Chapter 14

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I slip on my combat boots and grab my backpack. I make sure I have my keys, wallet, phone, badge, and handgun and then go down to my car. I hop in and quickly start it. I then begin my drive to the district.

I'm about halfway there when I hear gunshots and watch as my windshield shatters. I quickly pull over into a side alley and put my car in park. I then hide underneath the dash, grab my phone, and dial 911. When the lady answers I say, "This is Detective Evelyn Platt, District 21, Intelligence Unit. My vehicle has just been shot at. I'm in the first alley to the right of 23rd street."

"I've just sent out two patrols to your location. They're both a minute out."

I thank the dispatcher and then end the call. I wait quietly and in no time at all the patrols have arrived. I hear one squad begin to canvas the area and I hear the other's walk towards my car. One officer opens my door and then says, "Evelyn?"

I look up and see my old partner looking at me with concerned eyes. He helps me up and I say, "Hunter. Thank god."

He pulls me into a hug and then says, "Are you hurt?"

I shake my head and say, "I'm a bit rattled but none of the shots hit me so that's good."

He nods and says, "I'm glad to hear that. Now c'mon, let's take you to work."

I nod and grab everything I'll need. I then follow Hunter to his squad car. His partner takes a seat in the back and then we begin our drive to the district. On our way there Hunter says, "Evelyn, this is my new partner Xavier Bushchemi. Xavier, this is my old partner Evelyn Platt."

Xavier and I smile at each other and then he says, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

I smile and then Hunter and I catch up a bit on what the other has been doing for the past couple of months.

In no time at all we've arrived at the district. I say goodbye to Hunter and Xavier and then head inside. As soon as Aunt Trudy sees me she rushes out from behind the desk and pulls me into her tight embrace. When we pull apart she says, "Evelyn sweet heart, are you alright? I was so worried when the call came in."

I smile at her and say, "I'm just fine Auntie. I'm a bit shaken but I'll survive. I didn't get hurt and that's what important."

She nods and then I quickly make my way upstairs.


Hey guys! Thanks for waiting for an update and for 7 320 reads! My cousins are over and the Olympics are very distracting so I'm not sure when the next update will be. -Becca

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