Chapter 28-10:47pm

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"Look guys, I'd better get back. It's late and we have school tomorrow" after Harry came to Charlie's and told me who not to be friends with, I went back to Leah and drank more alcohol just to spite him. He watched me and I took my third shot. It was a bad idea to carry on drinking but I wanted to prove a point to him that I could be friends with whoever I want.

He finally took the hit that I wasn't going to stop being friends with them because he said. He stormed out of the bar and left me with drunken teenagers. I wish he would have stayed but I was the one who made him leave, so it was my fault. 

"Oh come on Chloe! Were just getting started and were actually starting to like you again!" James shouted holding his drink in the air, causing it to spill over the table. 

So Harry was right, they just want to be friends with me because I was a drinker and I went to party's like them. I should have known myself they only liked me because of it. 

"So what your saying is, you only want to be friends with me if I get drunk and go to party's with you guys?" The alcohol rushing through my system makes me confident and I like it. I've missed being confident and standing up for myself. 

"Well yeah! We only invited you here so we could get the old Chloe back before the accident!" Leah harshly remarks. She's been getting quite flirty with that Jace boy. Giggling and playing with her hair, twirling it around her finger. 

"I'm going. I told you I'd come out for one drink to catch up with you guys but all you want me to do is get drunk and party with you. Well I'm sorry but after the accident I decided that I wasn't going to be as wild as I used to be. And I at least though you would have taken into consideration what happened that night and toned down your drinking. You were the main reason it happened anyway"

"Your not seriously blaming us for what happened Dylan" Leah slams her glass on the wooden table, almost smashing. She turns away from Jace and looks directly at me with anger in her eyes. I'm not blaming them entirely but they were the ones who decided to go to the pool in the first place. If they didn't then Dylan wouldn't have gone into a coma and none of this would have happened. 

"I never said that" I defend.

"Well that's what it sounds like. You know what, nobody wants you here so you might as well just go" Leah turns from me and draws her attention back to Jace. 

"I want her here" Abbie speaks up and Leah shoots her a harsh glare. 

"Well we don't. Your welcome to join her on leaving if your going to be like that" 

Abbie just shakes her head no and takes a large drink from her beer. 

I step out of the booth and walk out of the bar. I don't look back because if I do, I'll walk right back their and start and argument with Leah. We all know how that will end up. In a screaming bitch fight were someone gets their hair extensions pulled out. In that case it would be Leah because I would never have fake hair.

Leah is naturally beautiful. She doesn't need makeup, hair extensions or that god awful boob job. Her boobs were perfectly fine without implants. But she said if your daddy's got money you might as well put it to use. It annoys me how she uses her father as an excuse for everything she does. But that's Leah for you.

I push open the bar door and get hit with the cold outside air. I look up to the sky and it's pitch black. Why did I even agree to go drinking with them. I knew that something bad was going to happen but deep down, I thought they had changed even the slightest bit. Recently I'm being proven wrong a lot and I do not like it. 

My house from Charlie's is a extremely long walk away and even if I do walk it would take at least two hours. I pull my phone from my jean pocket and check the time. 


It only felt I was with those people for a few hours. Time does fly by when your having fun, although it wasn't really fun until the end. I look from left to right, trying to remember which way to my house is. Since I haven't been here in a while I never cared to remember the direction I was walking in. Leah or James would usually get one of their friends to drive us home. 

I decide to go with the left, hoping its the right road. When we were being driven home, I still sort of remember the roads that were taken. I was still a drunken mess and almost passed out but I still remember some roads. 

Fifteen minutes into my walk and I'm lost. I have no idea where the hell I am. All that's in sight is a gas station, a few bars and a Target. I have never seen this place before in my life so god knows where I am. I debate whether or not to call Ellie or my mother. I decide against it and carry on walking to where ever it is I am going.

Walking in the dark in an unknown place doesn't really give me an advantage. Who knows what kind of people lurk these streets at night. This is one of the many reasons I gave up drinking with those morons in the first place. 

Not many cars pass me during my journey to nowhere. I watch as the drive past at reasonably slow speeds, making me wish I had my own car so I could get out of situations like this. But no, my mother being my mother doesn't trust me enough to have my own car. 

I keep my eyes focused on the path ahead as a car slowly drives next to me, the headlights shining directly ahead. 

Look what you've got yourself into now Chloe my subconscious mocks me, reminding me of this horrible choice. 

You can get through this, just keep looking forward and everything will be fine. Don't talk, don't even make eye contact at the car. Just keep on walking, I remind myself in my head. 

The car doesn't seem to be moving any faster, only moving the same pace as me. This is my lucky day. I find out my 'friends' only wanted to hang out with me because I got drunk with them, and now I could be possibly kidnapped or even raped. Great. 

Now I really should have called Ellie or my mother. 

"Bit lost their love?" The stranger in the car asks me. The mans thick British accent scares me even more than I am. 

"I'm fine thank you" I dryly reply, not making eye contact.

"You should have listened to me about hanging around with those piss heads" the voice speaks again. 

I stop in my tracks and sign in relief.


"The one and only" He reply's. The car stops and I look over to see Harry's window rolled down with his elbow propped up where the window is. 

"You scared the shit out of me!" I yell hitting his car with my bag. 

"Hey! Watch the car!" He yells back peering his head out of the window to see if I have done any damage. Lucky I didn't otherwise he would be pissed and leave me here alone.

"You lost then?" He asks moving his head back in the car. I nod rubbing my hands on my shoulders. I knew I should have brought a jacket. 

"A little. I can't remember my way home" I slightly giggle. This alcohol makes me do the most stupidest things. I would never giggle like a little girl in a situation like this. Another reason I gave up alcohol. It makes me stupid. 

"Want me to take you home?" Harry kindly asks. After our conversation in Charlie's I thought he would have just left me here to rot on the street. From the way I was talking to him I would have left me. 

"If you wouldn't mind" I agree and walk around to the passengers side, entering Harry's car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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