Chapter 40

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A/N: thank you all for the comments and votes! hope you like this chapter!


"You coming back to mine?" Nathan asked as I left literature. I looked at him and shrugged.

"If it's ok, I need to get some things from my dorm first," I said to him as we walked together.

Nathan nodded his head, "ok. I'll come with you," he noted. I smiled at him as we made our way through students, we finally managed to get outside. I shivered at the cold air.

"When is it December?" I asked confused.

Nathan frowned a little before answering, "next week why?" he asked.

I shrugged, "no reason. Just feels more like winter," I replied.

Nathan nodded his head and wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me into him, "don't worry I'll keep you warm," he teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I have a coat for that," I joked.

Nathan smirked and kissed my cheek swiftly, when he pulled away we had arrived at the dorm block. Nathan and I walked inside and headed up to the floor where my dorm was. I got my key out my pocket as Nathan took my bag and slipped it onto his shoulder.

I unlocked the door and walked inside seeing that Brooke wasn't in. I put my keys on the side when my eyes drifted to the package on my desk, I frowned and went over to it seeing my name scribbled across the top.

"What's that?" Nathan asked coming into the dorm.

I picked up the card and took it out of its envelop and read through it before my eyes widened and I quickly closed the note.

"Nothing," I mumbled quickly and turned back around to face Nathan. He raised an eyebrow at me, "liar," he accused and put my bag down and walked towards me.

I gave him an innocent look, "it's really nothing," I said sweetly.

Nathan rolled his eyes, "of course it's nothing," he said sarcastically, "now how about you stop lying and tell me what it is Lexi."

I shook my head stubbornly as he stood in front of me, "no. It's nothing." I mumbled, "now let it go," I said annoyed.

Nathan chuckled, "love I always find out, so it's best to just tell me now."

I groaned, "there's nothing to tell!"

He just shook his head, "I gave you a chance. Now I'm going to find out the hard way," he said slowly before placing his hands on my waist and he lifted me over his shoulder.

I gasped in shock before I smacked his back, "come on Nathan. Don't be a dick." I whined as he walked towards my bed.

"I warned you," he laughed and gently let me onto my bed. I tried getting back up but Nathan had got on top of me. He took my wrists and pinned them above my head causing my breathing to hitch, "now I'm going to make you pay, he murmured lowly before slowly leaning down.

I watched him silently as my I tried to control my breathing. Nathan moved towards my neck and gently kissed it, his lip ring dug into my neck softly as he moved up my neck.

A sound escaped my mouth which caused my face to flush red. Nathan chuckled softly his breath fanning my neck, "good to know I have such an effect on you," he whispered.

I squirmed a little under his grip but he just kept ahold of me, "I think you should stop that," Nathan groaned.

I stopped moving and looked at him confused before I flushed scarlet once again. Nathan looked down at me, his pupils suddenly dilated and he roughly claimed my lips with his. I returned the kiss and his grip around my wrists moved down my arms and then down to my waist. I lifted my arms around his neck and gripped the back of his head, I grabbed his beanie and threw it on the floor before taking a fistful of his hair in my hands. I gently tugged on it, Nathan bit my lip softly before pulling away. I looked at him confused as I caught my breath, Nathan shrugged off his jacket and then lifted his shirt over his head.

Nathan looked back down at me and then leaned back down. His rough lips joined with my soft ones and they moved together in sync. I gently bit down on his lip making him grip my waist a little more. He licked the bottom of my lip and my face flushed red. Nathan once again pulled away with a small smirk on his lips.

"Now, tell me what was in that note," he ordered.

I groaned, "can we not talk about that," I mumbled and trailed my fingers across his chest.

Nathan shook his head, "tell me," he pressed.

"I don't want to," I said with a little edge to my voice.

Nathan raised an eyebrow, "fine then. I'll just go and read it myself," he said and got off me. I stood up as well and quickly snatched the note from his hands before he had the chance to read it.

Nathan rolled his eyes, "Lexi hand it over now," he ordered.

I shook my head, "no. Why does it matter?"

"Because you are hiding something from me!" he snapped before looking at the package on my desk. He picked it up and unwrapped it. I shoved the note into the back pocket of my jeans and went back over to Nathan trying to get the package but he kept a good hold on it. He took away the wrapping paper and dropped it to the floor before looking at it. I peered around his back and saw a metal love heart. What? I walked around and stood in front of Nathan.

"It's not what you think," I trailed.

Nathan just shook his head before looking me in the eye and I noticed the look of betrayal in his eyes before he glared at me and it disappeared, "I knew it. So what was your lie going to be this time then Alexis?" he snapped.

