Chapter 27-Lightweight

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I try and look away and make myself unnoticed but it's hard to go unnoticed when you have a group of roudy teenagers who are getting drunk, yelling at the top of their voices. God knows what I'm going to do about this. Harry out of all people cant find out about my drunken past, he just can't. He'll have that hold on me and there's no way I can have that.

I drew my eyes away from him and took another, more larger sip of my drink. I wasn't prepared for this, for him to even show up here. Why would he be here? In this bar?

Harry's P.O.V

I followed her. I fucking followed her to Charlie's. Hearing her talking to those snobby, stupid ex friends of her's, I knew they were going to try and make her drink again. She's to good for them.

After last period I made sure I knew what class she was in. It wasn't that hard to threten a few people in her class. When they told me where she was last, I made sure I kept my distance as she walked out of the school grounds and to Charile's.

I watch her every move, up until she walks in that bar. That bar has some good memories, but also some fucked up shitty ones. Mostly the fucked up ones. I wait about five minutes before I walk in. I didn't want or do want her to know that I was follwing her. Fuck no. That makes me sound like some stalker.

"Here we go" I say to myself before pushing the door open and stepping inside the bar. God I haven't been here in months I think. It hasn't changed much. Linda's still behind that bar serving eveyone. She's a good at bartending for a sixty year old.

I look around the room to spot any more changes and then I see her with those annoying pricks. They've got some new people to fuck with and turn into waisted teenagers. She looks me up and down and she's frozen. I act suprised to see her here and just look at her.

She's got a big ass drink in front of her which is only a tiny bit empty.

A good sign.

Shows that they are in the early stages of getting waisted.

Her eyes dart away from me and she trys to focus on other things. Her lips wrap around the straw of her drink and she takes a big sip, leaving half of the drink in the glass.

She loos uncomfertable I can tell. Who wouldn't be. Just looking at that Leah girl makes me sick, nevermind being around her. I don't know how she survived ever being friends with her. Maybe because she doesn't judge and she cares for people.

Fuck Harry, your going of topic here.

I take a breath in and walk towards Chloe's booth in the back. She notices me coming and shifts in her seat.

"Chloe. Can I talk to you for a minute in private?" I ask as I come to the booth. She doesn't look at me but she nods. Thank god. Her friends whipser among themselves and share small giggles. Fucking pricks.

Walking over to a seperate booth, I hear Chloe walking behind me. She sits infront of me and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She's nervous and I hate that. She's got nothing to be nervous about. Its only me, maybe that's the reason why she's nervous.

"What are you doing here?" She asks looking up from the table.

"No, what the hell are you doing here? With them" I say to loud enough so they can here. I take a glance over to their booth and they're doing shot as expected.

"That's none of your buisness and I asked you first" I love this side to her. Yhe confident Chloe. I hate it when she's upset or not happy. She's been most unhappy these past four days and that's because of me. I should have never of told her why I broke up with Ellie or how I feel about her. She can hold that shit against me and I don't like the sound of that. Fuck no.

"I'm here because I was meeting a friend. Now tell me why you are here with those dicks"

"They aren't dicks! Keep your voice down" she scolds me. People around us began to set their eyes on our conversation but turned away quickly.

"I'm here because I'm catching up with old friends. Why do you care what I do anyways?"

"I care because you don't know what your getting yourself into. Those 'friends' your catching up with are too good for you Chloe and you know it. They'll get you waisted and do some shit to you, then leave. I don't want you getting involved with them" I say with anger running through my veins. I can't stand the thought of Chloe getting hurt by them. If they were to do anything to her I would beat the shit out of all of them. Only the guys of corse, I don't hit women.

"You don't know them Harry! You don't know shit about them. They've been my friends for ages and I've missed hanging out with them so I'm sorry if you don't approve of my choice of friends. They'll get me waisted then do some shit to me just like you did hu? Remember that. You got me fucking waisted and had sex with me. You don't want them to take advantage of me but you can? What a load of bullshit Harry. I can be friends with whom ever I want to be friend with and I don't need your permission or approval about it"

Chloe's P.O.V

Who does he think he is telling me who I can and can't hang out with? He's got no right. Not four days ago he couldn't give a flying fuck about me and now he's the 'caring considerate' person who I've needed? Bullshit is what I smell. Bullshit.

If we weren't in a public place I would slap him. He doesn't want them to take advantage of me like he did. What I said was really harsh but I had to say it. It was not all Harrys fault, mine also. I shouldn't have said the things that i said about him taking advantage. I guess I'm a lightweight again.

"Where are you going?" Harrys voice calls behind me as I storm off and return to Leah and everyone.

"To hang out with my friends, unless you aren't oak with that?" I sarcastically remark which earns a scowl from Harry.

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