Chapter 23-Home

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"Hello dear" mumbles came from downstairs, mumbles from my parents and my pissed sister.

As he mumbles continue, I sit down at the end of my bed and concentrate listening into their conversation.

"How's my little girl been?" I hear my father say with such joy in the tone of his voice.

I am the youngest sibling in this family and he calls Ellie his little girl. Have they forgotten about me completely? Well it wouldn't really matter anyway. They already act like I'm not here and if they do, like I'm just some invalid living in there house.

More conversation go on and I'm still captive in my room. I don't really want to go down and see my excuse for parents but I have to go out sometime and face the wrath of them. Surprisingly, I haven't heard Ellie talk about my little encounter with Harry yet. They don't actually know that Ellie and Harry got back together yet.

I sigh in relief and walk towards my bedroom door, leading to the stairs. Walking up to the steps, I take I quick look in the hallway mirror to check my hair and make sure my makeup isn't too bad. I take to the stairs, going down the them one by one.

I look over to the couch as I walk down the last step and see Ellie and my parents having a good old catch up, not noticing that I've eventually come out of my room.

"Well look who finally came out of her room!" Ellie said, moving her hand in my direction, making my parents turn around to face me.

"How was the trip?" I ask not wanting to know the answer. 

"Fine" They say in unison and turn back around to Ellie. 

"Look who finally decided to come out of her room!" Ellie said, pointing her fingers in my direction. My parents glanced over there shoulder and faintly said "hi".

Ellie gets a 'hello dear' and 'how's my baby girl?' And I get a faint 'hi'. Well that's made me so much better about myself.

Giving up on trying to talk to my parents, I drag my feet across the wooden floor and go into the kitchen.

Before I know it, I'm sobbing again. I held in the tears so they wouldn't know that somethings up. I hear footsteps coming into the kitchen so I quickly gather myself together and pretend to be looking for something.

Turning around, I see Ellie walking over to the fridge not making ee contact. I open the draw and pretend to grab something. I hear a scoff as she opens the fridge. I know shes super pissed at me and she has a right to, but the least she can do is let me explain. 

"You know what I'm getting a little tired of this" I say slamming the draw shut and spinning round to face her. She looks at me and then back into the fridge.

"The least you can do is look at me when I'm trying to speak to you!" I yelled-whispered. Ellie pulled out a bottled water before slamming the fridge door shut.

"Alright. I'm looking at you"

"I know your pissed at me, but I want and I need to explain what happened" before I could explain, she shoved past me. I grabbed her arm and spun her round to face me.

"Don't fucking walk away. Your my sister and I love you. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you Ellie. You know that. Just let me explain and after that, if you still hate me then I'll just have to accept that" I said sighing at the fact that even after explaining everything that happened, she could still hate me. 

"Your right I will still hate you....But I will give you a chance to explain yourself" I smiled that she's given me a chance she didn't smile back. Slowly taking my arm of her, she walked back into the living room where our parents were and continued to talk to them. 

Stepping back and jumping onto the counter, I felt a relief, a weight off my shoulders. Even though she hadn't exactly forgiven me, at least shes talking to me now. I never thought she's talk to me again. I thought she'd just suffer in silence for the rest of her life. But not I finally get a chance to explain myself.

A loud laughter came from the living room and I knew it was Ellie's. I haven't heard her laugh like that in ages. God I miss being so close to her.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket and I quickly answered it. It was from Harry, a text.

Harry; If that's the way you feel then fine. Just don't forget that I still care.

I looked down at the strange text message. It was a bit odd that he'd sent me this. I tried to get my head around why he wouldn't just give up already and let me mend things with my sister before I dive back into boys again. 

Chloe; I just need to sort things out with my sister first Harry, before we go any further

I typed slowly pressing the send button. Instantly I regretted sending it. I told him that I care more about my sister right now that I do him. That is true, but at the same time it's not. I love my sister with all of my heart, but she wouldn't even let me explain what happened until now. And I do care about Harry, of course I care. I've cared for that boy for as long as I can remember, he just hasn't noticed or even known. 

Minutes later another text is received to my phone.

Harry; Any further?

Chloe; Yes, any further. 

Harry; What does that mean? Any further?

It means before we go any further into our relationship you dip shit

Chloe; Before we go any further in our friendship

I replied.

Good cover up Clo 

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