the hallway to Physics. I dreaded this lesson. Harry's in it. He sits on the third row from the front and I sit one row behind him. I used to enjoy it because all I would do is watch the back of his head, but now I'm going to hate it. 

The bell rings and many of my peers scurry past Gemma and I all going to there classes. We arrive at out Physics room and see our teacher Mrs Dilallio writing on the board.

"Good morning Miss Stevens and Miss Tanner" She looks from the board and nods at us as we walk in and take our seats.

Unfortunately Gemma and I aren't lab partners which sucks. My lab partners Marcel. Everybody thinks he's a nerd, but all he does is dress like one and is smart. He's actually a pretty nice and sweet guy. 

"Morning Chloe" Marcel said chirpy sitting at our desk. 

"Morning Marcel" I reply back with a smile.

Walking around to my side of the desk, I sit down in my seat and take my books out of my backpack. I look over to Marcel and see him grinning.

"What's got you all smiley?" I chuckle nudging his shoulder.

"Were learning about the Solar System today" he beams. I roll my eyes and chuckle at how excited he got taking about the Solar System. I have to admit, he's a nerd. But he's awfully cute.

Class was about to start as the last few students caved into the Physics room and took there seats. Marcel and I were talking about his weekend and about the awful party my sister had thrown until our conversation was stopped by a loud cough. Harry.

I shyly looked away from Marcel and looked at the tall boy stood behind his desk. His white tee shirt, ripped back skinny jeans and those dang brown boots appeared before me. His curls tucked under a grey beanie and a black jacket hiding his tattoos. 

"Right class!" I was snapped out of my gazing of Harry by Mrs Dilallio's loud voice and clapping. "Were going to have a switch around of lab partners today! I think we need a change around" her voice echoed through the class room.

Turning behind me, I gave Gemma the 'me and you' look. She nodded and smiled happily. I turned back around in my seat and turned my attention to Mrs Dilallio.

"So Jennie and Joey, Helen and Marcus, Gemma and Marcel and Harry and Chloe" the color drained from my face at this point. I was gutted that I'd be losing my lab partner and not being paired but with Gemma, but this had made it so much worse.

Slowly turning around to Gemma I mouthed 'help me' to her. She just shrugged and I turned back around having no help from my friend. Seats began to screech against the tiled floor and people began to move. 

"Harry would you move next to Chloe please?" the teacher got Harry's attention and he got up from his seat with anger. I watched him as he walked around to my desk and sat next to me. This was worse than the car ride with Ellie. Anything would be better than sitting here with him. 

As the lesson went on, Harry and I made no communication and no contact whatsoever. When we had to do partner work, Harry didn't participate and I did all the work. I looked over my shoulder at Gemma and Marcel laughing and working together. God I wish I was not in this situation, I thought to myself. 

Releasing me from hell, the bell final rang after what seemed like years of torture. Before the words 'class' came out of Mrs Dilallio's mouth, Harry shot up from his chair and walked quickly out of class. Gemma had kindly waited for me as I put my books in my bag.

"See you later Marcel" She said tapping him on the shoulder as he walked out of class. He smiled behind his shoulder at Gemma before he was completely out of sight. 

"Sooo" Gemma dragged as we walked side by side out of the class room and on to our next lesson, Spanish. "What is it you needed to tell me?". I took a deep breath in, ready to explain the awkward situation I'm in.

Standing at my locker, shoving my Physics books in there, I had finished the whole stroy about Harry, Ellie and I. She stood there with her mouth hung wide open.

"What should I do?" I felt like I'd already asked her before.

"Honestly Clo, I really don't know. You've got yourself into some fucked up shit. At least you and Ellie are talking. That's the main thing" She said resting her hand on my shoulder. That's what I thought, at least were talking. That is the main thing. "And the whole Harry situation. If I was in your position, I'd just talk to him and straighten things out. But hey, that's me. I know you've liked him for ages and it'd be weird talking to him about you both, so just do it when your ready. Whatever you feel is right, go for it" Her words reassured me.

"Thanks. I will" I nodded closing my locker and we began to walk to Spanish. Thankfully neither Harry or Ellie were in my next lesson, which relieved me. I now had sometime to think about what I was going to say to Harry. What would I even begin with.

Hey Harry I'd like to talk to you about you taking my virginity and talk about where our relationship stand.

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