Chapter 16-Disturbing

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"Stop it seriously! No! Stop!" I hear screaming coming my sisters room and I immediately jump out of bed. Wrapping my creaming, thin dressing gown around me and running to the door I run down the hallway to Ellie's room. I swing the door open expecting the worst. And it was.

"Oh my god Ellie!" I shout in surprise of what my eyes have just discovered. 

"GET OUT CHLOE!" She screams back throwing a pillow in my direction but I dodge. I had just seen the most awful sight. Harry and my sister having sex. I just walked in on them. 

"In my defence, I thought you were about to get murdered" I say walking out of her room and closing the door. Shivers ran down up and down my body and not the good kind. The kind of shivers you get when you walk in on your parents making out. Hands down this is worse. My sister and the boy I have sexual fantasies about having sex.

Trying to remove the vile image from my mind I grab my phone from my room and decide to go downstairs for some breakfast. Mom and dad are still on their 'weekend away' and Im still stuck here, unable to go anywhere. 

I could stay at Gemma's until they get back. Mom and dad would never be okay with that. 

Opening the fridge to grab some milk I pour it on my cereal. Giggles are coming from upstairs and yet that disturbing image just happens to pop into my mind again. How could they be doing it at 8 in the morning. I can barely get up at this time, never mind be active enough to do that?

Okay stop thinking about it now.

Grabbing a spoon from the draw I walk into the living room and turn on the TV. Still being able to hear the un-fortune of whats going on upstairs I turn the TV full blast. Thankfully it blocks out the sound. 

About 10 minutes later thumping comes from upstairs. 

"Don't be so ruff next time Styles" 

"Don't be so vulnerable next time Tanner" I begin chocking on my coffee. This is not a conversation to be having at this time. Especially around me.

"Next time i'd appricate it if you didn't talk about your sex life in front of me whiled I'm trying to eat"

"And i'd appreciate it if you didn't walk in when were about to have sex" In the corner of my eye I can see Harry smirking at my comment. I wave my hand in the air telling her to go away and she does so. But Harry stays leaning against the door frame smirking at me.

"Need something?" I say looking down that the newspaper that sits on the table. He snaps out of his gazing.

"No no" Confused as to what just happened he walks into the kitchen following Ellie.


The hot water running down my skin makes me relaxed. It tingles with my skin as I wash my body. After a satisfying shower I climb out and wrap a pink fluffy towel around my body and wrap one around my wet hair. Walking out of my bathroom I see Ellie sitting at the end of my bed.

"Oh my god Ellie, you scared the shit out of me" 

"Sorry. I to apologies for this morning" she moves off the end of my bed and walks closer to me.

"Its alright...i guess" 

"Good. It wont happen again" she looks down at her feet and perks up.

"When your ready would you come downstairs, I have something planned" She says before exiting my room and closing the door. This is going to be some cheesy sister bonding time day out I can just feel it. And there's no doubt in my mind that Harry's going to come along too. This is just going to be a 'sister-bonding day' only I'll be third wheel to her and Harry. 

I was always the third wheel when Gemma dated Edward. They used to invite me out and they'd be cuddling in the booth when we went out for shakes. They'd be sitting in the back of the cab all cuddled up and i'd be in the front with the driver looking like a complete twat. Thankfully they broke up. He was a dick to her and cheated on her. They looked really happy together but I guess things just don't work out the way you want them too.

After getting ready, putting on some make up and putting my hair up into a loose pony tail I went downstairs to see what Ellie had planned. 

"Chloe sit down" she gestured her hand for me to sit down at the table.

"What is it Ell?" She ignored me.

"Harry come here for a sec" I knew it. He was coming along. He came in from the kitchen with a waffle in his hand and sat across from me. 

"Now" she said clapping her hands together excitedly. "I've got an amazing day for us planned. Since mom and dad would never let us do any of this stuff I'm gonna take this opportunity to do it" she looked from me to Harry back to me. "Firstly me, you and Harry are going to the grocery store to pick up some things". Gee that sounds like the start of an exciting day. "Then were going to the beach of a few hours. And when we come back....Were gonna have a PARTY!" She jumped up and down when she said 'party'. Great just what I needed. To socialize with complete strangers. 

Knowing Ellie, she'd only invite hers and Harry's friends and i'd be the loser little sister who was just their. 

"That sounds great babe!" Harry said getting up from his seat and kissing Ellie on the cheek before running upstairs.

"Yeah, I'm gonna pass" I said shrugging my shoulders and getting up to go into the kitchen. I felt a hand touch my wrist and stop me from walking.

"Erm no I don't think you will pass Chloe. Your coming no matter what. And besides I'm inviting Jake. Y'now the guy youv'e got a crush on!" she nudges my arm with her shoulder and I push her off me quickly.

"What?!" I say defensively. I don't want her to think that I'm not interested in him anymore. Id rather her think that I like some random person that know the real guy. She begins to put on puppy dog eyes and pouts her lips like a little girl. 

"Fine I'll go. But I'm not going the beach. No way" I shrug at her and she nods in agreement.

Harry comes down from upstairs and stands in the hallway. "So you girls ready?" he asks us. "Yeah babe" Ellie replies walking out of the front door before planting a kiss on Harry's cheek. It makes me want to be sick. He watches as Ellie leaves the house and hops into Harry's car. He looks over to me and raises his eyebrows.

"You ready hot stuff" He playfully says. 

"Your disgusting you know that" I say grabbing my purse and pushing past him. He smirks and laughs under his breath. I walk up to his 1967 Black Chevy Impala and climb in the back. He quickly follows after me and we drive off to the store.


Like how i used Sam and Dean's car from Supernatural ;)

I couldn't think of any better car to use...

Hope you guys are liking it so far!

Kinda hard writing this but I hope you got the idea..

I don't really like this one but i hope you all did!


I know thats not really alot compare to some other fan fics but it means alot to me so thankyou!


i love you x

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