Chapter 18-The hangover

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"My head" I said holding my hands in my head as I sat up from my bed. Last night must have been good since I coudln't remember a damned thing. What I do know is that I  still in my party outfit, minus my pantie-hoes and bra, and there was red cups all around my room. My room looked like a bomb went off. Red cups all over the bed and floor, clothes everywhere (i don't think they're mine) and....wait..was

There was someone in my bed.

There was someone in my bed.

"Oh my god" I whisperd to myself, looking down at the mystery person in my bed. There head was facing down at the pillow so I couldn't tell who it was. It looked like a guy considering if there was a girl in my bed, she'd be wearing a bra. And the structure looked man-like. So if a guy was in my bed.....did we do anything?

Well you wouldn't know because you drank to much

I tried to see if it was anyone I know from sitting where I was. Well the back doesn't look formilliar since I don't look at people's backs when i meet them. Well whoever it is has dark brown, curly hair. Kinda like Harry's.

Oh shit

Panicking for a second I tried and see if there's any other signs that this could be indeed Harry. Thankfully the covers are only on his bottom half so I could see his arms. Looking up and down his arms, he has tattoos. Now when I was gazing at Harry I didn't really take notice to all of his tattoos. Just one in particular. His ship tattoo was the one I was most curious about so i'd spot that in a second. 

"Please don't let it be Harry. Please don't let it be Harry" I begged as I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath in I opened my eyes slowly. And there it was. That big ship tattoo slapped right on his arm. Shit Chloe. For a second I thought that we did something, but nah. He wouldn't do that. Maybe he was just really drunk and couldn't find Ellie's room and found his way into here. That's probably the logical explanation he's in here.

Taking a breath in and out, I removed myself from the bed and walked slowly and quitely in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. I had hideous panda eyes, hair all over the place and my outfit was half missing. What the hell happened last night. 

After looking at myself I herd grunting coming from my bedroom. I stood up to the slightly open door and there he was. Harry Styles was in my bed. Hiding quickly but still being able to see, he got out of the bed and headed towards the stairs. Now I really want to know what happened last night and if me and Harry did anything. Oh god I hope not. Before this horrific night I told myself that I needed to get over Harry and find someone who isn't in love with my sister. But if anything did happen last night, that's gone. 

I can't think about Harry in any other way if we did do something. It'd be too weird moving on from him. Opening the door I walked up to my bed and buried my hands in my head. Trying to remember things when your hungover isn't the easiest. The only time I've been this hungover was at Gemma's 17th. And what an eventful night that was. 

Walking out of my room I take to the stairs. I thought my room looked like a bomb sight, but no. The hallway was worse. There were actual human beings lying hungover as fuck in my hallway. And I'm pretty sure one of them was James Jones. So she really did invite him over. What the hell did I drink last night. The last thing I remember was getting dressed and going to pick Gemma up from her house and that's it. 

Stepping over the people, I went down the steps one by one. So the hallway was pretty bad, but you don't even wanna know about the living room. Looking round as I went down the final step. I see a clock smashed on the floor, the couch cousins ripped apart and all over the room. Mother's favourite vase shattered on the floor and more people passed out. This must have been the most amazing party, and I don't remember any of it.

Nearly every place i've been in this house has gotten worse and worse. Wondering whats going to be in the kitchen I walk in. Surprisingly, its not that bad. There's a few egg shells on the floor, more red cups, empty cans and vodka bottles everywhere, but not people. Walking around carefully trying not to step on the egg shells, I see a figure cleaning the floor. 

"Harry?" I say. "Yeah it's me" he replies. Why is he cleaning up the mess? "W-what are you doing?" I stutter. I think I was stuttering because I was back to falling for Harry again and getting nervous around him. "Cleaning up". "Why are you doing it?" I asked jumping on the island in the kitchen. "Someone's gotta do it. And this room is mostly my fault. All the others are your's and Gemma's mess" He laughs whiled scooping up the eggs that splattered the floor. 

"Wha'cha mean 'mine and Gemma's mess'? Where's Ellie" I didn't bother checking on her since they're was someone lying on the floor, blocking the entrance to her room. "She stormed out half way through the party" he shrugged and moved onto cleaning the walls. There was chocolate pudding all over the walls and windows. How does one get pudding on walls and windows.

"Stormed out? Why?" I asked shocked. It couldn't have been about the fight before. I sorted that all out for them. "We got into another argument and she left". So that's why I can't remember anything from last night. Ellie never lets me get too drunk. She stops me after my third beer, but she wasn't here to stop me this time. I made an 'O' shape with my mouth and hopped of the island to help Harry clean up. 

Grabbing some towels from the top and walked over to the nearest window with pudding on it. What made someone think 'I'm gonna get some pudding and throw it at this window and on those walls'. Well when I get drunk I trash my house with my best friend and end up waking up next to my sisters boyfriend, having no idea what happened. I guess that's worse than a little pudding on the windows and walls.

"So H-harry" I stuttered yet again. I looked from the window I was cleaning, to where Harry was cleaning the wall, back to the window. "What actually happened last night? I can't remember a damned thing" I chuckled to myself. "We all got really drunk and decided to throw pudding everywhere" he said so calm. "I-i meant, what happened last night with u-us.." He put his towel on the counter and turned around to me.

His body was intoxicating. His abs were flawless, his tattoos in the right place. His hair was messy but so hot. He was so breath taking. "We er..." He began to scratch the back of his neck with his hand. My heart began to skip beats. I knew something bad happened from the way his body language was. He looked so nervous and awkward to tell me. "Was it bad?" I interrupted. He moved his hand and folded his arms together. He looked down at his bare toes and nodded. 

We did something last night. I have no idea what. But it was bad..

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