Chapter 9-We haven't spoken in months, why now?

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"So, where were you heading anyways?" Cody asked me.

I could see him looking at me, more like staring but I couldn't look at him.

Just looking at him remained me of what hes done. How he just left me for another girl. 

"I was heading into town, I needed to get out of the house". I didn't really want to talk to my ex boyfriend about my sister and her ex (I guess boyfriend now) having sex. 

"Oh, but towns the other way". 

I don't exactly want to say to him 'I was dodging you', as much as i cant stand him right now. I'm not that mean,

"I forgot i don't need it now i guess..Where were you going anyways?"

"I was erm..." he had this look of embarrassment on his face, like he was ashamed of where he was going.

"Coming to see you". What. Why would he do that, we hadn't spoke in months. I kinda have an idea why. He thinks since his girlfriend dumped him that he'd just come running back to me. 

"Oh". I didn't know what else to say. What was i supposed to say. 

"Why?" I questioned why he'd even bother

"I don't want this to sound cheesy but..I missed you. I still do. I've missed us hanging out. Just me and you, y'know". No actually I don't know. I haven't missed us 'hanging out' (If hanging out means making out then no). And i haven't missed 'me and you' time. 

Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, he stops too.

"What..Something wrong?"

"Actually yes. Why? Why are you doing this? You were the one who broke up with me. The only reason you were coming to see me is because your slut of a girlfriend dumped you and you thought that Id take pity on you", my fists began to clench, the anger was raging inside of me.

Cody broke up with me and left so fast that I didn't get chance to take out my anger. Its been boiling up for this very moment.

"Well here's a news flash for you Cody, I'm not. I'm not going to take pity on someone who broke my heart and left me on my own. Do you realize how upset and hurt I was when you did that? When you left  me"

His face hung low, staring at his feet.

"A lot. I didn't eat, sleep or drink for days! I locked myself in my room for days and didn't talk to anybody. You boys just think that you can dump a girl and think that she'll be fine. Well she wont". I felt good getting all this anger out. He deserves it too. 

"I-I'm so-" 

"Don't even bother apologizing" I said cutting him off. I was so angry and worked up I didn't want to look at him. I threw my hands up in the air and walked the other way.

"Just leave me alone. I'm done", walking away i didn't look back. I could feel that he was looking at me. Like he wanted to run after me but if he did. My fists would be colliding with his face.

C o d y

All i wanted was for us to be friends, nothing more. I know what I did was really wrong and I feel like shit for it but did she have to go this far. 

I didn't realize how much pain I've caused her. I wanted to explain why I did what I did but it just wasn't the right time. It never is.


Later on that day

C h l o e

Walking back from town in the pitch black on a Thursday hasn't been my smartest idea yet. Although the street lights were on, i thought at any moment I could be attacked. It was only 7pm and it was pretty dark. I was only 2 minutes away from my house, i could see my mothers car in the driveway..along with Harry's.

What was he still doing here. I thought he would of left by now.

Walking up the steps leading to my front door i swing it open making sure I was heard. And too my surprise, exchanging saliva on the couch was my sister and Harry. Just what I wanted to see right before dinner. My sister and the guy I dream about making out. 


Ellie being the careless sister she is doesn't even realize that I'm back and decides to ignore me. Harry on the other hand, finally acknowledges me.

Breaking from Ellie's lips he mumbles something to her.

"B-baby, your sisters home"

I get sick at the thought of him calling her baby, sometimes I wish it was me who he was calling baby. 

Harry tries to break the kiss but my sister cups her hands around Harry's face and continues to nibble on him. 

"So..I'm just gonna leave you two alone.. again..". Ellie still talking no notice of me carries on locking lips with Harry. That has to be one of the mist disturbing things I've ever seen in my life. As side from the fact of walking in on Ellie and one of her ex's having sex. But that's another story for another day.

Running up the stairs and throwing my coat, gloves and scarf on the floor I fall face down on my double bed. Rolling over to my back i breath in and out.

"Whats wrong with you Chloe? Your helpless when it comes to boys and relationships" I say allowed to myself.

Yes, what is wrong with me. When i eventually do get into a successful relationship, it all backfires. I either end up breaking the boys heart or he breaks mine. The only real relationship I've had was with Cody and look how that turned out. He dumped me for some skinny slut..

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