Chapter 17-Stop

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Walking through the store being the third wheel, I felt pretty lonely. I was the only one who had to pick up the stuff for tonight since those two wandered off to god knows where. I got 10 bags of Cheetos and Lays, a 20 pack of beer and some vodka. When I got to the cashier I had to get some woman to check out for us since we were under-age. I gave her a 20 and said thanks. When I finally found Ellie and Harry we got the bags and went back to the car. 

"Were gonna drop you off at home while we go the beach Clo" Ellie said as I climbed in the backseat.

"Cool" I replied.

As Harry drove me home, American Girl by Bonnie McKee came on the radio. Me being me decided to sing along. After getting way into it and belting the song out in the middle of the car, Ellie and Harry began to laugh.  I could feel my face burning up and turning red. 

"Its alright, I get carried away too. Don't be embarrassed" Harry said sweetly. Ellie just laughed at me and focused on the road. Harry looked through the mirror and gave me a reassuring smile. Sometimes that boys an absolute ass, but others he's the sweetest person. I have a soft spot for him, and a sexual spot too. I can't help it if I have feelings for him. Who wouldn't have feelings for someone like that. I mean just look at him.

The way he dresses just makes him even more attractive. The way he wears his shirts un-buttoned, revealing his chest and tattoos. How he wears that adorable fedora everywhere he goes. And those hideous brown old boots. 

Driving down the road, Harry dropped me off at my place and helped me with the shopping while Ellie sat in the car, being the helpless human being she is. He took the rest of the shopping out of the boot and walked me to the door with it. He dropped the bags at the door and stood there. He handed me a piece of crumpled up paper from his pocket and placed it in my hand.

"If you get into any trouble or you need anything, here's my number and call me if anything happens okay?" He told me before walking back to his car. I stand their confused as to what just happened. He'd given me his number for one thing. Just last week he never looked or even talked to me and now he's giving me his number? Its sweet that he actually cares enough to do that. I tuck the piece of paper in my jean pocket and carry the grocery's into the house and putting them in the kitchen.

Taking my phone out of my pocket I enter Harry's name and number into an new contacts list. At first I thought he was a real dick but now my opinions changed. He's sweet and caring. More than I expected of him. I judged to soon. 


After lounging around for most of the day, watching all of the Gossip Girl seasons I hear a car door slam shut from outside. I guess there back. Before I could get up to open the door for them, it swings open. 

"Oh c'mon Ellie I was kidding!" Harry shouts after Ellie stormed in and went straight upstairs. He followed in quickly after her. I looked at the stairs Ellie had just gone up and then looked at Harry. He was in that adorable fedora, checked shirt with multiple buttons undone, black jeans and shades over his eyes. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Guessing the beach didn't go as planned hu?" I asked him. 

"Not exactly" he chuckled. 

"Want me to go and speak to her?" I asked folding my arms.

"If you wouldn't mind"

"Of course" I replied making my way to the stairs. "Hey Chloe" he said behind me as I walked half way up the stairs. I turned myself around and looked at him. "Yeah" I asked. "Thanks for this" he looked at his feet then back up at me. "its alright Harry, its nothing" I chuckled and walked to Ellie's door. Thankfully she hadn't locked her door so I walked in quietly. 

"You okay Ell? You wanna talk about what happened" I whispered as I entered her room. This time she was actually fully clothed and not y'know, having sex. She shrugged at me as she sat at the end of her bed, arms folded. She patted her hand on her bed telling me to sit next to her. "We were at the beach right. We were having an amazing time cuddling and playing in the sand and water. And out of the blue Harry asks me a question" She looked down at her feet and began to pick at her nails. "He asked me, 'Do you think that If we weren't together, your sister would go out with me'....." She looked up from her feet and looked me directly in my eyes.

She wanted me to respond immediately, but I didn't know what to say. Why would he say that, especially to the girl he was dating? I was completely stunned as to what she said. "Well?" She snaped at me. "...Well what..." I replied. Her eyes were glaring at me. "Would you, go out with him if we weren't dating?" Of course I would. "No Ellie I wouldn't. I could never do that to you" I lied.

If they weren't going out, or never had done in the first place, it wouln't matter. But they have history so I could never do that. "Anyways I fancy Jake" I replied shoving her shoulder trying to cheer her up. She smiled and perked up a little. "Thanks".

"Why did he ask you that anyways?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"I don't know" she began to frown again.

"Look Ellie" I said turning my body to face her and holding her head up. "Harry was just being a idiot like he always is. He told me he was kidding and you know him. He always saying inappropriate things at the wrong time. It means nothing. He loves you and you obviously love him". That had to be one of the hardest thing I said. I know that they love each other and that nothing could ever happen between me and Harry. It would be wrong and not fair on Ellie. 

He does always say the most inappropriate things at the wrong time. Like in school when he whispered in my ear, and before we went in the house and he said something can happen if I want it to. Now I know he was kidding. He loves Ellie and not me. I need to get that through my think skull.

He's dating Ellie not you Chloe. Now stop having sexual thoughts about your sister's boyfriend and be a normal teenager.

After that conversation, I know realize. That I need to stop thinking of Harry in that way and just think of him as a friend. I need to be falling in love with someone other than my sisters boyfriend. I need a real love interest and stop waiting on someone who doesn't love me.




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