Chapter 13-"It can be if you want"

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"Ahem, Miss Tanner" Mrs Ellen grunts. The old, wrinkly, widowed librarian finally speaks. 

"Would you mind keeping your voice down. This is a library, not one of your social gathering events" If I was to have a 'Social gathering event' why would I have it in a library. I wouldn't have one anyway. I'm not that sociable. Barely anyone knows me in this school.

"Yeah Tanner. Keep your voice down" His unnecessary comments are getting a little annoying now. If he's going to be like this the whole ride home the I'd rather take the public bus and get mobbed my sweaty, disgusting teenagers.

"Shut up Styles" Pushing his shoulder I walk out of the library. 

"I like it when you call me Styles Chloe" his voice whispers in my ear.

Oh god. 

"What are you doing. Your dating my sister" as much as i'd love to stay and let him whisper in my ear some more I cant. Like I said, he's dating my god damned lucky sister. I back away from him and stand waiting for an answer.

"Wait. Did you think I meant that in a sexual way" He begins to chuckle like a 5 year old. His head tilts back and he grabs his stomach.

"No. Of course I didn't" I did.

He leans in closer to whisper in my ear again. I resist pulling away and let him.

Pull away Chloe. Pull away!

"It can be if you want" What the fuck.

This is like heaven. Harry Styles just whispered something to do with sex in my ear.

What just happened.

I need to react like I'm not interested and he's a total pig but I don't want to. I want him to do sexual things with me. I want him.

What the fuck is happening to you Chloe. Your the good, innocent girl who doesn't want a rebellious boy to pleasure you. Especially not the boy who's dating your freaking sister!

I do the right thing and react.

"You PIG!" I push my hands on his mighty, beautiful chest and pull him away from me. Spinning around I walk in the opposite direction and don't turn my head back. 

"Don't forget I'm taking you home Tanner!" shit shit shit.

Well this car ride home isn't going to be the most awkward ride ever. 

My sisters boyfriend just whispered something sexual in my ear and I want it to happen.

I am seriously not the girl I was before I had that god damned dream about him.

Why me. Why did it have to me.

Why was he the one that i had to fall in love with.

Did I just say that.

Did i just say that I'm falling in love with Harry Styles. 

I need some help.


The moment I've been dreading ever since he told me he was talking me home. Its time.

All through 4th, 5th and 6th period I've been dreading this moment.

Usually I'm the first out of class, but today I'm the last. 

Maybe, just maybe Harry's forgot about out little encounter before and we'll just have a calm, none-awkward car ride home.

Or maybe he's forgot about me completely. Which I'm totally fine with.

Or maybe he's remembered everything and he's actually taking me home.

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