I winced at my full name, "Nathan it's not what you think I swear! Please listen to me!"

"I listened to you the last time, Lexi. Not anymore. I won't be laughed at," he said harshly and threw the metal heart against the wall causing it to shatter. I jumped slightly as it shattered towards the floor.

Nathan started pacing and ran a hand through his hair. I bit my lip not knowing what to say.

"So how long has it been going on for then?" Nathan said coldly and shot me a glare, "and don't try and deny it there is evidenced!"

"I promise it's not what you think!" I defended, "and no one is laughing at you as there isn't anything to laugh at!"

Nathan turned to look at me and stalked towards me. I moved backwards until I bumped into a wall.

"You are still lying to me!" He shouted in my face. I turned my head away as he punched the wall near my head, "stop lying!" he yelled.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked back at him, "I'm not lying! I would never do that Nathan and deep down you know it!" I retorted.

He scoffed, "the thing is I don't. We have barely spoken to each other about ourselves."

I placed my hands on his face, "listen to me, I would never do this to you. I care too much about you," I whispered as a stray tear fell down my cheek.

Nathan looked at me carefully and guilt flooded over his face before it cleared, "and don't say no one cares about you. Your mother does, so does your sister and Paul. Also so do the guys," I whispered softly.

Nathan placed his hands over mine, "I scared you," he said slowly and took one of my hands and pulled it towards his mouth and placed a soft kiss.

I shrugged, "Nathan it's fine, you did nothing wrong," I whispered.

Nathan shook his head, "but I did. Don't you see Lexi? I always mess things up! I'm no good for you."

I frowned, "hey don't say that. I get to choose if you are good for me or not, not you or my mom or anyone else got it?"

"It's mum not mom," he corrected with a teasing smile.

I laughed softly, "leave me alone," I joked before reaching into my back pocket and got the note out. I took a deep breath and handed it to him.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked confused.

"You need trust in relationships, no lies. So I'm showing you this," I said, "open it," I urged when he did nothing.

He looked at me, "I trust you Lexi it's fine," he replied a little hesitant.

I frowned slightly, "just do it Nathan. Please?" I pleaded.

Nathan sighed before reluctantly opening the note and read it out, "I saw you today with that boyfriend of yours. He's no good for you. You could do better, trust me. He is damage goods, and if you keep around him you will soon be damage goods as well. Break up with him, come to me, love always." Nathan read out loud. His hands scrunched up the note and he looked at me, "a fucking stalker?" he asked with his voice raising slightly, "and who is he to say you can do better? I am fucking amazing not to mention drop dead gorgeous." He muttered his ego obviously bruised. Funny one minute he could be saying that he isn't right for me then the next he's saying he is amazing and that I can't do better than him. He has issues.

I gave a sweet smile and a pat on the shoulder, "of course you are," I said softly, "and well yes but I was handling it with Brooke," I said quickly.

"Brooke knew before I did?" he accused, "and let me guess the flowers and chocolates are from the stalker as well."

I nodded my head slowly, "but we were dealing with it," I answered.

"Oh yeah and how?" he asked sarcastically.

"By not telling you," I replied innocently.

Nathan groaned and began pacing again. I watched the way his muscles in his arms tensed up every now and again.

"Babe I know I'm sexy but now isn't the time to undress me with your eyes," Nathan said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and picked up his t-shirt and threw it at him, "put it on," I mumbled and went over my desk while Nathan did so. I picked out the other notes and handed them to him, "there are these as well," I mumbled.

Nathan took them and quickly read them before he scrunched them all up and threw them in the bin, "why are you only telling me this? When did it start?" he asked harshly.

"First of, control your fucking hormones you change your emotions way too often like a girl on her period and second it started Saturday. I didn't tell you because I guessed you would go crazy and never let me see the day of light again," I retorted.

Nathan rolled his eyes, "I'm going to find who this guy is and beat the shit out of him," Nathan snapped.

I groaned, "and I also didn't tell you because you would do that as well. Nathan just leave it ok? It will stop soon." I said as I walked up to him.

Nathan took a deep breath before pulling me closer to him. He moved his head to my neck and nuzzled in the crook of my neck, "nothing will happen to you," he mumbled.

I leaned my head against his chest, "I know that. I didn't want to keep it as a secret anymore," I whispered.

He tensed up slowly before relaxing, "yeah no secrets," he whispered into my hair but even I could pick out the trace of doubt in his words.


A/N: what do you think? Comment constructive criticism as well if you want! Don't be too harsh :p please vote as well! WHEN YOU COMMENT: how old do you lot think I am? It's really interesting to see how old you think I am haha! comment that as well!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember my question :p please comment and vote! thank you for reading!

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