Chaoter 26-Charlies

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Charlie's is only a 10 minute walk from school so I decide to walk. Seeing my old friends again kinda made me miss them, but on the other hand it didn't. Knowing that If I do start to hang out with them again, something like last time could happen.

Walking down the familiar street that I haven't been down in 3 months, I take a deep breath in.

"There she is!" Leah beams standing up from the booth and walking over to acknowledge me.

"I'm so happy that your back Clo. We've missed you so much" Leah's cold arm wraps around my shoulder and guides me to the booth in the back of Charlie's.

Many memories come back. Some bad, but some good. Most of them are bad.

As I stand at the side of the booth table I look at the faces that I used to call my friends. They haven't changed, as expected. There are a few new faces, they have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

"This is Abbie and Jace" Leah smiles pointing out the new faces.

The blond girl is very beautiful. Her hair is curly and swept to the side. Her big brown eyes glisten in the light and her smile is very daunting. She looks too innocent to be hanging around with these people, just like I was.

The boy next to her is the complete opposite. He has tattoos covering his neck and arms. Piercings are almost everywhere on his face. His eyebrow ring and lip right are very attractive but the tattoos are a turn off.

I don't really care for tattoos, I never have. Harry has tattoos all up his right arm but I find those very appealing.

Stop thinking about him but conscience tells me and she's right. I need to stop thinking about him.

"Hey guys" I smile and wave shyly. I want to tell them what kind of people Leah and James are, but they will find out soon enough.

They both return a smile and carry on there conversation with James.

"So who wants a drink?" Leah says to the group.

"Me" everyone says in union apart from me.

"Chloe, drink?" I want to say no but I did promise.

"One drink and that's all" I state putting my index finger in the air to show her how many drinks I will be having. There is no way in hell I'm going back to the drunk teenage girl I used to be with these people.

My parents never knew what kind of drunk I was. They always thought I was the quite, shy daughter. I am now I guess.

Well no actually.

I did sleep with my sisters boyfriend.

But I didn't know so that kinda makes it okay.

No it doesn't make it okay Chloe. Are you insane? You slept with Harry! My conscience crawls back into my mind again but I push her back.

I take a seat next to James and mess with my ring on my finger. How would I talk to these people? It's not like it's been years but I have changed. They've changed. Sometimes I wish I was the girl before the accident. The confident girl who didn't give a shit what anyone else thought. I would just be the person that I actually am. But after the accident I don't think I can go back to being here.

But after that night with Harry, she seems to be crawling back.

Part of me wants to let her back in but the other part of me says it's a bad idea.

I've come so far from being the drunk teenager that my parents never knew of. The girl who always used to sneak out of the house and go to party's. I know I don't look like that, but that was me. I'm happy with the way I am. I just wish I had the confidence back.

"So Chloe" James spins around to face me "you coming out tonight. Molly's parents are out for the week so she's having a party every night until they come back. You in?"

It seems a little stupid to have a party every night. But that's Molly for you. A stupid ass slut.

"I'm gonna pass. My parents would kill me if they found out"

"What happened to the Chloe who snook out of her house and went to party's almost every night? Where's the Chloe who didn't give a fuck if her parents found out" I did. They would send me to boarding school. "Where's the Chloe that we love? We're'd she go?"

I shift awkwardly in my seat trying to come up with a response to James. I'm still here, the same Chloe. Well not exactly the same. Just take out the drinking and partying bit. That's why they liked me. Because I would drink and go to party's with them all the time. Why didn't I realise that sooner. Why am I even here?

"I'm still here James. Just without the drinking and partying"

"Well that fucking sucks. I liked you much better when you were a party girl" he rudely states turning back to his conversation with Jace.

"Drinks are here!" Leah chirps carrying a tray full of alcoholic drinks. Why did I even agree to this.

As she passes the drink out to each person, I'm last. In front of me is a rather tall glass with some pink liquid with a pineapple and a pink umbrella sticking out of the top.

"what is this?" I ask Leah playing with the umbrella.

"It's the Hawaiian special. I didn't know what you wanted so I got you your usual" Sitting down across from me, next to the beautiful blond Abbie.

"Oh right. My usual" I forgot this was my usual. Everyday after school I always ordered this. It feels like years since I've been here.

I take the small umbrella and pineapple from the drink and place them on the table. I look up from my drink to see everyone's eyes on me. The way they are looking at me is terrifying. I feel like a deer surrounded my tigers, ready to pounce.

I take the purple bendy straw and place it in my mouth and suck up the pink liquid. A familiar taste dances on my tongue and I realise why this was my usual. As I swallow the substance, the alcohol burns the back of my throat. It's a unusual taste. Probably because I haven't consume alcohol in a while. Apart from the weekend.

Again I look up from my drink and everyone's eyes are still on me, waiting for a response.

"it's good" I say breaking the silence and nodding along.

I take another, longer sip of the drink and look around the place I used to always come to. The scenery hasn't changed much. It's only been three months but I though they would have changed something. The old bar lady is still there. Leah says she's friends with her mother so she gets away with underage drinking. Almost everything is the same apart from a few new signs and bar stools. That old door bell is still there and it's annoying as hell.

My eyes look over to the door as the bell annoyingly rings for the tenth time in the last five minutes. It's busier than the last time I came in here. It used to be so empty it was a same. It's such a nice place to come for a drink.

It takes a moment for me to process and my heart stops for a moment.

For a second I think my eyes betray me but they don't. Old brown boots, ripped black jeans, a white tee shirt and black jacket appear before me. I know instantly that it's him but I don't want to look any further, but I do. His curls tucked into a grey beanie. Harry.

A/n- I'm sorry it took me so long to update! I've been really busy over Christmas break and had no time to update!

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